Dr. Alhassan G. Abdul-Muhmin
1. September 1994 - Present: Department of Management and Marketing, College of Industrial Management, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
2. August 1990 - September 1994:
a) Teaching Assistant, Institute of Marketing, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (N.S.E.B.A.), Bergen, Norway
b) Part-time Lecturer, Foundation for Lifelong Learning, N.S.E.B.A, Bergen, Norway.
3. Sept. 1987 - Aug. 1988: Teaching Assistant in Business Finance, School of Administration, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
Executive MBA
ยท Strategic Marketing Management
Graduate (MBA)
1. Applied Marketing Research
2. Strategic Marketing
3. Principles of Marketing
4. Consumer Behavior
5. Business Research Methods
6. Statistical Analysis for Business
1. Marketing Research
(Course Outline 072)
2. Principles of Marketing
3. Marketing Management
4. Consumer Behavior
5. Advertising & Sales Promotion
6. Retail Management
7. Services Marketing
Marketing Research
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Research
Principles of Marketing
1. Strategic Planning in Brand Management, In-house Executive Training for the National Agricultural Development Co. (NADEC), Riyadh, Aug. 23, 2005
2. "Introduction to Brand Management", In-house Executive Training for the National Agricultural Development Co. (NADEC), Riyadh, Aug. 15, 2005
3. Strategic Sales Force Management; In-House Executive Training Short Course for Hempel Saudi Arabia; October 2004.
4. Strategic Marketing Management; In-House Executive Training Short Course for Hempel Saudi Arabia; January 2003.
5. Strategic Sales Force Management; In-House Executive Training Short Course for Hempel Saudi Arabia; March 2002.
6. Effective Sales Force Management, KFUPM Short Course (Spring 1999-2000)
7. Effective Sales Force Management, KFUPM Short Course, December 1998, 1999, 2000
8. Essentials of Purchasing, KFUPM Short Course, April 1996
I pioneered the idea of company sponsorships of class projects in courses, when during the 2003/04 academic year, I secured a sponsorship agreement with a major real estate developer (Rikaz Real Estate Development Company). Under the agreement, the class researched a real marketing problem facing the company in return for financial rewards for the three best class projects and recognition certificates for all class participants. The University administration appreciated the idea so much, that they asked me to chair a committee to develop guidelines for implementing the idea University-wide. Since then I have had several other course project sponsorships. Below is a full list of participating companies/brands:
1. Rikaz Real Estate Development Company
2. Saudi Telecom
3. Saudi Data (a division of Saudi Telecom)
4. Intel Saudi Arabia
5. National Agricultural Development Company (NADEC), and
6. Red Bull.
In both cases, company sponsorship provided an opportunity for students to work on a real life applied marketing research project that immensely enriched their learning experiences.
I also pioneered the use of the MARKSTRAT simulation game in teaching the undergraduate Marketing Management and the MBA Strategic Marketing courses.
Since 2000/2001 academic year, I have been using the Blackboard (and subsequently WebCT) course management systems for all courses that I teach.
1. Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Industrial Management, KFUPM for 2005/2006
2. Distinguished Student Academic Advising, KFUPM for 1998/99.