
Paper Details

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117 Sadiq M. Sait and Ghalib A. Al-Hashim
Novel Design of Ubiquitous Data-Centric Automation and Control Architecture
ISA Process Control & Safety Symposium 2015
November 9-12, 2015, Houston, Texas USA.
116 Abdalrahman M. Arafeh and Sadiq M. Sait
Cells Reconfiguration Around Defects in CMOS/Nanofabric Circuits Using Simulated Evolution Heuristic
16th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2015)
March 2-4, 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA.
115 Raed Al-Shaikh and Sadiq M. Sait
High Performance and Grid Computing with Quality of Service Control
15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2014)
June 30 - July 2, 2014, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
114 Umair Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi, Shuji Takahashi and Sadiq M. Sait
An Evaluation of Game Theory for Rip-Up and Re-Routing in Global Routing,
ISCA 29th International Conference on Computers and their Applications (CATA 2014),
March 24-26, 2014, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
113 Zubair A. Baig, Saif Ahmad, and Sadiq M. Sait
Detecting Intrusive Activity in the Smart Grid Communications Infrastructure Using Self-Organizing Maps,
12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2013),
July 16-18, 2013, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
112 Sadiq M. Sait and Abdalrahman M. Arafeh
Tabu Search Based Cells Placement in Nanofabric Architectures with Restricted Connectivity,
14th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) 2013,
March 4-6, 2013, Santa Clara, CA, USA.
111 Umair Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi, Mona Dahb and Sadiq M. Sait,
Finding Multi-Objective Shortest Paths using Memory-Efficient Stochastic Evolution based Algorithm,
The Third International Conference on Networking and Computing, ICNC'12,
December 5-7, 2012, Okinawa, Japan.
110 Sadiq M. Sait and Raed Al-Shaikh
Evaluating QLogic’s Dispersive Routing on High Performance Clusters
UKSim-AMSS 14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation
Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), UK, 28-30 March 2012
109 Sadiq M. Sait and Abdalrahman Arafeh,
Efficient CMOL Nanoscale Hybrid Circuit Cell Assignment Using Simulated Evolution Heuristic
Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2012, GLSVLSI’12,
May 3–4, 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
108 Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi and Sadiq M. Sait,
Multi-Objective Optimal Path Selection in the Electric Vehicles,
17th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB),
January 19-21, 2012, Oita, Japan.
107 Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi and Sadiq M. Sait
Multi-Constrained Route Optimization for Electric Vehicles (EVs) using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Eleventh International Conference of Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2011),
22-24 Nov, 2011, Cordoba, Spain.
106 Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi and Sadiq M. Sait
Multi Constrained Route Optimization for Electric Vehicles Using SimE
Third International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR) 2011, 14-16 October 2011, Dalian, China.
105 Sadiq M. Sait, Muhammed Al-Mulhem, and Raed Al-Shaikh
Evaluating BLAST Runtime Using NAS-Based High Performance Clusters
2011 Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (CIMSiM),
20-22 September 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.
104 Muhammed Al-Mulhem, Sadiq M. Sait, and Raed Al-Shaikh
Performance Evaluation of Intel and Portland Compilers Using Intel Westmere Processor
PDPTA'11 - The 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 18-21 July 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
103 Sadiq M. Sait, Raed Al-Shaikh
Improving the BLAST Runtime Using Diskless High Performance Clusters
ISC 2011: International Supercomputing Conference, 19-23 June, 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
102 Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi, Mona A. El-Dahb, and Sadiq M. Sait
Simulated Evolution (SimE) Based Embedded System Synthesis Algorithm for Electric Circuit Units (ECUs)
Proceedings Part I, Pages: 400-409, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6593,
10th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, ICANNGA 2011, 14-16 April, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
101 Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shiraishi, Mona A. El-Dahb and Sadiq M. Sait
Embedded Systems Synthesis Using Simulated Evolution (SimE) with ECU-Specific Optimization
In the Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Mathematics and Natural Computing, ICCMNC 2011, 22-24 February, 2011, Penang, Malaysia.
99 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed H. Sqalli, and Syed Asadullah
Optimizing OSPF routing using accelerated iterative heuristic
Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases Table of Contents (AIKED 2009), Pages 308-313, Feb 21-23, 2009, Cambridge, UK.
