Robert A. Opoku, Ph.D.
Being a life-long learner is absolutely imperative in today's "Information Age". In this millennium, the torrid pace of technological, political and socioeconomic change, the increasingly interdependent and competitive world economy and a rapidly diversifying work force compels, more than ever before, university/college professors to be life-long students. This is necessary not only to maintain currency in our profession, but also to keep abreast with the world around us so that we can all be more effective 'problem solvers' rather than 'problem makers'. Against this background, I am part of the following academic and practitioner groups. Besides, I have been attending the following training workshops and seminars to help keep me abreast with new developments in academia:
1.Member, Academy of Marketing Science, USA [website]
2. Member, Academy of Marketing, UK [website]
3. MAG Scholar, Marketing in Asia Group
1. Full Member (MCIM), Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK [Website]
2. Certified Member (CEC™) and Member of the Advisory Board, Institute of Certified e-Commerce Consultants, USA [Website]
3. Full Member [MGIM], Ghana Institute of Management
4. Full Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana [Website]
1. Establishing up a Fair and Valid Grading Process for Students, organised by Teaching and Learning Center, Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, December 13, 2010. Facilitator: Thomas D. Erwin, PhD, Professor of Leadership Studies and Psychology, James Madison University, Virginia, USA
2. Strategies for Success in Grant Proposal Writing, organised by Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, May 11& 12, 2009. Facilitators: Charles E. Dunlap, PhD, Senior Program Manager, and Mr. Eldar Imanverdiyev, Program Manager, United States Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), USA
3. Informal Learning, organised by Teaching & Learning Center, Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, September 8, 2008. Facilitator: Prof. Paul Blackmore, Director, King's College Institute of Learning & Teaching, King's College, London
4. Linking Research and Teaching, organised by Teaching & Learning Center, Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, September 7, 2008. Facilitator: Prof. Paul Blackmore, Director, King's College Institute of Learning & Teaching, King's College, London.
5. Feedback to Promote Learning, organised by Teaching & Learning Center, Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia May 6, 2008.Facilitator: Prof. Sergio J. Piccinin, Ex-Director of University Teaching Center, University of Ottawa, Canada
6.Good Teaching & Effective Lecturing organised by the Deanship of Academic Development, Teaching & Learning Center, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 14 November 2007. Facilitator: Prof. James E. Groccia, Director of Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Auburn University, Alabama, USA.
7.Teaching for Learning, organised by the
Deanship of Academic Development, Teaching & Learning Center, KFUPM, Saudi
Arabia, 1-2 September,2007. Facilitators: Dr.
Sergio J. Piccinin, Ex-Director of University Teaching Center, University of
Ottawa, Canada and Dr. Brian D. Wagner, Professor & Chair, Chemistry Department,
University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
1.Eleven Ways to improve Teaching Performance” organised by Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, September 19, 2010. Facilitator: Dr. Peter Seldin, Distinguished Professor of Management, Pace University, Pleasantville, New York, USA
2. Making the Institution Student-Centered”, organised by Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, September 19, 2010. Facilitator: Dr. Dee Fink, Professional Consultant in Higher Education, Oklahoma, USA
3. Pursuing Excellence: The Invariant Individual and Enterprise, Organised by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals and Jiwa International as part of KFUPM Executives Development Program, November 04, 2009, Full Day. Facilitator: Dr. Tom Peters, World's renowned Management Consultant and Guru of Gurus in Management
4. Considerations for the Development and Use of Open-Ended Examination Questions, Organised by the Testing & Evaluation Center of Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 12 April 2008. Facilitator: Dr. Neal Kingston, Associate Professor of Psychology and Research in Education, School of Education, University of Kansas, USA.
Faculty Development Programs [PDF 19KB]