Schlumberger 1996-2003
Senior Reservoir Engineer (Completions, Cambridge, UK) 2001 – 2003
Assigned to Business Development Section
- Water shutoff operations.
- Presented Intelligent Completion and Multilateral Feasibility Screening Analysis to several oil companies world-wide.
- Applied nodal analysis techniques for modelling well completion scenarios for improving productivity.
- Extensive use of in-house Eclipse simulator for near well-bore modelling.
- Responsible for technology transfer through training of national staff.
Senior Reservoir Engineer (GeoQuest, Houston, Texas) 1996 – 2001
Assigned to Advanced Technology cell
- Developed and applied geostatistical and upscaling methods for reservoir characterization.
- Worked with ECLIPSE software developers testing the first commercial releases of Weltest 200, VFPi and FloGrid.
- Extensively used Eclipse flow simulator for testing upscaling software and validation of tracers and waterflooding on sector models.
- Conducted extensive software product research for characterizing Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.
- Designed, wrote and conducted several ECLIPSE (E100) training courses for oil company clients.
- Provide guidance to other consulting teams working in the area of Geostatistics, Upscaling and Simulation.
- Demonstrated ability to deal with clients by collaborating on Eclipse pre-processing software projects i.e., FloGrid, FloGeo and SCAL.
- Participated actively in the Schlumberger University Recruitment team.

Born in 7th February 1963 Nationality: American
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Building 3 Room 209
Phone # + 966 3 860 2524
Fax # + 966 3 860 4447
Mail Address
Department of Petroleum Engneering P. O. Box 2020, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261 Saudi Arabia