98 Mohammed H. Sqalli, Sadiq M. Sait, and Syed Asadullah
Minimizing the Number of Congested Links in OSPF Routing
The Australasian Telecommunications Networking and Application Conference (ATNAC-2008), December 7-10, 2008, Adelaide, Australia. Pages: 16-21
97 Umair F. Siddiqi and Sadiq M. Sait
Algorithm for Parallel Inverse Halftoning Using Partitioning of Look-Up Table (LUT)
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2008, Page(s):3554 - 3557, 18 – 21 May 2008, Seattle, WA, USA
96 Sadiq M. Sait and Sanaullah Syed
A Parallel Tabu Search Strategy for Cell Placement in VLSI Circuit Design
In Proceedings of 4th IEEE GCC Conference, Towards Techno-Industrial Innovations, Bahrain, 12-14 November, 2007.

Sadiq M. Sait, Khawar S. Khan, Mustafa I. Ali
Parallel Strategies for Stochastic Evolution
Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2007 (ISDA 2007), pages: 813-818, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-24 October 2007.

94 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed H. Sqalli, and Mohammed Aijaz Mohiuddin,
Engineering Evolutionary Algorithm to Solve multi-objective OSPF weight setting problem
The 19th ACS Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2006), Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, December 4-8, 2006.
93 Marwan H. AbuAmara, Sadiq M. Sait, and Abdul Subhan
A Heuristics Based Approach for Cellular Mobile Network Planning
The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC06), Vancouver, Canada, July 2006.
92 Aiman El-Maleh, Sadiq M. Sait, Faisal N. Khan
Finite State Machine State Assignment for Area and Power Minimization
Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), pp. 5303-5306, Island of Kos, Greece, May 2006.
91 Sadiq M. Sait, Ali M. Zaidi, and Mustafa I. Ali
Asynchronous MMC Based Parallel SA Schemes for Multiobjective Standard Cell Placement
Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), pp 4615-4618, Island of Kos, Greece, May 2006.
90 Sadiq M. Sait, Mustafa I. Ali, and Ali M. Zaidi
Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement
In Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC'06) in conjunction with 20th IEEE/ACM International Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS), Rhodes Island, Greece, April 2006.
89 Mohammed H. Sqalli, Sadiq M. Sait, and Mohammed A. Mohiuddin
An Enhanced Estimator to Multi-objective OSPF Weight Setting Problem
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations & Management Symposium (NOMS 2006), pp 240-247, Vancouver, Canada, April 2006.
88 Aiman H. El-Maleh, Syed S. Khursheed, and Sadiq M. Sait
Efficient Static Compaction Techniques for Sequential Circuits based on Reverse Order Restoration Based and Test Relaxation
Proceedings of the 14th Asian Test Symposium (ATS ’05), December 2005, Pages: 378-385, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India.
87 Sadiq M. Sait, Syed Sanaullah, Ali M. Zaidi and Mustafa I. Ali
Comparative Evaluation of Parallelization Strategies for Evolutionary and Stochastic  Heuristics
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005), pp 921-922, Washington D.C., USA, June 2005.
86 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed Faheemuddin, Mahmood R. Minhas and Syed Sanaullah
Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement Using Distributed Genetic Algorithm
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005), pp 1585-1586, Washington D.C., USA, June 2005.

Aiman H. El-Maleh, Syed S. Khursheed, and Sadiq M. Sait
Reverse Order Restoration Based on Test Relaxation and Subsequence Merging for Efficient Static Compaction for Sequential Circuits
IEEE European Test Symposium, Tallinn, Estonia, May 2005.

84 Sadiq M. Sait, Mustafa I. Ali and Ali M. Zaidi
Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement using Distributed Simulated Evolution Algorithm
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Page(s):6226-6229 Vol. 6, Kobe, Japan, May 2005.
83 Umair F. Siddiqi, Sadiq M. Sait and Aamir A. Faqooqui
Parallel Algorithm for Hardware Implementation of Inverse Halftoning
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Page(s):2377-2380 Vol. 3, Kobe, Japan, May 2005.
82 Mahmood R. Minhas and Sadiq M. Sait
A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimizing Multiobjective VLSI Placement
International Conference on Computational Science & its Applications (ICCSA 2005), Singapore, May 2005.
81 Sadiq M. Sait and S. Muzeebur-Rehman
Multicode Carrier CDMA Systems in Multipath Fading Channel
International Conference on Bio- Medical Electronics and Telecommunications BET-04, Vishakapatnam A.P., India, December 2004.
