Guidelines : -
1. The home page must be informative and inviting. Avoid clutter in the form of distracting animations, unecessary graphical elements, scrolling or blinking text. Choose background colors and images that do not interfere with readability of text.
2. Use only English for all file names.
  • Main.html instead of رئيسة.html
  • Photo.jpg instead of صورة.jpg
3. For bilingual websites, we advise the following convention:
  • En_Main.html for the English version of the file/webpage/image, etc
  • Ar_Main.html for the Arabic version of the file/webpage/image, etc
4. Use ONLY the following keys when naming files :
  • Alphanumeric (Any combination of [a-z], [A-Z] and [0-9])
  • Underscore (‘_’ )
  • Hyphen (‘-’ )
5. Establish a visual identity and maintain it consistently throughout the website.
6. All web pages should be reviewed regularly to ensure that the information they contain is current.
7. Check the dead links for validity.
8. Provide information regarding downloadable material identifying the subject matter, instructions for use, file format and size. Its recommended to keep the material to download in zip format.
9. All font specification should include either be Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman  or san-serif.
10. Avoid the use of large graphics on a page of text that can considerably delay downloading.
11. If the site is to be viewable just with in the KFUPM campus please send a mail requesting it to
Rules :-
1. KFUPM provides 20 MB of space for each user account.
2. The Site owner is responsible for maintaining a back up copy of the site offline.
3. The back up copy should not be maintained on the Web Server.
4. The Site Content should be official or Academic Related.
5. The information, data, text, software, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("Content"), whether posted are the sole responsibility of the user from which such Content originated.
6. KFUPM reserves the right to edit, refuse to publish or to remove any information or material in a web page with out prior notice, in whole or in part, that in our judgment does not meet our guidelines.
7. KFUPM reserves the right to terminate your access to the service, if there is any violation of these rules and guidelines
8. The Site owner is responsible for maintaining the confidence of the Password and ID, and responsible for all activities occur under your Password and ID. You agree to immediately notify the KFUPM Webmaster of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security.
Copyright © 2019 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia +966-13-860-0000.