2000-2003 Digital
Communications I, Digital Communications II
1999-2000 (Communications Theory, Wireless
Communication Systems and Networks)
1999-2000 (Mobile
1998-1999 (Mobile
Communications, Advanced Mobile Communications)
1997-1998 (Mobile Radio
Communications, Communication Fundamentals)
1996-1997 (91.266 Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 94.460 Digital Communications, 94.351 Communications
1995-1996 (94.351 Communication Theory,
94.554 Principles of Digital Communications, 94.460 Digital
1994-1995 (94.351 Communication Theory,
94.460 Digital Communications)
1992-1993 (94.351 Communications Theory,
94.568 Mobile Communication Systems, 94.552 Advanced Linear Systems,
94.553 Stochastic Processes)
1991-1992 (94.460 Digital Communications,
94.568 Mobile Communication Systems, 94.552 Advanced Linear Systems,
94.566 Theory of Communication Channels)
1990-1991 (94.460 Digital
Communications, 94.568 Mobile Communication Systems)
1988-1989 (94.451 Communication Systems,
94.568 Mobile Communication Systems)
1987-1988 (94.356 Automatic Control
Systems, 94.451 Communication Systems, 94.568 Mobile Communication
Systems, 94.552 Advanced Linear Systems)
1986-1987 (Sabbatical Year)
1982-1986 (94.356 Automatic Control
Systems, 94.451 Communication Systems, 94.552 Advanced Linear Systems,
94.568 Mobile Communication Systems)
1981-1982 (94.356 Automatic Control
Systems, 94.360 Dynamics of Linear Systems (Laboratory), 94.451
Communication Systems (Laboratory))
1978-1981 (Telecommunications, Information
Theory and Statistical Communications, Electromagnetic Propagation,
Radio and Radar Engineering, Undergraduate Projects)
1975-1978 (Communication Systems
Laboratory, Tutorials in communication networks and linear integrated
1972-1975 (Communication Systems,
Electrical Measurement, Communications and Electronics Laboratories)
1970-1972 (Electronics Lines, Networks and
Filters, Logic Circuits, Pulse, Digital and Switching Circuits,
Electronics Communication Laboratories, Communication Systems (Under &
1969-1970 (Microwave Engineering,
Communication Systems (Under & Postgraduate), Electronics Circuits,
Electromagnetic I, Communication Laboratory)
1964-1965 (Electronic Circuits,
Electronics & Communications Laboratories, Projects Assistance)