1 Research Papers
- Semisimple
elements of order 3 in finite Chevalley groups, Journal
of Algebra, Vol. 56 (1979), 481-498.
- Structure constants of
algebraic groups, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 75(1982), 209-222.
- Root groups, Journal of
Algebra, Vol. 76(1982), 211-213.
- The Jacobi identity, Punjab
University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. XVI (1983), 9-30. PDF
- Homogeneous CR manifolds
(co-authors: A. Huckleberry and W. Richthofer), Journal
fuer die Reine and Angewandte Mathematik,
Vol. 358(1985), 126-154.
- Levi-curvature of manifolds
with a Stein-rational fibration, Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 50(1985),
- On a theorem of Kempf and Ness (co-author: J.J. Loeb), Indiana
Math. Journal, Vol. 39(1) (1990), 61-65.
- On the structure of
parabolic subgroups (co-authors: M.J. Barry and G.M. Seitz), Communications
in Algebra, Vol. 18(2) (1990), 551-562.
- Plurisubharmonic
functions and the Kempf-Ness theorem (co-author:
J.J. Loeb), Bull. London
Math. Soc. 25(1993), 162-168.
- Plurisubharmonic
functions and Kaehlerian metrics on complex
symmetric varieties (co-author: J.J. Loeb), Indagationes
Mathematicae, N.S. 3(4) (1992), 365-375.
- Totally real orbits in
affine quotients of reductive groups, (co-authors: J.J. Loeb and
M.N. Qureshi), Nagoya Math. Journal,
Vol. 139(1995).
- A remark on the moment map,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 12(4), (1994), 1295-1297.
- Spherically symmetric
manifolds which admit five isometrics (co-author: M. Ziad),
J. Math. Phyics, 36(1995), 1908-1911.
- Quasi-potentials and Kaehler-Einstein metrics on flag manifolds,
(co-authors: M.N. Qureshi and R. Kobayashi), Journal of Algebra, Vol. 126
(1997), 620-629.
- Some applications of plurisubharmonic functions to orbits of real reductive
groups, (co-author: J.J. Loeb), Indagationes Mathematicae, NS., 10(4)
(1999), 473-482. PDF
- Comments on the paper “Geometric
phase, bundle classification and group representation” (co-authors: M.N. Qureshi, M. Ziad), J. Math.
Physics, 40(1999), 3693-3696.
- Holomorphic
principal bundles over a compact Kaehler manifold (co-authors: B. Anchouche
and I. Biswas), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris
Ser. I Math., 330(2000), no. 2, 109-114.
- Homogeneous affine bundles,
Comm. Algebra, 16(1988), no. 8, 1599-1603.
- On the third Betti number of some compact homogeneous manifolds, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.
25(1990), no. 1-2, 1-2.
- On holomorphic
principal bundles over a compact Riemann surface admitting a flat
connection (co-author: I. Biswas), Math Annalen, 322(2002), 333-346.
- Harder-Narasimhan
reduction for principal bundles over a compact Kaehler
manifold (co-authors B. Anchouch and I. Biswas), Math Annalen,
323 (2002), 333-346.
- On holomorphic
principal bundles over a compact Riemann surface admitting a flat
connection II (co-author: I. Biswas), Bull.
Math. Soc (accepted).
- Quasi-potentials and Kaehler-Einstein metrics on flag manifolds II
(co-author: I.Biswas), Journal of Algebra,
269 (2003), 480-491. PDF
- On principal bundles over a
flag manifold, (coauthor I.Biswas), Journal of
Lie Theory,14(2004), no.2, 569-581).
- Focusing Surfaces
(Coauthors: A. Laradji, A. Qadir) , Math.Gazette 90 (2006),
no.519, 404-411). PDF
- Harmonic morphisms of warped product type from Einstein
manifolds (coauthor M.T.Mustafa) Archiv der Mathematik, 88, 368-377 (2007).
- Symmetry Analysis of Wave Equation on Sphere (coauthor M.T.
Mustafa) J. Math. Anal. Appl., 333, 1180-1188 (2007).
- Symplectic Geometry of Semisimple Orbits (coauthors,E.P.Van den Ban and I. Biswas)
Indagationes Mathematicae 19(4), 507-533 (2008).
- A note on the symplectic geometry
of semisimple groups (coauthor I. Biswas) Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques
133(4), 330-334 (2009).
note on the tangent bundle of G/P (coauthor
I.Biswas) Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 120(2010), no.