80 Sadiq M. Sait and Muhammad Al-Ismail
Enhanced Simulated Evolution algorithm for Digital Circuit Design yielding faster execution in a larger solution space
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Page(s):1794 - 1799 Vol.2, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2004.
79 Bambang Sarif, Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait and Uthman Al-Saiari
Fuzzified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Efficient Combinational Circuits
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Page(s):1317 - 1324 Vol.2, Portland Oregon, USA, June 2004.
78 Sadiq M. Sait and Junaid A. Khan
Fast Force-Directed/Simulated Evolution for Hybrid Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Vancouver, Canada, Pages:V-53 - V-56 Vol.5, May 2004.
77 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait, Bambang Sarif
Ant colony algorithm for evolutionary design of arithmetic circuits
Microelectronics, 2003. ICM 2003. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on, Cairo, Egypt, 9-11 Dec. 2003 Page(s):198 - 201, December 2003.
76 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait, Bambang Sarif and Uthman Al-Saiari
A Modified Ant Colony Algorithm for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuit
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Canberra, Australia, Page(s):708 - 715 Vol.1, December 2003.
75 Sadiq M. Sait, Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Uthman Al-Saiari, and Bambang Sarif
Digital Circuit Design through Simulated Evolution
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Canberra, Australia, Page(s):375 - 381 Vol.1, December 2003.
74 Sadiq M. Sait, Aiman El-Maleh, and Raslan H. Al-Abaji
Enhancing performance of Iterative Heuristics for VLSI Netlist Partitioning
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems", Sharjah, UAE, Page(s):507 - 510 Vol.2, December 2003.
73 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Ahmar Zakir, Sadiq M. Sait, and Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem
Topological Optimization of Computer Networks subject to fault tolerance and reliability using Iterative Techniques
IEEE 28th Annual conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, October 2003.
72 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Ahmar Zakir, Sadiq M. Sait, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem
Reliability and Fault Tolerance based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part II: Iterative Techniques
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, Page(s):732 - 735 vol.2, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 2003.
71 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Ahmar Zakir, Sadiq M. Sait, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem
Reliability and Fault Tolerance based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part I: Enumerative Techniques
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, Page(s):736 - 739 vol.2, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 2003.
70 Sadiq M. Sait, Halim H. Redhwi, Mohammad Abul-Hamayel, Aymen Kayyal, and Mohammad Al-Ohali
New Era for sustainable technology based development
XX IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks, Lisboa, Portugal, June 2003.
69 Aamir A. Farooqui, Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Sadiq M. Sait
Area-Time Optimal Adder with Relative Placement Generator
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Vol. V, 141-144, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003.
68 Sadiq M. Sait, Aiman El-Maleh and Raslan H. Al-Abaji
Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Multiobjective VLSI Netlist Bi-Partitioning
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Vol. V, pp 457-460, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003.
67 Sadiq M. Sait, Aiman El-Maleh and Raslan Al-Abaji
General Iterative Heuristics for VLSI Multiobjective Partitioning
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Vol. V, pp 497-500, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003.
66 Ahmad Al-Yamani, Sadiq M. Sait, Hassan Barada, and Habib Youssef
Parallel Tabu Search in a Heterogeneous Environment
Proceedings of 17th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, April 2003.
65 Syed H. Ali, Sadiq M. Sait, and Khalid M. Al-Tawil
Perceptions about eLearning in Saudi Arabia
ICASE World Conference on Science & Technology Education, pp 393-399, Penang, Malaysia, April 2003.
64 Sadiq M. Sait, Syed H. Ali, Khalid M. Al-Tawil and Sanaullah Syed
Trends in Internet Usage & its effects in Saudi Arabia
ICASE World Conference on Science & Technology Education, pp 692-700, Penang Malaysia, April 2003.
63 Khalid M. Al-Tawil and Sadiq M. Sait
Use and Effect of Internet in Saudi Arabia
The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 2002.
62 Mohammed A. Tahir, Habib Youssef, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem, Sadiq M. Sait
Fuzzy based Multiobjective Multicast Routing Using Tabu Search
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet Computing 2002, Las Vegas, June 2002.
61 Junaid A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait and Mahmood R. Minhas
Fuzzy Biasless Simulated Evolution for Multiobjective VLSI Placement
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp 1642-1647, May 2002.
60 Junaid A. Khan and Sadiq M. Sait
Fuzzy Aggregating Functions for Multiobjective VLSI Placement
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp 831-836, May 2002.
