Robert A. Opoku, Ph.D.
In conducting academic research, I have had some collaborations with colleagues with similar research interests all over the world.
As a junior faculty member, I plan to continue to be active in applied research leading to publications and
to participate in conferences, workshops and programs that would enhance my
effectiveness as an up and coming academic. Find
below a snapshot of my research interests and works:
My research interests in marketing are very broad and eclectic. However, I am particularly tingled with and have a strong interest in the marketing-information technology interface. Specifically, my primary research interests lie in:
1. Application of the Internet in Marketing
2. Online Marketing Communications
3. Brand Management and Destination/Place Marketing
4. Young Adult Consumers and Decision Making
5. Social Consequences of Electronically-mediated Communication
1.Opoku, R. A. and Blay, V. (2011), Employees' Perception of Market Orientation in the Banking Industry: A Case from a Developing Country, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 139-152
2.Opoku, R. A. and Abdul-Muhmin, A.G. (2010), Housing Preference and Attribute Importance among low-income Saudi Consumers, Habitat International,Vol.34, No.2, pp.219-227 Download Abstract
3.Opoku, R. A. (2009), Mapping Destination Personality in Cyberspace: An Evaluation of Country Web Sites Using Correspondence Analysis, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 8, No.1-2, pp. 70-87 [Download Abstract]
4. Opoku. R. A., Caruana, A., Pitt, L., Berthon, P., Wahlstrom, A. and Nel, D.(2009), Online Communication of Brand Personality: A Study of MBA Programs of Top Business Schools, Journal of General Management, Vol.35, No.1, Autumn, pp. 47-64[Download Abstract]
5. Opoku, R. A. and Akorli, P. A. K. (2009), The Preference Gap: Ghanaian Consumers' Attitudes Toward Local and Imported Products, African Journal of Business Management, Vol.3, No.8, pp. 350-357.[Download full article]
6. Opoku, R. A., Atuobi-Yiadom, N., Chong, S. C. and Abratt, R.(2009), The Impact of Internal Marketing on the Perception of Service Quality in Retail Banking: A Ghanaian Case, Journal of Financial Services Marketing,Vol.13, No.4,pp.317-329[Download Abstract]
7. Opoku, R. A., Hultman, M. and Salehi-Sangari, E.(2008), "Positioning in Marketspace: The Evaluation of Swedish Universities’ Online Brand Personalities", Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Vol.18, No. 1, pp. 124-144 [Download Abstract]
8.Berthon, J-P., Opoku, R. A. Pitt, L. F., and Nel, D. (2007), "Brand Management and Strategic Performance: Some Evidence from South Africa", Journal of African Business, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 27-40 [Download Abstract]
9.Opoku, R. A., Pitt, L. F., and Abratt, R. (2007), "Positioning in Cyberspace: Evaluating Bestselling Authors' Online Communicated Brand Personalities Using Computer-Aided Content Analysis," South African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 21-32 [Download Abstract]
10. Boadi, R. A., Boateng, R., Hinson, R., and Opoku, R. A. (2007), "Preliminary Insights into M-Commerce Adoption in Ghana", Information Development, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 253-265[Download Abstract]
11.Opoku, R. A., Abratt, R., Bendixen, M. and Pitt, L. (2007), "Communicating Brand Personality: Are The Websites Doing The Talking For Food SMEs?" Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 362-374[Download Abstract]
12.Behesti, H. M., Hultman, M; Jung, M-L., Opoku, R. A. and Salehi-Sangari, E., (2007), "Electronic Supply Chain Management Applications by Swedish SMEs", Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 1, No 2, May, pp. 255-268 [Download Abstract]
13. Pitt, L. Opoku, R. A., Hultman, M., Abratt, R. and Spyropoulou, S. (2007), "What I Say About Myself: Communication of Brand Personality by African Countries", Tourism Management, Vol.28, No.3, pp. 835-844[Download Abstract].
14.Opoku, R. A., Pitt, L. F., and Abratt, R. (2006), "Communicating Brand Personality: Are the Websites Doing The Talking For The Top South African Business Schools?" Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 14, No. 1-2, September, pp. 20-39 [Download Abstract]
1.Opoku, R. A. and Abdul-Muhmin, G. A. (2011), Peer group influence and product purchase decision of young Saudi adult males, in C. Campbell (Ed.), The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientation in a Dynamic Business World, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial World Marketing Congress 2011, organized by Academy of Marketing Science, USA in Reims, France from July 20-23, 2011, Vol. XV, ISSN: 0889-3071, pp. 772-775
2. Opoku, R. A. and Blay, E.V.(2010), "The Importance of Market Orientation in the Banking Industry: The Ghanaian Case", in E. Y. Kim (Ed.), Marketing in a Turbulent Environment (Proceedings of 2010 Global Marketing Conference) organised by Korean Academy of Marketing Science and Society for Marketing Advances, Tokyo, Japan, from September 9-12, ISSN: 1976-8699 (Full Abstract CD-Rom), pp. 1098-1102
3. Jung, M-L., Hultman, M., Opoku, R. A. and Saheli-Sangari, E. (2007), "Internet Usage in Supply Chain Management and its impact on Overall Efficiency: Swedish SMEs' Perspective", 2007 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coral Gables, Florida from 23-27 May, 2007
4. Hinson, R., Owusu, R. Opoku, R. A. and Abekah, N. G. (2007), "The Internet for marketing in Ghana’s banking sector", 8th Annual International Conference of International Academy of African Business and Development, London Metropolitan University, UK from 29th May to 2nd June, 2007 [Download Program Copy] PDF 454KB
5. Opoku, R. A. and Hultman, M. (2007), "Towards a Framework of Web Performance Evaluation: A Literature Review and Measurement Classification", In C. DeMoranville (Ed.), Marketing and Practice in an Inter-functional World (Proceedings on 13th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy from 11-14 July, Full Text, pp.71-76 [Download Full Text]
6. Hultman M., Jung M-L., Opoku, R. A. and Saheli-Sangari, E. (2007), "Justifying Your Price Online: an investigation of some academic associations’ online communication of membership benefits", In C. DeMoranville (Ed.), Marketing and Practice in an Inter-functional World (Proceedings on 13th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy from 11-14 July, Full Text, pp. 123-127 [Download Full Text]
7. Boadi, R. A, Shaik, A.G., Hinson, R. E. and Opoku, R. A. (2007), Mobile Commerce in Ghana: Case Studies of Farmers and Fishermen, 8th Annual International Conference of International Academy of African Business and Development, London Metropolitan University, UK from 29th May to 2nd June [Download Conference Program] PDF 454KB
8. Hultman, M. and Opoku, R. A. (2005), Communication of brand Personalities through African Tourism Websites, A competitive paper presented at The 5th American Marketing Association/Academy of Marketing Joint Biennial Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, 5-7 July, pp. 28 (Abstract and CD-ROM) [Conference Website]
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1. Opoku, R. A. (2007), Leadership and ICT: A Catalyst for Business Success in Africa, Journal for Convergence, 8 (1), pp. 56-59[Download A Copy Of This Article] PDF 3229KB
2. Opoku, R. A. (2006), Building the Ghana Brand, Journal for Convergence, 7 (3), pp. 20-21 [The Renowned South African Boardroom Journal] [Download A Copy Of This Article] 3556KB
3. Opoku, R. A. (2004), The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship to the Ghanaian Economy, The Ghanaian Herald, Issue 7 (May), pp. 11[Lead article at the Business and Finance Column]
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