Undergraduate Courses Taught at
 | Materials science |
 | Heat treatment |
 | Physical metallurgy |
 | Metallography |
 | Surface metallurgy |
 | Extractive metallurgy |
 | Basic corrosion
engineering |
 | Industrial corrosion
engineering. |
Graduate Courses Taught at
 | Advanced materials
science |
 | Advanced corrosion
engineering |
 | Electron microscopy |
 | Electrode kinetics |
 | Non-metallic
materials |
 | Advanced physical
metallurgy |
 | Cathodic
protection |
 | Special topics in
corrosion |
Establishment of Labs and Centers of Excellence |
High Temperature and High Pressure Studies Lab.
and a Centre for Corrosion Studies at Sharif University (Ex-AMUT, Tehran,
Iran, 1973-1978. |
A Corrosion Studies Lab and Flow Induced
Corrosion Section at G.K.S.S., Germany, 1979. |
A Corrosion Laboratory (Centre of Excellence) in
KFUPM (1984-1992). |
Specimen Preparation Lab. for TEM and Electron
Microscope Laboratory in KFUPM. |
 | Establishing a Nanotechnology lab
at the M.E. Department at KFUPM. report on lab design and equipment
available on contact. |