King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Electrical Engineering Department

                                                                                           Mohammed Zahed Mustafa Khan

  Associate Professor

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    Publications after 2015 are available on ORLab's Publication Page

    Year 2015

    Journal Articles


    J19 H. H. Alhashim, M. Z. M. Khan, M. A. Majid, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “InAs/GaAs quantum-dot intermixing: comparison of various dielectric encapsulants”, Optical Engineering, vol. 54(10), pp.107107, Oct 2015. (PDF)


    J18 H. H. Alhashim, M. Z. M. Khan, M. A. Majid, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi,”Sub-1100 nm lasing from post-growth intermixed InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers”, Electronics Letters, vol. 51(18), pp.1444-1445, Sep 2015. (PDF)


    J17 M. Z. M. Khan, H. H. Alhashim, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi,” High-power and High-efficiency 1.3 µm superluminescent diode with flat-top and ultra-wide emission bandwidth”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 7(1), Feb 2015. (PDF)


    Conferences and Proceedings


    C27 (Invited talk) T. K. Ng, C. Zhao, B. Janjua, A. Gasim, A. Prabaswara, U. Buttner, Y. Yang, D. Priante, P. Mishra, Md. Sharizal Alias, C. Shen, H-Y. Liao, M. Z. M. Khan, and B. S. Ooi, “Quantum-disk nanowires array emitters grown using molecular beam epitaxy - potential for closing the "green gap"”, 5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 Oct 2015.

    C26 (Invited Talk) B. S. Ooi, M. Z. M. Khan, and T. K. Ng, “Recent progress on InAs/InP quantum dash nanostructures and devices”, 10th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, Alaska, USA, 13 – 16 September 2015.


    C25 (Invited Talk) S. Rauf, A. Ben-Slimane, H. Liao, M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, "Epitaxial lifted-off micron sized light emitting diodes (LEDs) for optoelectronic integration", 14th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, Islamabad, Pakistan, 12-16 October 2015.


    C24 M. Z. M. Khan, H. H. Alhashim, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “Efficient O – band superluminescent diode with wide optical bandwidth and high power”, paper 59, Optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modeling workshop (OWTNM) 2015, London, United Kingdom, 18 April 2015.


    C23 (Invited Talk) B. S. Ooi, R. T. Alefandy, A. Ben-Slimane, M. A. Majid, H. Liao, M. Z. M. Khan, and T. K. Ng, "“Exfoliation of GaN Nanomembrane and InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes Epitaxy”, 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, June-July 2015.


    Year 2014

    Journal Articles


    J16 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “Self-assembled InAs/InP quantum dots and quantum dashes: Material structures and devices”, Progress in Quantum Electronics, vol. 38(6), pp. 237-313, 2014. (PDF)


    J15 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, ”High-performance 1.55µm superluminescent diode based on broad gain InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum dash active region”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 6(4), Aug 2014. (PDF)


    J14 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, C-S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and B. S. Ooi, "Investigation of chirped InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum dash lasers as broadband emitters" IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 50(2), Feb 2014. (Appeared on the Cover Page, Jan/Feb 2014 Issue). (PDF)


    Conferences and Proceedings


    C22 (Invited Talk) M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, ”InAs/InP quantum dash nanostructure based broadband emitters: A step towards energy efficient optical communication”, 226th Electrochemical Society's State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS) symposium, Cancun, Mexico, Oct 2014.


    C21 H. A. Hashim, M. A. Majid, M. Z. M Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “InAs/GaAs quantum-dots bandgap engineering for photonic integrated circuits” 3rd Saudi International Nanotechnology Conference and Workshop, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec 2014.


    C20 H Liao A. Prabaswara, A. Ben-Slimane, M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “Color tunable epitaxial-lifted-off micro-InGaN-LEDs for optoelectronic integration”, 3rd Saudi International Nanotechnology Conference and Workshop, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec 2014.


    C19 M. A. Majid, H. H. Alhashim, M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, “Simultaneous five-state lasing from intermixed InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser", (Paper 9267) SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Beijing, China Oct 2014.


    C18 (Invited Talk) M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, and Boon S. Ooi," Wide gain bandwidth InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum dashes for broadband emitter applications", 225th Electrochemical Society's Seventh International Symposium on Integrated Opto-electronic, Florida, USA, May 2014.


    Year 2013

    Journal Articles


    J13 M. Z. M. Khan, M. A. Majid, T. K. Ng, D. Cha, and B. S. Ooi, "Simultaneous quantum dash-well emission in a chirped dash-in-well superluminescent diode with spectral bandwidth > 700 nm", Optics Letters, vol. 38(19) Oct 2013. (PDF)


    J12 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, Chi-Sen. Lee, D. H. Anjum, D. K. Cha, P. Bhattacharya, and B. S. Ooi, "Distinct lasing operation from chirped quantum-dash laser", IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 5(4), p. 1501308, 2013. (PDF)


    J11 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, C. S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and Boon S. Ooi," Chirped InAs/InP quantum-dash laser with enhanced broad spectrum of stimulated emission", Applied Physics Letters. vol. 102, p. 091102, 2013. (PDF)


    Conferences and Proceedings


    C17 M. Z. M. Khan, M. A. Majid, Tien K. Ng, and Boon S. Ooi, "High Performance InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Superluminescent Diode at 1.55 µm", IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) 2013, USA, Sep 2013.


    C16 (Invited Talk) M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng and B. S. Ooi, International meeting on frontiers of physics IMFP 2013, Malaysia, Aug 2013.


    C15 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, and Boon S. Ooi," Chirped InGaAlAs barrier thickness InAs/InP quantum-dash nanostructures for broadband emitters", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June/July 2013.