59 Sadiq M. Sait, Mahmood R. Minhas, and Junaid A. Khan
Performance and Low Power Driven VLSI Standard Cell Placement using Tabu Search
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp 372-377, May 2002.
58 Ahmad Al-Yamani, Sadiq M. Sait, and Hassan R. Barada
HPTS: Heterogeneous Parallel Tabu Search for VLSI Placement
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp 351-355, May 2002.
57 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef and Junaid A. Khan
Fuzzified Iterative Algorithms for Performance Driven Low Power VLSI Placement
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'2001, Austin, September 23-26, 2001.
56 Habib Youssef, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem, Sadiq M. Sait, and Mohammed A. Tahir
QoS-Driven Multicast Tree Generation Using Tabu Search
Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2001). Florida, July 2001.
55 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, Aiman El-Maleh and Mahmood R. Minhas
Iterative Heuristics for Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement
International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks Washington DC, July 14-19, 2001.
54 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef and Junaid A. Khan
Fuzzy Simulated Evolution for Power and Performance Optimization of VLSI Placement
International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks Washington DC, July 14-19, 2001.
53 Aiman Al-Maleh, Sadiq M. Sait and Syed Z. Shazli
Evolutionary meta-heuristic for state justification in sequential ATPG
International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks Washington DC, July 14-19, 2001.
52 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait and Salman A. Khan
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Topology Design
International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks Washington DC, July 14-19, 2001.
51 Junaid A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait, and Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem
Algorithms for Channel Assignment Problem in Wireless Networks
SCI 2001, Orlando, Florida USA, Volume 14, pp 57-62, July 22-25, 2001.
50 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, and Junaid A. Khan
Fuzzy Evolutionary Algorithm for VLSI Placement
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2001. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. pages 1056-1063, 07-11 July 2001.
49 Aiman H. El-Maleh, Sadiq M. Sait, and Syed Z. Shazli
Test Pattern Generation
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2001. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. pages 1019-1025, 07-11 July 2001.
48 Junaid A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait, and Salman A. Khan
A Fast Constructive Algorithm For Fixed Channel Assignment Problem
IEEE 2001 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia, pages 65-68, May 2001.
47 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait and Ali Hussain
Adaptive Bias Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Placement
IEEE 2001 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia, pages 355-358, May 2001.
46 Hassan Barada, Sadiq M. Sait and Naved Baig
Task Matching and Scheduling in Heterogeneous Systems Using Simulated Evolution
10th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop in conjunction with IPDPS 2001, San Francisco, April 2001.
45 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Salman A. Khan
Fuzzy Evolutionary Hybrid Metaheuristics for Network Topology Design
International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO'01, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (A Springer Publication) pages 400-415, March 7-9, 2001.
44 Hassan Barada, Sadiq M. Sait, and Naved Baig
Task Matching and Scheduling in Heterogeneous Computing Environments using Iterative Heuristics
13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Las Vegas, August 2000.
43 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Salman A. Khan
Fuzzy Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Topology Design on Campus Networks
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Diego, USA, July 2000.
42 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, Hassan Barada, and Ahmed Al-Yamani
A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for VLSI Standard-Cell Placement
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Geneva, Switzerland, May 2000.
41 Hasan Çam, Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, and Sadiq M. Sait
A High-Performance Hardware-Efficient Memory Allocation Technique and Design
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'99, Austin, USA, pp 274-276, October 1999.
40 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef and Ali Hussain
Fuzzy Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization of VLSI Placement
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation'', Washington DC, pp 91-97, July 1999.
39 Ta-Cheng Lin, Sadiq M. Sait and Walling R. Cyre
Buffer Size Driven Partitioning for HW/SW Co-Design
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'98, Austin, USA, October 1998.
38 Ta-Cheng Lin, Sadiq M. Sait and Walling R. Cyre
Performance and Interface Buffer Size Driven Behavioral Partitioning for Embedded Systems
9th International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, IEEE Computer Society Sponsored, Leuven, Belgium, April 1998.
37 Sadiq M. Sait Habib Youssef and Munir M. Zahra
Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization
Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'98, SW Louisiana, pp 338-343, February 1998.
36 E. Shragowitz, Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Hakim Adiche
Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Floorplan Design
Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE International Symposium, Applications of Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic Technology. San Diego, CA, Vol 3165, pp. 36–46, 27 July–1 August 1997.
