

  1. Sarfraz, M., Al-Mulhem, M., and Ashraf, F.,” Preserving Monotonic Shape of the Data using Piecewise Rational Cubic Functions,”  Computer & Graphics, Vol. 21(1), pp5-14, 1997.

  2. Al-Mulhem, M., and Ali, S., “ Visual Occam: Syntax and Semantics,”  Computer Languages, Vol. 23(1), pp 1-24, April 1997.

  3. Al-Mulhem, M. and Al-Moghrabi T.,” Efficient Convex-Elastic Net Algorithm to Solve the E-TSP”, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 28-Part B, No. 4, Aug. 1998.

  4. Al-Mulhem, M., and Ali, S., “ Formal Semantics of VISO,” Computer Languages, Vol. 24(2), pp 99-114, July 1998.

  5. Al-Mulhem, M., ”Concurrent Programming in VISO”, Concurrency:Practice and Experience, 2000,12, pp281-288.

  6. Al-Mulhem, M., and Ahmed, A., "MRG Parser for Visual Languages"  Information Sciences, an International Journal, Vol 13/14, pp19-46 2001.

  7. Al-Mulhem M., and Lewis, T., "DataLab: A graphical System for Specifying and Synthesizing Abstract Data Types", Proceedings of the ISCIS V, Vol. 1, pp591-598, Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, 1990.

  8. Al-Mulhem, M., and Lewis, T., "Programming Aspects of DataLab", Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Symposium, Applied Informatics 1991.

  9. Al-Mulhem M., Najjar, M., Al-Sukairi, A., and Al-Dhaher, K.," Computer Education as a program of study and as a tool at KFUPM", Proceedings of the Computer Education Symposium for the Gulf Universities, Bahrain, pp529-574, Nov. 7 - 10, 1992. (in Arabic).

  10. Al-Mulhem M., "Graphics Technology and Programming Languages", Proceedings of the Symposium on Image Document Processing of Office Systems, Saudi Arabia, pp185-193 Nov. 16-17, 1993.

  11. Al-Muhtaseb H., Aref M., and Al-Mulhem  M., "English to Arabic Machine Translation: Goals, Plans, and Steps," Proceedings of the First Symposium on Computer Application in Bahrain, Bahrain, pp59-67, May 10, 1994.

  12. Al-Mulhem M., and Ali, S.,” Visual Occam with Petri Net Semantics”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp746-754, Oct. 6-8, 1994.

  13. Al-Mulhem M., and Shafique M., “An ERR-Based Graphical System for Logical Design of Relational Databases”,  Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conference on Computer Application in Industry, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 26-29, 1994.

  14. Al-Mulhem M., and Shafique M., “Using Object-Oriented Software Metrics to Improve Industrial Software Applications,” Proceedings of the first Bahrain International Conference on Computers in Industry, Bahrain, pp373-384, 6-8 Nov. 1995.

  15. Aref M., Al-Mulhem  M., and Al-Muhtaseb H., "English to Arabic Machine Translation: A Critical Review ..", Proceedings of the Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 3, pp421-427, 5-8 Nov. 1995.

  16. Sarfraz, M., Ashraf, F., and Al-Mulhem, M., “Preserving Shape Scientific Data with Monotonic Behavior: A Curve Method and Algorithm,” Proceedings of the CADEX’96: The International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Aided Design, Hagenberg, Austria 9-12 Sept., 1996.

  17. Al-Mulhem, M. and Al-Moghrabi T.,” An Efficient Algorithm to Solve the E-TSP”, Proceedings of the 1997 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering , St. John’s, NF, Canda, Vol. 1, pp269-272, May 25-28, 1997.

  18. Al-Mulhem, M.,”Teaching Concurrent Programming using Visual Languaes”, Proceeding of the second KFUPM workshop on information & computer science (WICS’98), pp53-56, March 3, 1998.

  19. Al-Mulhem, M.,”Concurrent Programming in VISO”, The 1998 international conference on parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications(PDPTA’98), pp 131-134, July, 13-16, 1998.

  20. M. Sarfraz, M. Al-Mulhem, J. Al-Ghamdi, and M. Abdul Raheem, “Modelling by a Rational Spline with Interval Shape Control”, Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International, Hannover, Germany, June 22-26, , pp.730-737, 1998.

  21. M. Sarfraz, M. Al-Mulhem, J. Al-Ghamdi, and M. A. Hussain, “Representing a C1 Rational Spline with Interval Shape Control”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 6-9, pp.322-328, 1998.

  22. Z. AlAwwami, M. Obidat, M. Al-Mulhem, “A New Deadlock Recovery Mechanism for Fully Adaptive Routing Algorithms”, 19th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA on Feb 20-22 2000, pp. 132-138.
  23. Al-Mulhem M., and Lewis, T., "DataLab: A graphical System for Specifying and Synthesizing Abstract Data Types", Technical Report No. 89-60-9, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 97331-4602, June 1989.

  24. Al-Mulhem, M., and Lewis, T., " Program Transformation Method in DataLab” Technical Report No. 89-60-14, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 97331-4602, July 1989.

  25. Al-Mulhem, M., and Lewis, T., "Programming Aspects of  DataLab: A graphical System for Specifying and Synthesizing Abstract Data Types", Technical Report No. 89-60-23, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 97331-4602, September 1989.

  26. M. Sarfraz, M. Al-Mulhem, and M. Abdul Rahim, “A Rational Spline with Interval Shape Control,” CCSE Technical Report KFUPM-CCSE-97-006/ICS, 1997.