Dr. Alhassan G. Abdul-Muhmin
Consumer information processing and decision making, processes of bargaining and price settlements, consumer adoption of electronic payment systems and online shopping, consumer environmental consciousness and green purchase behavior, customer satisfaction, relationship marketing and customer relationship management
1) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., “Consumer Attitudes toward Debt in an Islamic Country: Managing a Conflict Between Religious Tradition and Modernity?”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 3; pp. 194-203, doi:10.1111/j.1470-6431.2008.00665.x
2) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2007), “Explaining Consumers’ Willingness to be Environmentally Friendly”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 31, Issue 3; pp. 237-247.
3) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Umar, Y. A. (2007), “Credit Card Ownership and Usage Behavior in Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 12, Issue 3; pp. 219-234.
4) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2005), "Instrumental and Interpersonal Determinants of Relationship Satisfaction and Commitment in Industrial Markets", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, pp. 619-628.
5) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2002), “Effects of Suppliers’ Marketing Program Variables on Industrial Buyers’ Relationship Satisfaction and Commitment”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 17, No. 7; pp. 637-649.
6) Bhuian, S. Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Kim, D. (2002), “The Relationship between Ethical Business Practices, Government Regulations, and Consumer Rights: An Examination in Saudi Arabia”, Business & Professional Ethics Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1; pp. 47-64.
7) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2001), “The Effect of Perceived Seller Reservation Prices on Buyer’s Bargaining Behavior in a Flexible-Price Market”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 3; pp. 29-45.
8) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Alzamel, I. A. (2001) “Retailers’ Experiences and Attitudes Toward the Saudi Arabian EFTPoS System”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp.188–199.
9) Bhuian, S., Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., and Kim, D. (2001), “Business Education and Attitudes Toward Business, Consumerism, and Government in Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp. 226-230.
10) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1999), “Contingent Decision Behavior: Effects of Number of Alternatives to be Selected on Consumers’ Decision Processes”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 91-111.
11) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1998), “Demographic Differences in Usage and Attitudes toward the Saudi Arabian EFTPoS System”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 117-128.
12) Bhuian, S. N. and Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1998), “Attitudes of Saudi Arabian Consumers Toward Marketing Practices, Consumerism, and Government Regulations”, Journal of Global Competitiveness, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 29-36.
13) Bhuian, S. N. and Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1997), “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among ‘Guest Worker’ Salesforces: The Case of Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 27-43.
1. Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2006), “An Experimental Study of the Accuracy of Consumers’ Self-Reports of their Information Acquisition Processes”, In Belk, Russel W. Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 10, Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 185 – 208. ISBN-13: 978-0-7623-1304-4.
2. Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1995), “Broadening the Scope of Consumer Decision Research: The Case for Further Research in Multiple Item Decision Making”, in Essays in Marketing and Management: A Festchrift in Honour of Kjell Gronhaug, ed. Holmesland, T. B. Ims, K. J., & Pedersen, A., Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, Norway. 1995, pp. 127-142. ISBN: 82-7674-160-6.
3. Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1992), Eksamenshefte i markedsforing, Fagbokforlaget. Bergen, 1992. ISBN: 82-7674-001-4
English Translation of Title: Examination Guide in Marketing
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Umar, Y. A. (2004), “Attitudes Toward Credit and Credit Cards Among Consumers in Saudi Arabia: A Preliminary Investigation”, Proceedings, Second Conference on Administrative Sciences (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, April 19 – 21, 2004); pp. 695-704.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Al-Ashban, A. A. (2004), “Environmental Knowledge, Concerns, and Attitudes among Consumers in Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings, Second Conference on Administrative Sciences (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, April 19 – 21, 2004); pp. 411-430.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Al-Abdali, O. (2004), “Adoption of Online Purchase by Consumers in Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory Study”, Proceedings, Second Conference on Administrative Sciences (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, April 19 – 21, 2004); pp. 243-252.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2003), "Barriers to Online Shopping by Consumers in Saudi Arabia", Proceedings of the Twelfth World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, (Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 25-29, 2003); pp. 226-231 (ISSN: 1-888624-02-7).
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2000), "Perceived Seller Reservation Prices and Buyers’ Bargaining Behavior in a Flexible-Price Market", Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Vol. 11 (2000), pp. 88-89.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Alzamel, I. A. (1999), "An Examination of Retailer Experiences with the Saudi Arabian EFTPoS", Proceedings of the Eighth World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Vol. 8 (1999), pp. 238-244.
