CHEM 101 CHEM 212 CHEM 515
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CHEM 515



Course Title:                  Spectroscopy (CHEM 515).


Instructor:                      Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saadi (Office no. 4-227 , Phone no.: 3565).


Office Hours:                 Sundays & Tuesdays 9:30AM to 11:00AM, or by appointment.


Course Description:   An introduction to modern molecular spectroscopy with emphasis on the concepts and methods needed to understand the interaction of radiation with matter. Topics include molecular symmetry, atomic, rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of molecules.


Prerequisite:               CHEM 510.


Textbook:                   P. F. Bernath, “Spectra of Atoms and Molecules” Oxford University Press, Inc., 2005.


                                    Students are expected to refer to other books related to molecular spectroscopy and molecular symmetry for reading and more clarifications. Some titles are given below:

1.      J. M. Hollas, “Modern Spectroscopy”.

2.      W. G. Laidlaw, “Introduction to Quantum Concepts in Spectroscopy”.

3.      D. A. McQuarrie and J. D. Simon, “Physical Chemistry: a Molecular Approach”.

4.      A. Cotton, “Chemical Applications of Group Theory”.

5.      D. C. Harris and M. D. Bertolucci, “Symmetry and Spectroscopy: an Introduction to Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy”.


Grading System:                Homework (2 sets) ……………………..…………. 10%

First major exam ……………………….………….. 20%

                                                Second major exam …………………….………….. 20%

Term paper …………………..……….…….……… 10%

Teamwork assignment ……..…………….…...…… 10%

                                                Final exam ……………………….………………… 30%