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Research Papers in Professional and Reviewed
Journals |
Zaki Ahmad, M. Ghaffelehbashi and Nategh,
"The corrosion resistance of high Mn, Cu-Al alloys in seawater,"
Anti-Corrosion, U.K. 33(8), Aug. (1974), p.1317. |
Zaki Ahmad, M. Ghaffelehbashi, Nategh and Jehanfar,
"Inhibition of copper in aggressive environments," Metaux,
France, L(21), (1975). |
Zaki Ahmad and D. G. George, "Corrosion
problems in Iran," British Journal of Corrosion, 11(3), Sep. (1976),
p.11. |
Zaki Ahmad, "Corrosion resistance of
cast Al-Bronze containing Cr and Si additions," British Journal of
Corrosion, 11(4), Dec. (1976), p.149. |
Zaki Ahmad and N. Mardani, "The effect
of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of B-Aluminum Bronze
containing Cr and Si additions," Metaux, France, 623-624, Aug. (1977),
p.3. |
Zaki Ahmad,
"Inhibition of pitting of stressed 18-8 steel," Corrosion, NACE, 33(5),
May (1977), p.161. |
Zaki Ahmad and F. Afsher, "The effect
of tin addition on the corrosion resistance of Al-Bronze,"
Anti-Corrosion, U.K., 24(1), Jan. (1977), p.1. |
A. Soorudi, P. Devami and Zaki Ahmad,
"Effect of chromium addition on new corrosion resistant Al-Bronze,"
Metallurgy and Metal Forming, USA, 44(2), Feb. (1977), p.63.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Mardani,
"Effect of iron addition on the corrosion behavior of Cu-6, Al-0.8,
Mn-0.3 Cr alloy," Metaux, France, 633, May (1978), p.156.
Zaki Ahmad,
"The effect of iron addition on the corrosion resistance and mechanical
properties of modified aluminum bronze with chromium addition,"
Anti-Corrosion, U.K., 25(7), Jul. (1978), p.10. |
Zaki Ahmad,
"Optimization of chromium for corrosion resistance in aluminum bronze
with and without Fe additions," Anti-Corrosion, U.K., 25(8), Aug.
(1978), p.1. |
Zaki Ahmad, "Improvement of the
mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Cu-Al 6.0 by Si and Mn
addition," Werkstoffe und Korrosion, Germany, 30, (1979), pp.433-438.
Zaki Ahmad,
"A comparative study of the corrosion behavior of aluminum bronze on
70-30 brass in acid and neutral solutions," Anti-Corrosion, U.K.,
27(10), Oct. (1980), p.155. |
Zaki Ahmad and P. Devami, "The
corrosion resistance of austenitic 18 Cr-37 Ni alloy in alkaline acid
and neutral solution," Corrosion, Boskou Gijustu, Japan, 29(12), Dec.
(1980), p.595. |
Zaki Ahmad, "Corrosion and corrosion
prevention of aluminum alloys in desalination plants," Anti-Corrosion,
U.K., Part I, 28(6), Jun. (1981), p.4.
Zaki Ahmad,
"Corrosion and corrosion prevention of aluminum alloys in desalination
plants," Anti-Corrosion, U.K., Part II, 28(7), Jul. (1981), p.4.
Zaki Ahmad,
"Crevice corrosion studies of Al-3 Mg in North Sea water," Metaux,
France, LVI(671-72), Jul.-Aug. (1981), p.262.
Zaki Ahmad,
"Effect of velocity on the corrosion behavior of Al-3 Mg in North Sea
water," Metaux, France, LVII(667), (1982), p.11.
Zaki Ahmad, "Corrosion and corrosion
inhibition of Al-Mg in North Sea water," Arabian Journal for Science and
Engineering, 6(3), (1982), p.219.
Zaki Ahmad and S.
"Application potential of a modified aluminum alloy in Arabian Gulf
desalination plants," Desalination, 44, (1983), pp.256-276.
Zaki Ahmad and S. Rashidi, "Corrosion
resistance and mechanical properties of a modified aluminum alloy and
its potential application under desalination conditions," Arabian
Journal for Science and Engineering, 8(3), (1983), p.229.
Zaki Ahmad and H. Meisner, "Long-term
testing of aluminum alloys in Arabian Gulf water," Anti-Corrosion, U.K.,
31(11), Nov. (1984).
Zaki Ahmad, "The mechanism of pitting
of aluminum and its alloys," Aluminum Verlag, West Germany, Haft 2,
Jahargang 61, Feb. (1985).
