King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals - Home Page Information & computer Sciences Department

 Visiting Professor

Nazim Madhavji

CS Dept., UWO


Program Registration

What's New









Registration for the workshops and/or the short courses is free. We need only the following:

Your Name:

Your ID#:

Your Department:

To register for the program events, please complete the above information and send it in an email to the organizer by clicking on one of the following:

Registration for Workshop 1: for graduate students and RAs only

Registration for Workshop 2: for faculty members (who teach) only

Registration for the short courses: for everybody  .. Registration is closed for the short courses.


Due to the limited number of available seats in the reserved place where these workshops and short courses are going to be held, the  number of participants is restricted to a maximum of 35 in any of these events. Thus, interested participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible.