Areas of
The theme of my academic research work is shedding the light
on different aspects of local and national vital technical
issues. Examples of the issues of interest are:
Characterization of renewable energy in the area
performance in the local environment
Evaluation of existing energy processes (desalination)
consumption patterns
composite structures (NDT, Mechanical and Thermal
Al-Sulaiman, Faleh, O, Gandhidasan, and S.M. Zubair,
“Liquid Desiccant Based Two-stage Evaporative Cooling System
Using Reverse Osmosis (RO) Process for Regeneration”,
Applied Thermal Engineering, 27 (2007), p.2449.
B.S. Yilbas, Al-Sulaiman, F.A., C, Karakas, and M.
Ahsan, “Laser cutting of multi-layered Kevlar plates”,
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, published,
JMEPEG, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-007-9107-2, 2007.
Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Yilbas, B.S., C. Karakas, O.
Keles, I. Uslan, Y. Usta, M. Ahsan and A. Bazoune, “Laser
cutting of Kevlar and mild steel composite structure: end
product quality assessment”, J. Materials and Engineering
Performance, Vol. 161, pp. 22-29, 2007.
Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Yilbas, B.S., and Ahsan M., “CO2
laser cutting of a carbon / carbon multi-lamelled
plain-weave structure”, J. Material Processing Technology,
Volume 173, pp.345-351, 2006.
Al-Sulaiman, Faleh, and P. Gandhidasan, “Energy
Analysis of Liquid Desiccant Based Evaporative Cooling
System”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition, Paper No. IMECE
2005-79163, Orlando, Flordida, November 5-11, 2005.m
Al-Sulaiman, F.A.,Yilbas, B.S., Ahsan M., and Mansoor,
S.B., “Laser Hole Drilling Into Composites and Steel
Worpieces”, Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 16, nl-2, p.
105-120, 2006.
Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Yilbas, B.S., “Laser Treatment of
Carbon / Carbon Reinforced Plain-Weave Laminates”, Laser in
Engineering, 15, 119-127, (2005).
Y.A. Khulief, F.A. Al-Sulaiman, and S. Bashamal,
“Modelling of Stick-Slip in Multibody Drilling Systems”,
Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 2005 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, Sept. 26-28, 2005,
Long Beach, California, USA.
Faleh A. Al-Sulaiman,
Yagoub N. Al-Nassar and Esmail M.A. Makheimer,
"Numerical Prediction of the Thermal Conductivity of
Fibers", submitted to Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Vol 42(5), March 2006, pp.449-461.
Y.A. Khulief, F.A. Al-Sulaiman and S. Bashmal, "Modeling of
Stick-Slip in Multibody Drilling Systems", Proceedings
of IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 2005 International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences, and Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, Sept. 2-28, 2005,
Long Beach, California, U.S.A.
Al-Sulaiman, F.A.,
and Yilbas, B.S., “Laser Heating of Carbon/Carbon
Reinforced Composite”, Laser in Engineering, Vol 14, pp.
000-000, 2004.
Faleh A. Al-Sulaiman,
Esmail M. A. Mokheimer and Yaagoub N. Al-Nassar,
"Pre-diction of the Thermal Conductivity of the
Constituents of Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates",
Heat and Mass Transfer Vol 42(5) March
Faleh A. Al-Sulaiman, Yaagoub
N. Al-Nassar and Esmail M. A. Mokheimer, " Pre-diction
of the Thermal Conductivity of the Constituents
of Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates: Voids Effect",
Journal of Composite materials, Vol.40,no.9,May 1st
Faleh Al-Sulaiman,
Anwar K. Sheikh and Abdul Baseer, “Empirical Models of
Mechanical & Electrical Drilling Power of Mild Steel”,
submitted to Journal of Engineering Manufacture,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Part B, No. 9,
Vol.218, pp 1181-1189, Sept. 2004.
Faleh Al-Sulaiman,
Abdul Baseer and Anwar K. Sheikh, “Use of Electrical
Power for Online Monitoring of Tool Condition”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
Z. Ahmad, F. Al-Sulaiman,
B. Abdulaleem, “Corrosion Behaviour of Carbon Reinforced
Plain-Weave Laminates,” Journal of Reinforced
Plastics & Composites Vol.23,No.10,2004,
A.N. Shuaib, F.A.
Al-Sulaiman and F. Hamid, “Machinability of Kevlar
49 Composite Laminates While Using Standard TiN Coated
HSS Drills” International Journal of Machining Science
and Technology , Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 449-467, 2004.
Faleh Al-Sulaiman,
Palm Fibre Reinforced Composite as a New Building
Material” International Journal of Energy Research,
27: 1293-1297, 2003.
Faleh Al-Sulaiman,
“Evaluation of the Performance of Local Fibers in
Evaporative Cooling,” Energy Conversion & Management
Journal, Vol. 43, 16, p. 2267-2273, 2002.
Faleh Al-Sulaiman,
“Mechanical Properties of Date Palm Fiber Reinforced
Compos-ites,” Applied Composite Materials, 9(6):
369-377; Nov. 2002.
Rehan Khan, Z.
Khan, F. Al-Sulaiman, & N. Merah, “Fatigue Life
Estimates in Woven Carbon Fabric/Epoxy Composites at
Non-Ambient Temperatures,” Journal of Composite
Materials, Vol. 36, No. 22, 2002.
Khan, Z., Al-Sulaiman,
F. A., Farooqi, J. K., and Younas, M., “Fatigue
Life Predict-ions in Woven Carbon Fabric/Polyster
Composites Based on Modulus Degradation,” Journal of
Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 20, No. 05,
(2001), pp 377-398.
Al-Sulaiman, F.A.,
“Mechanical Properties of Date Palm Leaves,” Journal
of Rein-forced Plastics and Composites, (2000) Vol.
19 No. 17/2000 pp. 1379-1388
Khan, Z., Al-Sulaiman,
F. A., and Farooqi, J. K., “Fatigue Damage
Characterization in Plain-Weave Carbon-Carbon Fabric
Reinforced Plastic Composites,” Journal of Reinforced
Plastics and Composites, (1998) Vol. 17, No. 15,
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
and Ismail, B., “Estimation of Monthly Average Daily and
Hourly Solar Radiation Impinging on a Sloped Surface
Using the Isotropic Sky Model for Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia,” Renewable Energy, (1997) Vol. 11, No. 2,
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
“The Thermodynamic Property Entropy and The Holy Quran,”
Hamdard Islamicus, (1997) Vol. 40, No. 4,
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
and Zubair, S. M., “A Survey of Energy Consumption and
Failure Patterns of Residential Air-Conditioning Units
in Eastern Saudi Arabia,” Energy, (1996) Vol. 21,
No. 10, pp.967-975.
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
and Ahmed, Z., “The Assessment of Corrosion Damage to
Automobiles in the Eastern Coast Area of Saudi Arabia,”
Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., (1995) Vol. 209,
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
and Ismail, B., “Exergy Analysis of Major Recirculating
Multi-Stage Flash Desalting Plants in Saudi Arabia,” Desalination, (1995) Vol. 103, pp.265-270.
Al-Sulaiman, F.,
and Zaman, S., Actuator Placement in Lumped Parameter
Systems Subjected to Disturbance,” Computers &
Structures, (1994) Vol. 52, No. 1, pp.41-47.
Ahmed, Z., and Al-Sulaiman,
F. A., “Corrosion of Cars in
Eastern Coastal Environment of Saudi Arabia,” British
Corrosion Journal, (1993) Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.
and Jamjoum, F. A., “Application of Wind Power on the
East Coast of Saudi Arabia,” Renewable Energy,
(1992) Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.47-55.
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
“Variation of Wind Speed with Elevation in Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia,” Proc. World Renewable Energy Congress
VI, Brighton, United Kingdom, 1-7 July 2000.
Zafarullah Khan, Al-Sulaiman,
F.A., and Farooqi, J., “Fatigue
Damage Characteriza-tion in Plain-Wave Carbon-Carbon
Fabric Reinforced Plastic Composites,” Proc. 5th
International Symposium on Advanced Materials,
Islamabad, Pakistan, 1997, p.512-518.
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
“On Active Suspension Design of Ground Vehicles Using
Observers,” Proceedings of the IASTED International
Symposium, Grindelwald, Switzerland, Feb. 1987,
Al-Sulaiman, F.A.,
“Slip Ring Design for High Speed Rotating Equipment,”
Proceedings of Workshop on Vibration in Rotating
Machinery, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, April 2000,
Zafarullah Khan, Al-Sulaiman
F. A., and Farooqi, J., “Fatigue
Life Predictions for Woven Carbon Fabric/Polyester
Composites,” Key Note Presentation, 6th
Inter-national Symposium on Advanced Materials,
Islamabad, Pakistan, 19-23 Sep 1999.
Al-Sulaiman, F. A.,
and Al-Baya, M., “Radiation Properties of Wind Glasses
Used in Saudi Arabia,” First Saudi
Symposium on Energy, Utilization and Conservation,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1990
Funded Projects:
Title Investigating the cost effectiveness and
engineering efficiency of
domestic and green-house evaporative
cooling using local fiber pads
Status Principal Investigator
Project # AR-23-10
Duration 36 months
Budget SR.891,000
King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST)
The primary goal of this investigation is to evaluate the
performance of pads made of local plant fibers in terms of
their cooling efficiency, durability, and economy with that
of known commercial ones. The use of brackish water in
evaporative cooling instead of the scarce and expensive soft
water will also be evaluated. A three-dimensional computer
model will also be developed for air movement and heat
transfer of evaporative cooling system in a greenhouse. This
model will be used to enhance the cooling efficiency and
cost effectiveness of greenhouse evaporative cooling.
This is a three-year project
addressing the cost effectiveness and energy efficiency of
the proposed pad materials, made from local plant fibers, in
evaporative cooling greenhouses. Specific objectives of the
study include:
Collecting information on the types and major
applications of evaporative cooling systems in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia as well as the types of commercial cooling
pad materials and associated operational and technical
problems that affect their performance.
Evaluating the performance of evaporative cooling
pads made from local fibers such as luffa cylindrical
sponges and date palm fibers in terms of their cost
effectiveness and cooling efficiency in comparison with the
commercially available aspen wood excelsior and cellulose
Monitoring and assessing the rate of deterioration
in the cooling performance of the cooling pads with time for
both fresh and brackish water as a result of the
accumulation of minerals (as the water evaporates), dirt and
growth of bacteria, algae and molds on the pads and inside
the evaporative cooling unit. Tests will be carried out in
experimental setups as well actual greenhouses to assess the
performance of the pads.
Developing and evaluating the effectiveness of
remedial solutions to the technical problems associated with
the deterioration in cooling pad performance from mineral
and scale deposits and algae, mold, and bacteria growth.
Formulating and implementing a three-dimensional
computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer (CFDHT) model
for a tunnel-type greenhouse, fan ventilated and equipped
with evaporative cooling pads.
Title Drillstring Vibration Diagnostics
for Improving Drilling
Status Co-Investigator
# AR-22-11
Duration 24 months
Budget SR.269,600
Funding King Abdulaziz City for Science and
Summary Continuous improvement of drilling
performance poses a
Challenge to the
oil industry. It is well known that drillstring
Vibration is one
of the major causes for a deteriorated drilling performance
, and if left untreated may result in a complete failure of
the drilling process. Failure of a drilling operation is
time consuming and can be extremely costly, especially when
occurred at a later stage into drilling.
The proposed
research project aims at developing a drillstring vibration
analysis and diagnostic scheme that possess the basic
requirements of generality, accuracy and reliability. A
quantitative analysis would require a detailed model
incorporating many degrees of freedom that accounts for
variable geometry, fluid-structure interaction, damping, and
string/borehole interaction. In this regard. Various types
of vibration can be distinguished, each having its own
specific adverse effects. A special three-dimensional finite
element model will be developed to account for the effect of
the variable string geometry, drillstring rotation, the
added mass and damping effects. The scheme also calculates
the impulsive response due to the subsequent impacts between
the drillstring and the borehole. The proposed model admits
solutions to both vertical and inclined drillstring
configurations. Laboratory experiments will be performed on
an experimental drillstring to determine the effect of the
drilling fluids on the drillstring vibrations. Computer
simulations and experimental testing are then combined to
obtain correlations between the different vibration
mechanisms and the drilling parameters. It is anticipated
that the outcome of this project is a reliable vibration
diagnostic scheme that can be applied to existing and future
field drilling. The scheme will help in tuning the drilling
parameters, thus improving the drilling performance by
reducing drilling time and cost.