35 Sadiq M. Sait
Synthesis of digital systems in VLSI (Invited Paper and Keynote Address)
The 7th International Conference of Microelectronics, ICM'95, Kuala Lumpur, December 1995.
34 Gerhard F. Beckhoff, Sadiq M. Sait, and Aamir A. Farooqui
Highly reconfigurable RISC data flow array processor for DSP applications
The 6th International Conference of Signal Processing Applications & Technology, ICSPAT'95, Boston, October 1995.
33 Aamir A. Farooqui, Sadiq M. Sait, and Gerhard F. Beckhoff
Data Flow RISC Processor
The 2nd Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems, PART'95, Australia, September 1995.
32 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, Shahid Tanvir and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Timing Influenced General-Cell Genetic Floorplanner
Asia and South-Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC'95, Japan, September 1995.
31 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Khalid Al-Farrah
Timing Influenced Force Directed Floorplanning
European Design Automation Conference with Euro-VHDL, Euro-DAC'95, Brighton, pp 156-161, Sept 1995.
30 Sadiq M. Sait, Aamir A. Farooqui, Gerhard F. Beckhoff
A Novel Technique for Fast Multiplication
IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC, pp 109-114, March 1995.
29 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, Khaled Nassar, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Timing Driven Genetic Algorithm for Placement
IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC, pp 403-409, March 1995.
28 Hassan F. Al-Sukhni, Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
A New Loop Based Scheduling algorithm
IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC, pp 76-81, March 1995.
27 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, Khaled Nassar, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Performance Driven Standard-cell Placement Using the Genetic Algorithm
Fifth Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'95, Buffalo, USA, pp 124-127, March 1995.
26 Sadiq M. Sait, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem, Habib Youssef, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Hardware Specific Optimization in High-level Synthesis
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, ICECS'94, Cairo, pp 418-422, December 1994.
25 Shahid Ali, Sadiq M. Sait, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Application of Tabu Search in High-level Synthesis of Digital Systems
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, ICECS'94, Cairo, pp 423-428, December 1994.
24 Shahid Ali, Sadiq M. Sait, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
GSA: Scheduling and Allocation using Genetic Algorithm
European Design Automation Conference with Euro-VHDL, Euro-DAC'94, Grenoble, pp 84-89, Sept 1994.
23 Sadiq M. Sait, Masud-ul-Hasan, and Khalid Elleithy,
Design of a Cell Library for Formal High-level Synthesis
IEEE Melecon'94, pp 1238-1241, April 1994.
22 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed S. T. Benten, and Asjad M. T. K.
ASIC Design with AHPL
IEEE Melecon'94, pp 1234-1237, April 1994.
21 Khalid Elleithy, Sadiq M. Sait and Masud-ul-Hasan
Formal Design of VLSI Systems
Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM'93, pp 214-219, December 1993.
20 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed S. T. Benten, and A. M. T Khan
ASIC Design from UAHPL Models
Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM'93, pp 237-241, December 1993.
19 Sadiq M. Sait, Habib Youssef, F. Soleja, and Mohammed S. T. Benten
Automated VHDL composition from AHPL
Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM'93, pp 220-224, December 1993.
18 Sadiq M. Sait
UAHPL-DA System and VLSI Design Tools to Support VLSI DA Courses
SUNY Conference on Educational Technology, SUNY College, Oneonta, May 27-28, 1992.
17 Asjad M. T. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait and Gerhard F. Beckhoff
VLSI Implementation of Controllers for Communication Protocols from their Petri Net Models
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, California, May 1992.
16 H. Al-Nuweiri, Sadiq M. Sait and M. Al-Darwish
Efficient Routing of a Class of Permutations in VLSI
BROWN/MIT Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI and Parallel Systems, Providence, March 25-27, 1992.
15 Asjad M. T. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait and Gerhard F. Beckhoff
High Level Synthesis of Controllers for Communication Protocols
Second Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'92, Kalamazoo, pp 114-121, February 1992.
14 Aiman H. El-Maleh and Sadiq M. Sait
A State Machine Synthesizer with Weinberger Arrays
The IEEE Pacific RIM Conference, Victoria, Canada, May 1991.
13 H. Essam, Sadiq M. Sait and Mohammed S. T. Benten
From Digital System Models in UAHPL to Layouts using ULMs
First Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'91, Michigan, March 1991.
12 Mohammed S. T. Benten and Sadiq M. Sait
Automatic Implementation of Data Link Controllers from High Level Language Descriptions of Protocols
First Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'91, Michigan, March 1991.