    C14 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, C. -S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and Boon S. Ooi," Extremely wide lasing bandwidth from InAs/InP quantum-dash ridge-waveguide laser near 1.6 µm", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2013, USA, June 2013.


    C13 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, and Boon S. Ooi," Numerically Investigating the cause of Broadband Lasing from InAs/InP Quantum-dash Laser", International Conference on Electronics, Communication, and Photonics (SIECPC) 2013, Saudi Arabia, April 2013. (Best Student Paper Award: Oral)


    C12 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, C. -S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and Boon S. Ooi," Effect of optical waveguiding mechanism on the lasing action of chirped InAs/AlGaInAs/InP quantum dash lasers Laser ", SPIE Photonics West 2013, USA, Feb 2013.


    Year 2012

    Journal Articles


    J10 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, U. Schwingenschlogl, and B. S. Ooi, "Spectral Analysis of Quantum Dash Lasers: Effect of Inhomogeneous Broadening of the Active Gain Region," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 48(5), pp. 608-615, 2012. (PDF)


    J09 T. K. Ng, M. Z. M. Khan, A. A. Al-Jabr, and B. S. Ooi, "Analysis of CMOS Compatible Cu-based TM-Pass Optical Polarizer", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24(9), pp. 724-726, 2012. (PDF) 



    Conferences and Proceedings


    C11 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, C. -S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and Boon S. Ooi," Influence of Vertical Coupling on the Lasing Operation of Quantum-Dash Laser ", Photonics global conference (PGC 2012), Singapore, Dec 2012. (Shortlisted in top 7 for the Best Student Paper Award: Oral)


    C10 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, C. -S. Lee, P. Bhattacharya, and Boon S. Ooi," Emission Dynamics of InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Laser", Asian communication and photonics conference (ACP), Guanzhou, China, Nov 2012. (Shortlisted in top 7 for the Best Student Paper Award: Oral)



    Year 2011

    Journal Articles


    J08 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, Udo Schwingenschlogl, and Boon S. Ooi, "Effect of the number of stacking layers on the characteristics of quantum-dash lasers", Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 14, 2011. (PDF)


    J07 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, Udo Schwingenschlogl, and Boon S. Ooi, "Modeling the lasing spectra of InAs/InP Quantum Dash Lasers", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, p. 101105, 2011. (PDF)


    Conferences and Proceedings


    C09 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng, U. Schwingenschlogl, and B. S. Ooi, “Theoretical Observation of Two State Lasing from InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Lasers,” International conference of numerical simulation of optoelectronic devices (NUSOD 2011), Rome, Italy, Sep 2011


    C08 M. Z. M. Khan, T. K. Ng and B. S. Ooi, "Effect of Carrier Relaxation Lifetime on the Performance of InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Lasers," International conference on high-capacity optical networks and emerging technologies (HONET 2011), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec 2011.


    C07 (Invited Talk) M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng and Boon S. Ooi, "Recent progress on broad gain InAs/InP based quantum dash/dot lasers " International conference ICMAT 2011, Singapore, April 2011.


    Years 2005-2010

    Journal Articles


    J06 M. Z. M. Khan and H. A. Jamid, “Full-vectorial analysis of high-index-contrast coupled channel waveguides”, Applied Optics, vol. 48, no. 22, Aug 2009. (PDF)


    J05 M. Z. M. Khan, "Low loss optical waveguide crossing based on octagonal resonant cavity coupling", Optoelectronics Letters, vol. 5, no. 3, pp 198-201, May 2009. (PDF)


    J04 H. A. Jamid and M. Z. M. Khan, “A numerical approach for full-vectorial analysis of three dimensional guided wave structures with multiple and strong longitudinal discontinuities”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 2, February 2009. (PDF)


    J03 H. A. Jamid and M. Z. M. Khan, “A non-iterative formulation for 2D optical waveguide discontinuity problems based on Padé approximants”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, no. 7, April 2008. (PDF)


    J02 H. A. Jamid and M. Z. M. Khan, “Three dimensional full-vectorial analysis of strong optical waveguide discontinuities using Padé approximants”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 43, no. 4, April 2007. (PDF)


    J01 H. A. Jamid, M. Z. M. Khan and M. Ameeruddin, "A compact 90° three-branch beam splitter based on resonant coupling", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology,  vol. 23, no: 11, p: 3900-3906, Nov 2005. (PDF)



    Conferences and Proceedings


    C06 Tien K. Ng, M. Z. M. Khan, and Boon S. Ooi, "Integrated Cu-based TM-pass Polarizer using CMOS Technology Platform", Photonics global conference (PGC 2010), Singapore, Dec 2010.


    C05 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng, Udo Schwingenschlögl and Boon S. Ooi, "The Influence of Quantum-Dash Height on the Differential Gain and Linewidth Enhancement Factor of InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Lasers", International conference HONET 2010, Egypt, Dec 2010.


    C04 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng and Boon S. Ooi, “Effect of active medium inhomogeneity on lasing characteristics of InAs/InP quantum-dash lasers”, Photonics global conference (PGC 2010), Singapore, Dec 2010. (Best Student Paper Award: Oral)


    C03 M. Z. M. Khan, Tien K. Ng and Boon S. Ooi, “Characteristics of Quantum Dash Laser under the Rate Equation Model Framework”, International conference of numerical simulation of optoelectronic devices (NUSOD 2010), Georgia, USA, Sep 2010.


    C02 M. Z. M. Khan and H.A. Jamid, "An Efficient MoL-BPM technique for the Analysis of Optical Waveguide discontinuities” International conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS 2008), India, December 2008.


    C01 M. Z. M. Khan and H.A. Jamid, "Analysis of Asymmetrically coupled guided wave deep grating structures using the Method of Lines", International conference COIN-ACOFT , Melbourne, Australia, June 2007.


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