
Nowadays, it would be great if those who want to contact me do so in the cyberspace. My preferred touch point is email. I am also very active on Skype and social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, this should not deter those who are not 'tech sauvy' or 'Internet maven' yet would like to contact me. Instead, they can conveniently do so via my 'snail mail' address below:

Robert A. Opoku, Ph.D.,MCIM,CEC                                                                                                      Assistant Professor of Marketing                                                                                                        Dept. of Management & Marketing
College of Industrial Management
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
P.O. Box 5074, Dhahran 31261
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Tel (Main Office):    +966 3 860 2676/1741
Fax:                     +966 3 860 2544
Office Location:       Building 24 Room 274
Direct Dial:             + 966 3 860 7519
e-Fax:                   +1 412 202 6064

Private Postal Address: Box #259, KFUPM
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

       Contact Details