11 M. Masud, Jaweed Yazdani, and Sadiq M. Sait
Automatic Generation of PCB Layouts from Register Transfer Level Specifications
1989 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Nanjing, China, 08-11 May 1989.
10 Sadiq M. Sait, Ali F. Damati, and Mushfiqur Rahman
A Systolic Algorithm for VLSI Design of a Rate Viterbi Decoder
IEEE Melecon'89, Portugal, April 1989.
09 Sadiq M. Sait and M. Masud
Interfacing UAHPL DA System to Silicon Foundry
First International Conference on Micro-Electronics, ICM'88, Algiers, November 1988.
08 Sadiq M. Sait, Ali F. Damati, and Mushfiqur Rahman
A New Architecture for Viterbi Decoding and Its CMOS VLSI Implementation
31st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Missouri-Rolla, August 1988.
07 M. Atiquzzaman and Sadiq M. Sait
A New Data Loading Technique in Multiprocessor Systems for Image Processing
Proceedings of International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers and Their Applications, MIMI'88, Barcelona, Spain, pp 457-460, June 1988.
06 M. Masud, Sadiq M. Sait, and A. Y. Yaagoub
Automatic Generation of Microprograms for Systems Modeled in RTL
Proceedings of International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers and Their Applications, MIMI'88, Barcelona, Spain, pp 150-153, June 1988.
05 Sadiq M. Sait, Ali F. Damati, and Mushfiqur Rahman
Systolic Architecture Design for Decoding Convolution Codes using Viterbi Algorithm
Proceedings of International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers and Their Applications, MIMI'88, Barcelona, Spain, pp 526-529, June 1988.
04 M. A. Kulaib, Gerhard F. Beckhoff, and Sadiq M. Sait
CMOS Programmable Length First-In, First-Out Memory
2nd International Conference on Microelectronics and Microcomputers, Menouf, Egypt, December 1987.
03 Sadiq M. Sait, M. Masud, and Gerhard F. Beckhoff
Heuristics for Automatic Routing of Cells Placed by UAHPL Silicon Compiler
2nd International Conference on Microelectronics and Microcomputers, Menouf, Egypt, December 1987.
02 Sadiq M. Sait and M. Masud
CAD of Custom VLSI Layouts from RTL Specifications
30th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Syracuse, New York, pp 554-558, August 1987.
01 Sadiq M. Sait
A General Cell Placement Procedure for UAHPL Based DA System
IEEE Proceedings of CompEuro'87 Hamburg, pp 513-514, May 1987.


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Paper Details

30 Mohammed H. Sqalli, Sadiq M. Sait, and Syed Asadullah
Optimizing OSPF Routing for Link Failure Scenarios
The Fifth International Workshop on Advanced Computation for Engineering Applications (ACEA-2010), Taif University, Saudi Arabia, March 9, 2010.
29 Sadiq M. Sait, Halim H. Redhwi, Mohammad Abul-Hamayel, Aymen Kayyal, and Mohammad Al-Ohali.
"New Era for Sustainable Technology Based Development",
Conference on University-Private Sector Partnership in Research and Development, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. April 2005.
28 Sadiq M. Sait, Halim H. Redhwi, Mohammad Abul-Hamayel, Aymen Kayyal, and Mohammad Al-Ohali,
"New Era for sustainable technology based development",
The 4th Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition and Conference, Petrotech2003, Bahrain, September 2003.
27 Sadiq M. Sait and Mahmood R. Minhas,
"GATS: A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Multiobjective Cell Placement in VLSI circuit design",
In proceedings of 10th IEEE Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, March 2003.
26 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem, Ahmer Zakir,
"Reliability based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part II: Iterative Techniques",
In proceedings of 10th IEEE Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, March 2003.
25 Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait, Abdulaziz S. Al-Mulhem, Ahmer Zakir,
"Reliability based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part I: Enumerative Techniques",
In proceedings of 10th IEEE Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, March 2003.