Zaki Ahmad, "The effect of velocity on
the open circuit potential and corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys,"
Editions, Metaux, Corrosion Industrie, France, 729, Oct. (1985), p.729.
Zaki Ahmad,
"Development of new materials for desalination," Anti-Corrosion, U.K.,
33(1), Jan. (1986), p.3.
Zaki Ahmad, "The kinetics of anodic and
cathodic polarization of Al and its alloys," Anti-Corrosion, U.K.,
33(11), Nov. (1986), pp.4-11.
Zaki Ahmad, "Evaluation of suitability
of polarization techniques for determination of pitting potential of
aluminum alloys," Metals Forum, Nov. (1987).
Zaki Ahmad,
"Corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys containing Cr, Mn and Cu
addition in Arabian Gulf water," Aluminum Verlag, Germany, 64, Jan.
(1988), p.12.
Zaki Ahmad, "Effect of palladium on the
anodic dissolution of Ti 230 + 0.15 Pd," Light Metal Age Journal, 34,
(1988), p.32.
Zaki Ahmad, "Corrosion problems in
potable water distribution systems," Pakistan Steel Journal, 34, (1988),
Zaki Ahmad, "Electrochemical methods
for evaluation of steel corrosion in concretes," Pakistan Steel Journal,
34, (1988), p.45.
Zaki Ahmad and S. Rashidi, "Prediction
of pitting resistance of aluminum alloys by potentiostatic and
potentiodynamic techniques," Arabian Journal for Science and
Engineering, Theme Issue, 14(2), (1989).
M. Malik, S. Farooq and
Zaki Ahmad,
"Effects of water quality parameters in corrosion of distribution
network," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Theme Issue,
14(2), (1989).
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "The
prediction of corrosion behavior of aluminum alloys by open circuit
potential measurements," Int. J. of Light Metal Age, Dec. (1990).
A. N. Shuaib and Zaki Ahmad,
"Mechanical and corrosion characteristics of solid solution Al-Mg alloys
containing chromium," Journal of Materials Engineering, ASME, 114(3),
Jan. (1990), p.199.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Effect of
suspended solids on flow induced corrosion of a modified Al-Mg alloy,"
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1(1), Feb. (1992),
Zaki Ahmad and F. A. Al-Sulaiman,
"Corrosion of automobiles in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia," British
Corrosion Journal, 28(2), (1993).
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Effect of
heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of a modified Al-Mg alloy in
seawater," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2(5), Oct.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "The corrosion
performance of 90-10 Cupronickel in Arabian Gulf water containing
ammonia," Int. J. of Desalination, 95, (1994), p.307.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem,
"Development of closed loop system to investigate flow induced
corrosion," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 3(3), Jun.
F. A. Al-Sulaiman and
Zaki Ahmad,
"Assessment of corrosion damage to automobile in the Eastern Coast of
Saudi Arabia," J. of Automobile Engineering, ASME Transactions, Nov.
Zaki Ahmad, "Corrosion phenomena in
Arabian Gulf," British Journal of Corrosion, 31(3), (1996)
Zaki Ahmad and M. Afzal,
"Brackish water corrosion of glass lined water heaters in sea coastal
environments," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 20(4A), Oct.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Evaluation of
pitting potential of aluminum alloys," Japan Journal of Corrosion
Engineering, 44(9), (1995), p.407.
B. S. Yilbas, Z. Sahin, Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem,
"Study on corrosion properties of TiN coated and nitrated Ti-6 Al-4 V
material," Corrosion Science, 37(10), (1995), pp.1627-1636.
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Mechanical
properties and corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys 6090-20 SiC(P)-T4
in Arabian Gulf water," Advanced Composite Letters, 4(3), (1995),
Z. Khan, Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem,
"Corrosion and corrosion fatigue resistant of modified Al-Mg alloys,"
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Special Issue, 20(2), Apr.
(1995), pp.369-382.
Zaki Ahmad, "A review of corrosion and
pitting resistance of Al 6061 and Al0-06013 SiC composite in neutral
salt solution and seawater," Corrosion Reviews (accepted for
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Effect of
temper on the corrosion of Al-SiC composite alloy," Corrosion, 52(11),
Zaki Ahmad and A. Aleem, "Evaluation of
corrosion behavior of Al-Mg-Li alloys in Arabian Gulf water," J. of
Materials Engineering and Performance.
B. S. Yilbas, A. Sahin, Z. Al-Garni, Zaki Ahmad
and A. Aleem, "Plasma nitriding of Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy to
improve tribological properties," Surface Coating and Technology, 80,
(1996), p.287.
