King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals - Home Page Information & computer Sciences Department

ICS 353

Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Fall 2007 


What's New





Covered Topics



Covered Topics

Chapter 2: Basic Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 1: Sorting and Searching

Slides of Binary Search Algorithm [PDF]

Selection Sort Animation 1

Selection Sort Animation 2

Selection Sort Animation 3

Insertion Sort Animation 1

Insertion Sort Animation 2

Insertion Sort Animation 3

Bottom-up Merge Sort

Sorting Animations 1

Sorting Animations 2

Sorting Animations 3

Sorting Animations 4

Asymptotic Notations Slides

Asymptotic Notations

Slides of Computational Complexity [PDF]

Chapter 4: Heaps

Slides of Heaps Lecture [PDF]

Heaps Operations

HeapSort Animation 1

HeapSort Animation 2

Student's Project (Fahad Al-Gahtani, winter 2006)

Disjoint sets Data Structures

Animation of Union & Find

Chapter 5: Induction


Recursive Insertion and Selection Sorts

Slides of Radix Sort  [PDF]

Radix Sort Animation

Integer Exponentiation

Polynomial Evaluation

Finding the majority element

Chapter 6: Divide & Conquer   

Recursive Merge Sort

Quick Sort Animation 1

Quick Sort Animation 2

Chapter 7: Dynamic Programming

Introduction to graphs

Floyd's (all-pairs shortest path) algorithm Animation - Patras

The Knapsack Problem

Other problems

Chapter 8: Greedy Approach

Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm

Animation of Dijkstra's algorithm - Patras

Kruskal's and Prim's MST algorithms

Chapter 9: Graph Traversal



Chapter 10: Complexity Classses

P and NP classes

NP-complete problems

Chapter 13: Backtracking

Graph Coloring Problem

n-Queens Problem

Another one - Patras

Chapter 14: Randomized Algorithms

Randomized Quicksort