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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Electrical Engineering Department

Associate Professor

Dr. Sharif Iqbal, Sheikh


    Academic Qualifications :

May 1992 - Sep 1996 : Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics.

(University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, England.)

Ph.D. Thesis : “Applied-field/Frequency Analysis of Gyrotropic Axisymmetric devices.”

A novel way of modeling high power micro/millimeter wave ferrite and semiconductor phase shift and control devices has been investigated. A computer aided design package has been developed to design magnetized ferrite and semiconductor passive devices. Experimentation has been performed on ferrite to corroborate the predicted performance.


Oct 1990 - Dec 1991 : M.Sc. in Communication Engineering and Digital Electronics.

(University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK.)

Major Subjects: Microprocessor Engineering; Microwave Devices & Eng.; Finite Difference Analysis; Digital Signal Processing; Radar Technology; Speech and Image Processing, Communication etc.

M.Sc. Dissertation: “High Power Microwave Frequency Tunable Waveguide Filter.”

The aim of this project was to design and built a tunable microwave filter. An ANSI C software was developed to obtain the predicted performance of a magnetized ferrite disk used in a four port tunable filter. By comparing the calculated and the experimentally obtained data, satisfactory frequency response was observed.


Apr 1985 - Mar 1990 : B.Sc.(Hon) in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

(University of San Carlos, Talamban, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.)

Major Subjects : Satellite & Digital Communication; Microprocessor & Network systems; Robotics; Broadcast Engineering; Industrial Electronics; Engineering Management; Microwave Propagation & Antennas etc.

B.Sc. Project: “Design and Implementation of a FM Transceiver module.”

1982 - 1984 : Higher Secondary Certificate, Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Bangladesh

1972 - 1982 : Secondary School Certificate, Saint Joseph School, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Honors and Awards

Selected as "Distinguished Instructor", College of Engineering Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral, for academic year 2006-2007

Selected as "Distinguished Instructor", College of Engineering Science, KFUPM, for academic year 2005-2006

Received "University Distinguished Instructional Technology" award of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral, for academic year 2004-2005.

Received "Distinguished Performance in Students Activities" award of KFUPM, for academic years of1999-2000, 2001-2002 and 2004-2005.

Received "Best Antenna Paper" award in the 11th International IEE Conference on Antenna and Propagation (ICAP), 17-20 April 2001, Manchester, England.
(out of 150 papers)

Undergraduate academic scholarship: Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds, Munich, Germany.


       Postgraduate academic scholarship: SOS International, Innsbruck, Austria.


Feb 98 – To date : "Assistant Professor" in King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

July 2003 : "Visiting Research Associate" in the Electromagnetic Center, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, UK

June-Aug 2001 : "Visiting Post Doctoral Researcher" in the Telecommunication Research Center, Arizona State University (ASU), PO  Box. 87206, Tempe, AZ, USA.

Aug 2000 : "Visiting Research Associate" in University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 88, Manchester, UK.

Nov 96 – Jan 98 : "Assistant Professor" in Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Board Bazaar, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

May 97 – Nov 97 : "Part-time Professor" in American International University in Bangladesh (AIUB), Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Aug 94 - to date : "Consultant" in Electrotec & Communication Inc., Dargapur Mansion, House No. 4, C, Ave 3, Mirpur 2, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Apr 92 - July 96 : "Teaching Assistant" in the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, England.

Nov 91 - Mar 92 : "Computer Manager" in IBCO limited, 648 Ashton old road, Manchester M11 2WD, England.

