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Teaching Activities

  Course-Teaching Loads & Evaluations

During the period 1981-1986, evaluation of faculty teaching by students was based on qualitative measures, that resulted from a response to a set of questions put to students regarding the instructor’s teaching performance. In addition to that, students were allowed to comment on teaching performance of instructors. Starting Fall of 1987, results of teaching evaluation forms were quantified in terms of numerical values ranging from 0-10.

Course-Teaching Loads Without Numerical Evaluations
Term Course No. Course Title Credits Students Enrolled
Fall 1981 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 6
Spring 1981 ME 311.01 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 17
Fall 1982 ME 311.01 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 20
Spring 1982 ME 311.01 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 11
ME 311.04 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 12
Fall 1983 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 9
ME 433.01 Int. Aerodynamics 3-3-4 6
Spring 1983 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 16
ME 211.02 Engineering Dynamics 3-0-3 14
ME 311.01 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 12
Fall 1984 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 14
ME 433.01 Int. Aerodynamics 3-3-4 4
Spring 1984 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 19
ME 201.02 Dynamics 3-0-3 17
Fall 1985 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 22
Spring 1985 ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 18
ME 201.02 Dynamics 3-0-3 16
Summer 1985 ME 211.01 Engineering Dynamics 3-0-3 13
  ME 311.01 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3-3-4 13
Fall 1986 ME 201.01 Dynamics   23
  ME 433.01 Int. Aerodynamics   7
Spring 1986 ME 201.03 Dynamics 3-0-3 19
ME 320.01 Int. Aeronautics 3-0-3 20
Summer 1986 ME 201.02 Dynamics 3-0-3 11
ME 201.01 Dynamics 3-0-3 14

Different Courses Taught

Course Number Course Title
ME 201 Dynamics
ME 211 Engineering Dynamics
ME 301 Fluid Mechanics
ME 311 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
ME 320 Introduction to Aeronautics
ME 350 Applied Mechanical Engineering Coop Work
ME 433 Introduction to Aerodynamics
ME 411 Senior Design Project I
ME 412 Senior Design Project II
ME 599 Seminar
ME 610 Thesis

Coordination of Courses
  Lecture Sections

Term Course No. Course Title Number of Sections
Fall, 82 ME 311 Eng. Fluid Mechanics 3
Spr. 82 ME 311 Eng. Fluid Mechanics 4
Fall, 86 ME 201 Dynamics 3
Spr. 86 ME 201 Dynamics 4
Fall, 87 ME 201 Dynamics 3
Spr. 87 ME 201 Dynamics 5
Fall, 88 ME 201 Dynamics 5
Spr. 88 ME 201 Dynamics 6
Fall, 89 ME 201 Dynamics 5
Spr. 89 ME 201 Dynamics 6
Fall, 90 ME 201 Dynamics 6
Spr. 90 ME 201 Dynamics 6

  MS. Theses / Ph.D. Dissertations

Term Course No. Course Title Number of Students
Sum. 83 ME 610 MS Thesis 3
Fall. 91 ME 610 MS Thesis 6
Spr. 91 ME 610 MS Thesis 13
Fall, 92 ME 610 MS Thesis 9
Spr. 92 ME 610 MS Thesis 6
Sum. 92 ME 610 MS Thesis 1
Fall, 93 ME 610 MS Thesis 5
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 2
Spr. 93 ME 610 MS Thesis 8
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 3
Fall, 94 ME 610 MS Thesis 10
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 3
Spr. 94 ME 610 MS Thesis 11
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 5
Fall, 95 ME 610 MS Thesis 14
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 6
Spr. 95 ME 610 MS Thesis 15
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 4
Fall, 96 ME 610 MS Thesis 12
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 3
Spr. 96 ME 610 MS Thesis 11
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 3
Fall, 97 ME 610 MS Thesis 6
ME 710 Ph.D. Dissertation 2
Spr. 97 ME 610 MS Thesis 9
ME 710 Dissertation 2

  Summer Training

Term Course No. Course Title Number of Students
Sum. 95 ME 399 Summer Training 94

  Cooperative Training

Term Course No. Course Title Number of Students
Sum. 83 ME Coop Applied ME Coop Work I 9
ME Coop Applied ME Coop Work II 2
Sum. 95 ME 350 Applied ME Coop Work I 66
ME 352 Applied ME Coop Work II 56


Term Course No. Course Title Number of Students
Spr. 91 ME 599 Seminar 22

  Short Courses

Date Course Title
Spr. 84 Commercial Aviation: Technology and Economics
Sum. 86 Aerodynamics of Defense Weapon Systems

The type of involvement in offering the two short courses included planning the topics to be presented, hosting the speakers and supervising the whole gathering since the two courses were taught by invitees from MBB and Lufthanza, Germany.