1, 69--71.
solutions of initial-boundary-value problems of transient conduction using
symmetries (coauthors: A.F.M.Arif, M.T.Mustafa). Appl.
Math. Comput. 215 (2010), no.
12, 4132--4140.
- Group Classification, optimal system and optimal reductions
of a class of Klein Gordon equations (coauthor M.T. Mustafa, M. Ziad) Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation, 15 (5), 1132-1147
(2010) Preprint.
- Polynomial solutions of differential equations (coauthors A.
Laradji, M. T. Mustafa), Advances in Difference Equations Article
Number: 58 DOI: 10.1186/1687-1847-2011-58 ( 2011) Preprint
- On the Conjugacy of maximal unipotent subgroups of real
semisimple groups (coauthor I.Biswas), Journal of Lie Theory,
- On the maximal solvable subgroups of semisimple algebraic
groups (coauthors I.Biswas and P.Chatterjee), Journal of Lie Theory,
Polynomial solutions of certain differential equations arising in physics
(coauthors A. Laradji, M. T. Mustafa), Mathematical Methods in
Applied Sciences. 36 (2013), 1615-1624.
- Symmetry analysis of wave equation on static
spherically symmetric spacetimes with higher symmetries (coauthors A. Y. Al-Dweik,
R. A. Ghanam, M. T. Mustafa), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54
(2013), 063509.
- On computing joint invariants of Lie algebras
(coauthors I. Biswas, R.A.Ghanam,M.T.Mustafa), Journal of Geometry and
- Invariants of third-order ordinary differential
equations via
point transformations, ( coauthors Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, M. T. Mustafa, and F.
M. Mahomed), Mathematical
Methods in Applied Sciences b(2015).
- A note on real algebraic groups , H. Azad &
Indranil Biswas , Forum Mathematicum (2016) Forum Mathematicum , 2016
Volume 28 ,Issue 3.
- A point symmetry based method for transforming
ODEs with three-dimensional symmetry algebras to their canonical forms (
coauthors:Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, F. M. Mahomed, M. T. Mustafa) , Applied
Mathematics and Computation (2016).
- Higher order self-adjoint operators with
polynomial coefficients, H. Azad, A. Laradji and M.T.Mustafa, (Electronic
Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 22, pp. 1–21. ISSN:
1072-6691. URL: or )
Embedding algorithms and
applications to differential equations (coauthors
Sajid Ali,
Indranil Biswas,
Mustafa) to appear : Journal of
Symbolic Computation (2017)
- Equality of
the Algebraic and Geometric ranks of Cartans Subalgebras and Applications to
Linearization of a System of Ordinary Differential Equations
- A note on the Jordan normal form
- Orbits of Real Algebraic Groups.
2 Papers on Education
- On a theorem of Clay
(co-author: A. Laradji), College Math.
Journal, Vol. 31, No. 5, Nov. 2000, p. 405.
- The projection Method in
Evaluating Multiple Integrals, Intl. J. of Math. Ed. in Sc. and
Tech. (UK) 2001, Vol. 32, 444-466.
- On the Definition of the
Cross Product (IJMEST) (UK), 2001, Vol. 32, #
4, 585-587.
- An equality for certain
exponential sums (coauthor: A. Laradji), Math.
Gazette, Vol.87, No.510, (2003).p.525-527.
- Some impossible
constructions in elementary geometry (coauthor: A. Laradji),
Math. Gazette, Vol.88, No.513 (2004), 548-551.
- Why do certain limacons
have a dimple (coauthor T.Mustafa), Teaching Mathematics
and its Applications, Oxford Univ. Press. Advance Access
published on March 29, 2006. (doi:10.1093/teamat/hrl003).
- Technology and Calculus
Sequence (coauthor M. T. Mustafa).
3 Books
- Algebraic Groups by T.A.
Springer, Birkhauser Verlag (1981). I wrote the first draft.
- Post-Modern Analysis by J. Jost, Springer
Verlag, 1998. I translated the German MS into English.
4 Essays
- Mathematics as a
Profession: Essay written for the Mathematics Awareness Committee of
- Letter from a
Mathematician, Plus Magazine, March 2003, Millenium
Mathematics Project,
Cambridge University.
- Mathematics Around Us:
Essay written for Mathematics Awareness Committee.
- Mathematics Arts and Real
Life: Reflections on Teaching Mathematics.
- Group Theory: What is it
good for.
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