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Contributions to Online Engineering Education: |
Published conference papers:
Mohandes M., Sheikh S.I.,
"Development of 8086 Microprocessor Course for Web
Based learning"
Saudi Technical Conference, Riyadh, January 11-14, 2009.
Sheikh S.I. and Siddique J., "Internet/Intranet Based Engineering Education" 3rd
Forum on Engineering Education Building Partnership with Government,
Industry and Society”, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates,
October 14 -15, 2003.
Sheikh S.I. and Siddique J.,"Web Based Engineering Education" 6th Saudi
Engineering Conference, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, December 14 -17, 2002
Sheikh S.I. and Siddique J., "Internet Based Higher Education" 4th IEEE Workshop on
Information and Computer Science, KFUPM, KSA, March 17-28, 2002.
Sheikh S.I., “Internet
Based Education in Bangladesh” International conference on
Technology Transfer, Bangladesh, December 23-24, 2000.
Funded Online Course Projects:
Title: ‘Phase
I-III of Open Course Ware (OCW) & Open Course File (OCF) preparation
for Electrical Engineering'
Funded By: Deanship of Academic Development (DAD), KFUPM, KSA.
Responsibility: Co-investigator and Budget: SAR
Duration: Feb. 2007 to March 2009 (4 months per phase).
Title: ‘Online Course
Development Grant for Electronics I course’ Funded By: Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, KSA.
Responsibility: Co-investigator and Budget: SAR
53,000 Date Started: Sep, 2002 and Duration:12 months & 1
Title: ‘Online Course
Development for Digital System Engineering’ Funded By: Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, KSA.
Responsibility: Co-investigator and Budget: SAR
133,000 Date Started: May, 2006 and Duration: 12 months & 1
Workshops on Educational Tools and Methods
Workshop on
“Experience-Sharing in Developing Online Courses”, May 01, 2005
Workshop on
“Instructional Design for Online Courses”, March 06th-13th, 2005.
Workshop on
“Introduction to Computer Graphics”, December 11th-20th, 2004.
Workshop on “Designing
e-Learning Materials”, October 03rd and 05th, 2004.
Workshop on
“Introduction to WebCT”, June 26th-30th, 2004.
Workshop on "Content
Development for Web-Based Courses Using Macromedia Authorware and
Flash" 31 Aug.- 3 Sep., 2003.
Workshop on “Building
Your Academic Portfolio” February 25th and 27th, 2007.
Workshop on “Teaching
and Tutoring Online”, September 05, 2005.
Workshop on “Using
Groups and Student Teams to Promote Learning”, Sep. 2004.
Workshop on “Active
Learning to Foster Critical Thinking”, September 6, 2004.
Workshop on
“Developing the Communication Skills of Students”, Sep. 4, 2004.
Workshop on “How to be
an Effective University Teacher”, Sep. 07-08, 2002.
Workshops on
“Increasing Effectiveness as a University Teacher”, Sep. 9, 2002.