Said Abdallah Muhammad
Information and Computer Science Dept.
Below is a list of courses I taught in the past.
ICS 331: Systems Software
ICS 232 : Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Unit02: 8086 RegistersAndMemorySegmentation
Unit05: IntroductionToProcedures
Unit 09: SeparatelyAssembledModules
Unit 10: ArithmeticInstructions
Unit 12: ShiftAndRotateInstructions
ICS 201: Introduction to Computer Science
ICS 102: Introduction to Computing
Lecture 01: ComputerSystemAnatomy
Lecture 02: OverviewOfProgrammingParadigms
Lecture 03: ProgrammingLanguagesTranslation
Lecture 04: FundamentalDataTypes
Lecture 07: IntroductionToStrings
Lecture 08: IntroductionToConsoleIO
Lecture 09: IntroductionToClasses
Lecture 10: IntroductionToClassesII
Lecture 15: StringTokenization
Lecture 20: IntroductiontoRecursion
Lecture 26: IntroductionToApplets1
Lecture 27: IntroductionToApplets2
Lecture 28: IntroductionToComputerEthics
ICS 101: Computer Programming