Apr 90 - Jul 90 : "Engineer" in Philips International Center, 36/2 Senpara Parbata, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Summery of Teaching and related experiences:

o       Overall performance evaluation in KFUPM is ‘A+’, from 1998 to 2006

o       Taught  1  graduate and  10  undergraduate courses in Electrical Engineering (EE).

o       Taught laboratory classes of  5  undergraduate Electrical Engineering courses.

o       Coordinated several EE courses/laboratories for  12  semesters.

o       Average Student Evaluation is  90%.

o       Introduced (offered for the 1st time in EE dept)  2  EE courses (1 undergraduate, 1 graduate).

o       Developed curriculum for KFUPM-EET diploma program

o       Revised electrical engineering curriculum for 5  B.Sc./M.Sc. courses.

o       Developed Printed Circuit Facilities (PCB lab) for EE department.

o       Developed  1  laboratory for a senior course and revised  3  laboratory manuals.

o       Supervised/examined  24  EE undergraduate senior-projects involving  89  students

o       Supervised  16  EE undergraduate co-operative students.

o       Supervised/examined  80  EE undergraduate summer training students.

o       Academically advised  340+  EE students (approximately 20 students per semester).

o       Achieved university level recognition for using innovative teaching tools.

o       Attended  14+  workshops/seminars and 1 online-course to improve teaching skills.

Summery of Postgraduate Thesis Supervised and Examined:

o       Supervised  2  and co-supervised  1  graduate theses leading to M.Sc. degree.

o       Served as a committee member of  5  M.Sc. theses.

Summery of Research Responsibilities:

o       Manager (PI) of 2 ongoing & 1 completed funded (by university) research projects and Co-investigator of 5 funded (by university and industry) projects with a total budget of SAR 500000.

o       Published  15  papers in international Journals and 20  papers in refereed international Conferences.

o       Published  3  and written  12  refereed technical reports.

o       Visiting researcher for  3  summer terms in UK and USA universities.

Summery of Professional Activities:

o       Organized  6  international conferences.

o       Coordinator IET-Saudi chapter (IEE) in KFUPM. 

o       Presented  28+  short-courses and seminars to local & international universities and industry.

o       Attended  2  training courses,  13+  workshops/seminars and  25+  conferences.

o       Reviewed  34+  Papers for international journals (IEE and IEEE…) and conferences.

o       Published  4  international conference papers on  ‘online engineering education’  

o       Consultant of an international university and an engineering company.

Summery of Services to KFUPM community:

o       Elected to serve in  3  ‘University Standing Committees’ in KFUPM.

o       Selected to serve in  3  ‘University Ad-Hoc Committees’ in KFUPM.

o       Reviewed  8+  reports/proposals (related to funded projects) for Deanships of ‘Scientific Research (DSR)’ and ‘Academic Development (DAD)’ of KFUPM.

o       Evaluated proposal/report for College of Engineering ‘Innovative Grant Scheme’. 

o       For past  7  years, led the college Badminton-team in ‘Rector’s Cup’ tournament.

o       Participated for the college Table tennis and Volleyball teams in ‘Rector’s Cup’.

o       Served in  3  ‘Standing Committees’ of Electrical Engineering department.

o       Served in  10  departmental ‘Ad Hoc Committees’ as chairman and member.

o       Initiated  9  purchase requests for buying equipment/software for EE department.

o       Evaluated proposals, applications and reports for EE Department.

o       Nominated by the EE department to attend workshops and seminars.

o       Participated in the graduate entrance/comprehensive exam and EE Open-day activity.

o       Coordinator/Member of the Electromagnetics, Electronics and Digital System groups.

o       Received  3  awards from participating in the student activities of KFUPM.

Detail Resume can be emailed upon request.

Civic Duties:

- Chairman of the Managing Committee, Sheshupolli Jame Mosjid, Shamoli, Dhaka Bangladesh.
- Chairman of the Managing Committee, "Sheikh Neyamat Ali High School (Science Building)", Darghapur, Satkhira, Bangladesh.  

Professional Attainments

  • "Senior Member", Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA.

  • "Honorary Treasurer" of Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Saudi-section, UK.

  • "Member" of Saudi Scientific Society for Electrical Engineers (SSSEE)

  • "Life Member", Institute of Engineers in Bangladesh (IEB), Bangladesh.

  • "Member", Institute of Electronic and Communications Engineers in Philippines .


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