Zaki Ahmad, "Effect of environmental
factors contributing to the mechanism of atmospheric corrosion of mild
steel in the Eastern Coast region of Saudi Arabia," Anti-Corrosion
Materials and Methods. (Accepted for Publication.)
Zaki Ahmad, "Effect of velocity and
elevated temperature on the pitting of a Al-SiC composite," British
Corrosion Journal, 33(3), (1998) p.23.
Z. Ahmad, D. Mcnamara, T. Langen, B. J. Abdul
Aleem and S. Al-Abbas, "The corrosion behavior of new
titanium based metal ceramic composite in corrosive internal combustion
engine fluids," Journal of Plastic and Reinforced Composites, 18(9),
(Nov. 1999) p.844.
Zaki Ahmad, P. Paulette and B. J. Abdul Aleem,
"Mechanism of localized of aluminum-silicon carbide composites in a
chloride environment," Journal of Materials Science and Engineering.
(Accepted for publication.)
Zaki Ahmad, "Intelligent sensors for
oil and gas industry," Materials Performance. (Accepted for publication)
Zaki Ahmad, "Mechanical behavior and
fabrication characteristics of aluminum metal matrix composites,"
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. (Accepted for
Zaki Ahmad and B. J. Abdul Aleem,
"Corrosion resistance of Al 6013-20 SiC(P) in salt spray chamber,"
Journal of Material Engineering and Performance, Vol. 20, No. 7, p.21
Zaki Ahmad, Anwarul Hamid and B. J. Abdul Aleem,
"The corrosion behavior of scandium alloys Al 5052 in neutral sodium
chloride solution," Corrosion Science. (Accepted for publication)
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Degradation of aluminum metal matrix composites in salt water and its
control”, Materials and Design, 23(2002), p173-180.
Zaki Ahmad, “Mechanical,
microstructural and corrosion characteristics of Al-Mg-Sc alloys”,
Journal of Metals, Feb 2003, p35.
Zaki Ahmad,
Anwar-ul-Hamid and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Effect of Sc addition on the mechanical behavior of Al-Mg alloys” in
Trends of Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the Beginning of the 21st
Century, University of Barcelona, 2004.
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Contribution of Al/SiC interface and intermetallic particles on the
elevated temperature localized corrosion of hypoeutectic Al-Si-Mg
composites, Corrosion, 60 (n10), p. 982 (2004).
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem, “The
mechanical properties and localized corrosion of Al6092 composite
in Arabian seawater”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 18,
No. 4, p.651 (2003).
Zaki Ahmad, Faleh Al-Sulaiman and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Corrosion behavior of carbon reinforced plain weave laminates”, Jr. of
Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 23, n.10, 2004
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Corrosion behavior of discontinuously reinforced composite in salt
water environment”, Jr. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (In press,
July 2006).
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Inhibition of flow induced corrosion of Al6013-20SiC (T4) composite in
3.5 wt% NaCl solution, Jr. of Mat. Engg. and Perf. (re-submitted with
corrections, June 2006).
Zaki Ahmad and B.J. Abdul Aleem,
“Corrosion behavior of Al6013-20siC (p) at controlled velocities and
elevated temperature,” Mat. and Manufacturing Processes (re-submitted
after corrections).
69. Zaki
Ahmad and M. Abbas,
Nanotubes, Nano Fibres and nano wires, potentials and applications.
(Published on A-Z nano site, A-Z Journal of nanotechnology. www.
Aznano.com/ search results. The expert profile has been linked to
www.aznano.com/experts (Sept 04, 2006)
Dr. Zaki Ahmad, A review of Structure
synthesis and application of nanocrystalline materials for materials
scientists and engineers.www.aznano.co/experts
(Sept 04, 2006)
Zaki Ahmad, M. Ahsan, “Nanopaints for
desert environment”, Journal of Materials Performance, NACE, November
06, P 31-33.
Zaki Ahmad, B.J. Aleem, “Corrosion
resistance of plasma sprayed nanostructured titanium dioxide coatings to
erosion corrosion in 3.5% NaCl containing polystyrene particles”, In
cooperation with Sulzer Metco, New York.
Ahmad, M. Ahsan,
“Effect of surface morphology of Plasma air sprayed and high velocity
oxyfuel nanostructured titanium dioxide coatings to localized
corrosion”, Journal of Metals, In cooperation with Sulzer Metco, New
York, Submitted.
Zaki Ahmad, M. Ahsan, “The effect of
conventional and nano titanium dioxide particles on selected properties
of paints for harsh environments”, Submitted.