Laboratory Development

During the period 1986-1998, Aerodynamics laboratory started with a building housing a sub-sonic wind tunnel. Its main utility was to conduct research in the area of experimental aerodynamics. In addition, it provided laboratory support for the lab part of the course ME 433, Introduction to Aerodynamics. With time, a supersonic Ludwieg tube was built and became part of the aerodynamic facility. Later on, a new experimental laboratory room was introduced in which smaller instructional wind tunnels were assembled. The new room involved a flight simulator, two smaller wind tunnels, one as open-ended system and another of the closed-loop type. In addition to that a smoke-generating machine system for the sake of smoke flow visualization was introduced. I actively participated in the planning and acquiring of the open-ended wind tunnel, and the flight simulator, as well as purchasing data acquisition system and the smoke machine. Executing all other activities was done under my direct supervision.

(g) Curriculum & Course Development

I served in the Curriculum Committee in the ME Department for six years during the period 1981-1989.

I initiated and coordinated the committee responsible for introducing the Aeronautical Option in the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering curriculum in 1986. This effort resulted in introducing the following new courses:
ME 320 Introduction to Aeronautics;
ME 426 Flight Mechanics;
ME 422 Propulsion Systems;
ME 428 Structure of Flight Vehicles.

I spearheaded efforts for the major revision of the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering curriculum in 1995-1996.

I participated actively in the development of the Ph.D. program, which resulted in its implementation in 1989.

Advising Activities

MS Theses ( Theses for which I served as a Chairman or Co-chairman or Member)

“ Experiments on a Flat Plate at High Angles of Attack ”, K. Abu-Saleh, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1987. 9CHAIRMAN)

“ Supersonic Jet Impingement on a Flat Surface at Angles From –5o to 30o ”, A. Al-Qutub, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1992. (CHAIRMAN)

“ Effect of Thermal-Hydraulic Parameters on CaCO3 Scaling in Heat Exchangers ”, M. Khan, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1996. (CHAIRMAN)

“ Low-Speed Experiments on a Flat Square Plate at High Angles of Attack “, M. Mahmood, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1984. (CO-CHAIRMAN)

“ Computational Study of the Flow Field Through a Cascade of NACA 0012 Airfoils “, M. Naweed Ahmad, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1995. (CO-CHAIRMAN)

“ Forced Flow in the Entry Region of Concentric Annuli with Impulsively Rotated Inner Walls “, M. Al-Qahtani, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1995. (CO-CHAIRMAN)

“ Conjugate Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Vertical Concentric Annuli “, A. Negm, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1998. (CO-CHAIRMAN)

“ The Use of Supplementary Boundary Layer Approximations in the Analysis of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows “, S. Fakhir Hasani, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1987. (MEMBER)

“ Integral Methods for Transpired Boudary Layer Flow “, S. Fazil, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1988. (MEMBER)

“ Investigations on a Flat Square Plate at High Incidence in a Low Speed Flow “, I. Ahmad, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1988. (MEMBER)

“ The Development of an Integral Approach to Transpired Laminar Boundary Layer Flow “, R. Siddique, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1984. (MEMBER)

“ An Experimental Study of Reattaching Flow over a Backward-Facing Step with Controlled Perturbation “, A. Khan, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1989. (MEMBER)

“ Reliability-Based Maintenance Strategies for Heat Exchangers Subject to Fouling ”, M. Ul-Haq, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1995. (MEMBER)

“ Analytical Calculation of Bow Shock Delta Shaped Supersonic Lifting Wings ”, D. Abdel-Nabi, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1986. (MEMBER)

Ph.D. Dissertations

  • “ Simulation of Three-Dimensional Laser Gas-Assisted Heating of Solid Substance: The Fourier Heat Conduction Theory Approach ”, S. Shuja, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1998. (MEMBER)
  • “ Experimental Investigation of Air Flow Around Buildings ”, M. Mahmood, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Sidney, in Progress. (CO-CHAIRMAN)
  • “ Flow in the Wake of Flat Plate with Different Separation Points ”, T. Ayinde, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, in Progress. (CHAIRMAN).

Selected Senior Projects
  • “ Air Flow Around a Finite Length Circular Cylinder”, T. Al-Alshaikh.
  • “ Air Flow Past a Finite Circular Cylinder with a Hemisphere on Top ”, O. Al-Dughaither.
  • “ Design of a Traversing Mechanism for Three Dimensional Probing ”, A. Al-Dossary.
  • “ Flow Measurements Near the Critical Angle of Attack on a Square Flat Plate ”, M. Ishaq.
  • “ Investigation of the Effect of Different Length-To-Diameter Ratios on the Back Pressure of Circular Cylinders”, A. Al-Ahmadi.

Cooperative Projects

  • “ The Process of Overhauling Diesel Engines ”, K. Al-Harbi.
  • “ Sound Power Level Calculation in Pressure Relief System ”, H. Al-Sadah.


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