Title Effect
of Environmental Conditions on the Performance of QF QF
Reinforced/Vinylester Thermoset Pipes
Status Co-Investigator
# ME 2236
Duration 60 working months
Funding Saudi Aramco
Summary This project is to investigate the
effect of environmental conditions
on the performance
of glass fiber-reinforced/vinyl ester thermoset pipes. The
focus of this study will be to determine the degradation of
the mechanical and physical properties of 6-inch diameter
glass-fiber reinforced/vinyl ester pipes exposed to both
natural and accelerated environmental conditions. A full
spectrum of exposure conditions ranging from dry heat,
humidity, seawater, UV radiation, and natural conditions
will be studied. The exposed pipes will be tested to
determine the effect of the above exposures on a full range
of mechanical and physical properties. Tensile, fatigue,
impact, fracture toughness, stress-rupture, hydrostatic
burst, glass transition temperature, and weight gain
behavior will be studied. It is expected that well over 3000
mechanical and physical property tests will be performed
during the course of the proposed study.
It is hoped that
the data generated from this study and subsequent results
will serve as guidelines for Saudi Aramco to make correct
and critical decisions in the application, operation, and
maintenance of the glass fiber reinforced/viny ester
thermoset composites pipes for oil transportation.
Title Effects of High Vane Passing
Frequency of the Turbine Boiler
Feed Pump (BFPT) on Damaging Other
Status Principal Investigator
Project # CER 2289
Duration 18 months
Funding Saudi Electric Company
Summary This project is to investigate the
vibration problem in the boiler
Feed pump, to
determine the root causes, address the damage effects of
such vibration levels, and to suggest methods to reduce the
vibration amplitudes to acceptable levels by optimally
utilizing the available resources and/or suggesting
modifications to the existing systems. The problem was
stated by Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) as follows:
“From data
collected on turbine boiler feed pumps at Qurayyah Power
Plant, it was found that there are high vibration amplitudes
at harmonic frequencies 5th and 10th
(Vane Passing Frequency). The amplitudes generated from the
impeller and causing damages on the instrument equipment
such as gauges and also welded pipes connected to the pump.
Different trials were made to reduce the vibration level,
such as conducting hot train alignment and replacing one
pump cartridge with a new one, but the vibration behavior
had not changed much”.
The proposed
study intends to perform a root-cause analysis leading to
the cause of the aforementioned vibration problem, and to
suggest corrective actions including any necessary
modifications if needed. The study will proceed
simultaneously in two directions, namely (a) field
measurements and data acquisition, and (b) mathematical
modeling and simulation of the related flow-structure
interaction mechanisms. Correlations between measurements
and numerical predictions will be established in the light
of possible causes of high-level vibrations at the VPF.
Other possible causes may become evident from information to
be gained from the problem history, field visits, field data
collection, and online machine measurements. The developed
scheme will be used for diagnostic purposes. Several
hypothesis and possible causes will be studied. The
vibration effects on pumps, turbines and compressor parts
and components can also be predicted using the proposed
Title Assessing Needs and Developing an
Implementation Strategy
for Introducing Rapid Prototypingk,
Rapid Tooling and Virtual
Manufacutring Technologies in Saudi
Status Co- Investigator
# FT/2004-16
Duration 12 months
Budget SR.61,800
Funding KFUPM
Summary This purpose of this
development project is to assess the needs of
manufacturing technologies such as Rapid Prototyping, Rapid
Tooling and Virtual Manufacturing in Saudi Arabia using a
properly designed survey form and personal interaction with
local industry. Data will be collected and analyzed to
determine the need of such technologies and assess the
current level of awareness of these technologies and
potential applications. Based upon these results, a vision
will be articulated for introducing these technologies in
Saudi Arabia. Three different development proposals will be
developed as an outcome of this project and a strategy will
be outlined how the establishment and running of these
facilities can be realized in an efficient manner.
Title Laboratory Testing of Insulating
Status Co- Investigator
Project # ME 2250
Duration 3 months
Budget SR.20,000
Funding Arnon Plastic Industries Co.
Summary Measure the thermal conductivity under
different pressures (simulating situations where compressive
loads are applied). Subject the samples to real outside
environmental conditions (under share) and measure the
changes in thickness and thermal conductivity on periodic