- Bhuian, S. N. and Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1999), "Consumerism in the Arab Middle East: The Case of Saudi Arabia", Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial World Marketing Congress of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. IX (1999); pp. 93-95.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1998), “Effect of Suppliers’ Marketing Mix Variables on Saudi Industrial Buyers’ Satisfaction and Commitment”, Proceedings of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Conference on Administrative Sciences: New Horizons and Roles in Development, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 198-215.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Alzamel, I. A. (1997), “Determinants of Satisfaction and Commitment in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Survey of Saudi Industrial Buyers”, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Institute of Business Administration and Technology (IBAT), Vol. 1 (1997), pp. 192-199.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Gronhaug, K. (1996), “Selective Mechanisms in Consideration Set Formation”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Vol. 7 (1996), pp. 23-29.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1995), "A Comparison Between Objective and Subjective Measures of Consumers' Decision Processes", Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Bergen, Norway (1995) pp. 1-9.
- Bhuian, S. N. and Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1995), "Exploring the Job Satisfaction of Expatriate Marketers in Saudi Arabia", Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference, Vol. 6 (1995), pp. 475-476.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., Nyhus, E. K., and Ronqvist, M. (1993), "What is the Residual, Saving or Consumption?: The Effect of Individual Time Preferences", Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), (1993), pp. 287-296.
· Mansour, M. and Abdul-Muhmin, A.G. (2005), “Online Purchase in Saudi Arabia: Incidence, Products, and Driving Factors” Proceedings, First E-Services Symposium in the Eastern Province, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, November 29-30, 2005.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2006), “An integrated structural model of the effects of attitudes innovativeness, trust, and risk perceptions of online purchase adoption”, CIM Working Paper Series # 31-06.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Yousef, M. (2006), “Perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty toward a semi-government monopoly: the case of Saudi Telecom”, CIM Working Paper Series # 35-06.
- Ndiaye, M. and Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2006), “Attractiveness Factors for Petrol Filing Station Location”, CIM Working Paper Series # 38-06.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. and Umar, Y. A. (2004) “A Descriptive Study of Credit Card Usage and Attitudes among Consumers in Saudi Arabia”, CIM Working Paper Series # 3-04.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., (1990) "Strategic Alliances in International Banking: A Case Study of Strategic Alliances in the International Strategies of Norwegian Banks", Working Paper Series: Center for Applied Research, Bergen, No. 105/1990 (1990). ISSN: 0800-6253.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1998b), “Marketing of ‘White Goods’ in Saudi Arabia: Guidelines to Motivate Consumers”, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, No. 50 (June), pp. 29-34. ISSN: 1319-4623.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1998a), “Saudi EFTPOS: User Profiles and Retail Customers’ Attitudes”, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, No. 47 (March), pp. 13-16. ISSN: 1319-4623.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1997b), “Packaging: A Management Approach”, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, No. 40 (August), pp. 25-27. ISSN: 1319-4623.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1997a), “Are You Using the Right Consumer Promotion Tool?, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, No. 37 (May), pp. 10-14. ISSN: 1319-4623.
- Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (1996), “Saudi Bank Customers’ Behavior: Strategic Marketing Implications”, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, No. 32 (December), pp. 16-21. ISSN: 1319-4623.
1) Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., Khemakem, A., Al-Turki, U., Al-Khatib, G., Al-Sakran, S., Islam, M. S. and Farooq, G., “Corporate Integrated Strategic Plan for The Saudi Arabian Amiantit Group” Final Report, KFUPM-RI Project 26057, May 2000.
3) Troye, S. V., Abdul-Muhmin, A. G., and Pedersen, T., “Tilfredshetsbarometer DnB", Unpublished Consumer Research Report for Den norske Bank, Bergen, 1991.
English Title: "DnB Customer Satisfaction Barometer".
Note: Den norske Bank (DnB) was Norway’s largest commercial bank at the time of the study
In Progress
· Awareness, Adoption and Maturity Level of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Practices in Saudi Companies, KFUPM Internal Research Grant with Irfan Ilyas; Expected Completion Date June 2008.
1. “Corporate Integrated Strategic Plan (CISP) for the Saudi Arabian Amiantit Group,” KFUPM-RI Consulting Project No. 26057; Total Project Sum = US$107,000. Completed March 2000. Note: I served as project leader for second half of the project’s duration.
2. “Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction with Online Shopping: An Investigation in Saudi Arabia” CIM Accreditation Fund Grant with Dr. Obaid S. Al-Abdali; Completed June 2004.
3. “A Descriptive Study of Credit Card Usage and Attitudes among Consumers in Saudi Arabia,” CIM Accreditation Fund Grant; with Dr. Yakubu A. Umar; Completed June 2004.
4. “Comprehensive Development Plan for the Golden Belt Village”, KFUPM-RI Applied Research Project No. CEMS2215; Project Sum = US$40,000; Completed August 2002.
5. “An Examination of Public Environmental Awareness, Concerns, Attitudes, and Behaviors in Saudi Arabia”, KFUPM-SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) Research Grant, with Dr. Aref A. Al-Ashban, A. A. Completed June 2003.
6. “Propensity to Bargain and Bargaining Styles - Basic Research in a Field Setting”, KFUPM Fast Track Basic Research Grant, with Calcich, S. and Sheta, A.; Completed: October 2003.