Dr. Alhassan G. Abdul-Muhmin
I am currently serving on university-level program assessment committee
I chaired college-level committee to revise CIM’s undergraduate core education requirements
I served on a rector-appointed task force to review and revise KFUPM’s University-wide general education requirements
I chaired departmental-level committee to review marketing major curriculum.
I chaired the committee to develop CIM’s Diploma in Business Administration program.
I chaired the committee to evaluate a proposed marketing concentration program at Prince Sultan Private College, Riyadh, for accreditation by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education
I evaluated marketing curriculum program for Al-Yamamah College, Riyadh, for accreditation by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education
I evaluated marketing curriculum program for College of Business Administration, Jeddah, for accreditation by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education
I have been heavily involved in CIM’s AACSB accreditation efforts since 2001. I am currently responsible for coordinating all accreditation maintenance activities, including compiling and collating data for preparing faculty sufficiency and qualification ratios, annual maintenance reports, and other AACSB reports as and when needed.
I also served on two sub-committees during preparation of the initial accreditation self-report in 2001/2002 academic year – the Instructional Responsibilities sub-committee, which I chaired and the Curriculum Planning and Development sub-committee, in which I was a member.
I have served as academic adviser for an average of 25 undergraduate students each semester at KFUPM since 1994
I served as academic adviser for 23 MBA students during second semester of 2000/2001 academic year at KFUPM. MBA academic advising is now done by the CIM Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs.
I have supervised a total of 23 cooperative training program students and reports since 1994, sat on evaluation committees of 33 others.
I have supervised 6 MBA independent research projects since 2000 when our program was restructured to include an independent research component.
COMMITTEE WORK (Selected for the Past Five Years)
Level U: University C: College D: Department Type S: Standing A: Ad hoc Position C: Chairman M: Member
Name of Committee |
Level |
Type |
Position |
Fall 2005 - Present |
1. University Scientific Council |
U |
S |
M |
2. Executive MBA Committee |
C |
S |
C |
3. Quality & Scientific Committee - Strategic Planning for Higher Education Project (AAFAQ) |
U |
A |
M |
4. Leadership & Governance Track - Strategic Planning for Higher Education Project (AAFAQ) |
U |
A |
M |
5. Best Practices Task Force - Strategic Planning for Higher Education Project (AAFAQ) |
U |
A |
M |
6. Program Assessment Committee |
U |
A |
M |
7. University Image Committee |
U |
A |
M |
8. Best Research Project Award Committee |
U |
A |
M |
9. College Research Committee |
C |
S |
C |
10. College Curriculum Standing Committee |
C |
S |
C |
11. CIM AACSB Committee |
C |
S |
M |
12. Marketing Program Curriculum Affairs Committee |
D |
S |
C |
13. Program Assessment Team |
D |
A |
C |
2004-2005 Academic Year |
14. Research Committee |
U |
S |
M |
15. Task Force on General Education Requirements |
U |
A |
M |
16. Faculty Promotion Review Committee |
U |
A |
M |
17. Curriculum Standing Committee |
C |
S |
M |
18. Executive MBA Committee |
C |
S |
M |
19. AACSB Accreditation Committee |
C |
S |
M |
20. Marketing Program Curriculum Affairs Committee |
D |
S |
C |
21. Program Assessment Team |
D |
A |
C |
22. Promotion Review Committees |
D |
A |
C |
2003-2004 Academic Year |
23. College Curriculum Standing Committee |
C |
S |
C |
24. College MBA Standing Committee |
C |
S |
M |
25. Sub-Committee on Development of Multi-Disciplinary Undergraduate E-Business Program |
U |
A |
M |
26. Course Sponsorship Guidelines Committee |
D |
A |
C |
27. Marketing Program Curriculum Affairs Committee |
D |
A |
M |
28. Faculty Screening Committee |
D |
S |
M |
29. Promotion Review Committees |
D |
A |
C |
30. Promotion Review Committees |
C |
A |
M |