1. History of Robotics
  2. What is robotics
  3. Why Robocup!



  4. Presentation 1: Overview of Robotics
  5. Presentation 2: Basic Mathematics
  6. Presentation 3: Motion Coordination
  7. Summary for Kondo Humanoid: slides First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth
  8. Humanoid bipedal motion (selected material)
  9. Low level Vision System (Based on GT 2005)
  10. (please read the following reference papers and presentations)
  11. Self-Localization (Based on GT 2002 and GT 2005)


  13. Behavior Programming



  14. Robot Arm



  15. Introduction to autonomous robotics


  1. Chapter 1: Overview of robotics
  2. Chapter 2: Basic Mathematics
  3. Chapter 3: Motion Coordination
  4. Chapter 4: Tool and Effector Representation
  5. Chapter 5: Trajectory generation
  6. Chapter 6: VAL Robot Programming
  7. Chapter 7: Internet Telerobotics, Design, Performance, and Experimentation



  1. Design of the geometric structure of a 5-dof (Rz, Rx, Rx, Rx, Rz) serial arm (leg). and experience its motion using SimRobot. Set up one end of the 5-dof as fixed on the field and the other end is free. Experience the leg motion using SimRobot.

  2. Create a 2-leg geometric structure where each leg is the previous 5-dof structure. Attach the two legs to a cylindrical body. The leg foots are free and the other end is attched to the body. Experience the legs motion using SimRobot.

  3. Design a simple foot motion for the two legs so that the body appear as serially attached to the foot which is posed on the field.  Use appropriate parameters to control the walking of the humanoid.

  4. A short report and a presentation is required. Each participating student will be graded out of 10 points project (the project weight is 50 points). The students continue this project as their own project by improving the model and the walking humanoid using SimRobot. 

  5. Present (PPT) to our class all the above results by Monday, March 31th, 2008. 


  1. Stochastic Optimization of Bipedal Walking using Gyro Feedback and Phase Resetting (Gyroscop-Motion)   Presentation delivered by above students
  2. Online Trajectory Generation for Omnidirectional Biped Walking (Excellent-Motion-01641935)
  3. Human-Like Walking using Toes Joint and Straight Stance Leg (Motrion_Behnke)

Guidelines to prepare paper presentation:

  • Focus on the technical aspects of each paper with short introduction of corresponding literature review. Make sure it will be clear for a Senior-level student.
  • The body of the ppt presentation is to refer to the presented methods with their mathematical derivation and performance issues.
  • The presentation will be presented in the class by the assigned students. Each presentation will be 30 minutes but may contains more details for later student reference.
  • The ppt will be posted as part of course material.




  1. Actuators and mechnisms
  2. Vision and animal behavior
  3. Mining and Agriculture
  4. Educational Robotics
  5. Entertainment Robotics
  6. Environmental Robotics
  7. Industrial Robotics
  8. Medical robotics
  9. Integrated Surgery
  10. Minimally invasive surgery
  11. Micro-Surgical Assistant
  12. Haptic in Robotic Surgery
  13. Military Rbotics
  14. Biologically inspired robotics
  15. Bio-Nano Robotics
  16. Nano and Micro Robotics
  17. Nano Robotics
  18. Nano Technology
  19. Networked robotics
  20. Vision  Robotics
  21. Space Robotics
  22. Under-Water Robotics
  23. NASA space flights