24 Atif Tahir, Habib Youssef, A. Almulhem and Sadiq M. Sait.
"Multicast Tree Generation Using Tabu Search",
In Proceedings of Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, 14-16 Dec. 2002, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
23 Sadiq M. Sait, Aiman H. El-Maleh, and Raslan H. Al-Abaji,
"Evolutionary Heuristics for Multiobjective VLSI Netlist Bi-Partitioning",
In Proceedings of Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, 14-16 Dec. 2002, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
22 Salman A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait,
"A Methodology for Network Topology Design Using Fuzzy Evaluations",
In Proceedings of Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, 14-16 Dec. 2002, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
21 Salman A. Khan, Syed Z. Shazli, Junaid A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait,
"Distance Education and its Prospects in Saudi Arabia",
In Proceedings of First Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 Nov. 2000, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 1, pp 81-85.
20 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and M. Ahsan Siddiqui,
"Data Flow Graph Allocation to Array Processors using Genetic Algorithm",
18th National Computer Conference, NCC'2000, Dhahran, KSA. November 2000.
19 Sadiq M. Sait,
"KFUPM Science Park (PASP): A new era for sustainable Technology Based Development",
Invited talk in 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM- Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 2002.
18 Sadiq M. Sait,
"IT in Saudi Arabia - Status and Trends",
Invited talk, organized by DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst), German Academic Exchange Service, University of Akhawayn, Ifrane, Morocco, October 2002.
17 Khalid M. Al-Tawil and Sadiq M. Sait,
"eGovernance - Where We Stand?",
in Workshop on Fostering Digital Inclusion - The Role of ICT in Development, Amman, Jordan, October 6-9, 2000.
16 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Salman Khan,
"Topology Design of Structured Campus Networks",
In proceedings of the 7th IEEE Annual Technical Exchange meeting, Dhahran, 18-19 April, 2000.
15 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait, and Salman Khan,
"A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Switched Campus Network Design",
18th National Computer Conference, NCC'2000, Dhahran, KSA. November 2000.
14 Habib Youssef, Sadiq M. Sait and Osama Al-Haj Isa,
"Computer Aided Design of Structured Backbones"
NCC National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, October 1997.
13 Sadiq M. Sait and Talal Maghrabi,
"Component Selection and Pipelining using Stochastic Evolution Algorithm"
NCC National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, October 1997.

Aamir A. Farooqui, Gerhard F. Beckhoff, and Sadiq M. Sait,
"Design, Modeling, and Implementation of a RISC Data Flow Array Processor",
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Kuwait, March 1995.

11 Mohammed S. T. Benten, Sadiq M. Sait, Asjad M. T. Khan,
"Load Balancing: A genetic approach",
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Kuwait, March 1995.
10 Sadiq M. Sait, K. Abdul Aziz and Mohammed S. T. Benten,
"A Framework for the VLSI Implementation of a Systolic Tree Based Data Structures",
HCST, Applied Science University, Jordan, August 1994.
09 Mohammed S. T. Benten, Sadiq M. Sait, A. Maasrani, and Habib Youssef,
"RTL Structural Synthesis from Behavioral Descriptions in a Unix Environment"
NCC, National Computer Conference and Exhibition, Riyadh, November 1992, pp 279-299.
08 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed S. T. Benten, and Asjad M. T. Khan,
"VLSI CAD: The Saudi Arabian Experience"
NCC, National Computer Conference and Exhibition, Riyadh, November 1992, pp 611-623.
07 Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed S. T. Benten, and Habib Youssef,
"Modeling in VHDL for UAHPL Natives"
NCC, National Computer Conference and Exhibition, Riyadh, November 1992, pp 672-692.
06 Sadiq M. Sait,
"From CLUs in UAHPL To Optimal Weinberger Arrays",
NCC, National Computer Conference and Exhibition, Riyadh, October 1990, 807-821.
05 M. A. Al-Rashed and Sadiq M. Sait,
"An Efficient Algorithm for Weinberger Array Folding",
GESS'90, Gulf Expert Systems Symposium, Kuwait, May 1990, pp C43-C57.
04 F. A. Al-Khulaiwi and Sadiq M. Sait,
"Automatic Weinberger Synthesis from a UAHPL Description",
GESS'90, Gulf Expert Systems Symposium, Kuwait, May 1990, pp C70-C82.
03 M. Masud, J. Yazdani, and Sadiq M. Sait,
"PCB Layouts from RTL Descriptions: An Automated Approach",
NCC National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, March 1989, pp 2-13.
02 Sadiq M. Sait and M. Masud,
"Development of VLSI Design Facility at KFUPM",
NCC National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, March 1989, pp 613-623.
01 Sadiq M. Sait and M. Masud,
"An Approach to Automate VLSI Design",
NCC, National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, February 1988, pp 190-205.

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