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Talks Delivered

Invited Lectures, Talks &
Seminars |
"Application of Aluminum Alloys for Desalination Plants,"
International Desalination and Environmental Association - USA, Bahrain,
1987. |
"Automobile Corrosion in Marine Environments," Ministry
of Energy, Canada, CANMET, Ottawa, August 1991.
"Corrosion Problems in the Arabian Gulf Region,"
University of Bremen, Germany, February 1988.
"Effect of Suspended Solids on Flow Induced Corrosion of
Al-2.5 Mg Alloy," University of Braunschweig, Germany, February 1990.
Corrosion problems in steel mills, Karachi steel plant, August
"Effect of Temperature on Pitting Resistance of Al-2.5 Mg
Alloy," MECC, Kuwait,
"Development of Aluminum Alloys for Marine Applications,
Bahrain, 1984. |
"Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Steels,"
Pakistan Defense Organization, September 1987.
"Monitoring Techniques for Gas Pipelines," Pakistan Gas
Corporation, August 1987. |
"Crevice Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys," Saudi Aramco,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1984.
"Mechanism of Pitting Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys,"
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1986.
"Erosion-Corrosion and its Prevention in Industry," (as a
Key-speaker), ASME Symposium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1992 (Symposium
sponsored by SAMAREC).
"Where the Developing Nations Stand in Materials,"
Ministry of Technology, Pakistan, 1994.
"Materials and the Gulf," Institute of Materials, London,
August 30, 1994.
"Application Potential of Advanced Composites," National
Physical Labs, London, United Kingdom. |
Research Coordination Seminar of International Atomic Energy (IKAED)
at Penn State University, University Park, USA, October 16-20, 1995.
(Attendee) |
Symnposium on Advanced Technology by EB-PVD Process, held at State
College, Penn State University, University Park, USA, December 5-7, 1995.
(Attendee) |
ASM International Materials Week, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October
26-30, 1995. (Attendee)
"Application of Ti-Cd Composites in Internal Combustion
Engines," Ashurst Advanced Technology, Baltimore, USA, May 17-19,
1997. |
"Mechanism of Degradation of Al-SiC Composites,"
Technical Discussion, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C., USA, July 15,
1997. |
"New Dimension in Nanotechnology"
at Sir Syed University of Engineering Technology, Karachi,
Pakistan. August 2004. |
