CHEM 101 CHEM 212 CHEM 515
Journal Publications Presentations Conferences
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Work Experience:

  • Dean, College Chemicals and Materials,, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,   Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2018 – present.

  • Board Member for the Educational Affairs, University Schools, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2018 – present .

  • Chairman, Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2014 – 2018.

  • Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2013 – present.

  • Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2006 – 2013.

  • Lecturer, Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2000 – 2006.

  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.Jan – May, 2003 & Jan – May, 2005.

  • Graduate Assistant, Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.1997 – 2000.

  • Summer Training Program, Research & Development Department, Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (SAFCO), Dammam, Saudi Arabia.June – July, 1996.



  • Chemistry 101 lectures, recitations and labs (General Chemistry).

  • Chemistry 102 lectures, recitations and labs (General Chemistry).

  • Chemistry 212 (Physical Chemistry I).

  • Chemistry 515 (Spectroscopy).Outside KFUPM.

  • Chemistry 101 labs (General Chemistry), 2003, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.

  • Chemistry 324 labs (Physical Chemistry), 2005, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.

Awards and Recognitions:

  • B.S. degree in chemistry with honor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1996.

  • Ph.D. Scholarship from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2001-2006.

  • Martin Corera Travel Award, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 2005.

  • Coblentz Student Award, Coblentz Society of Vibrational Spectroscopy, WI, USA, 2007.

  • The Ten-Year Service to the KFUPM, 2008.

  • "Excellence in Teaching" award, College of Science, KFUPM, 2012.

  • Certificate of twenty-year service at King Fahd University of Petroleums & Minerals,2018. 

    LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS                                                          

    · The American Chemical Society. (2002-2003)

    · The Saudi Chemical Society. (2003-present)

    · The Coblentz Society. (2007)

    · The Saudi Arabian International Chemical Society – Chapter of the American    Chemical Society SAICSC-ACS. (2008-present)

    COMMITTEE’S WORK           

    ·         Departmental Committees

    o   Member, Chemistry open day committee.

    o   Member, Alumni liaison committee.

    o   Member, Research use of ERP system’s committee.

    o   Member, Physical chemistry division committee.

    o   Member, Program assessment committee.  

    o   Chairman, Faculty/staff application committee.

    o   Chairman, Industrial advisory committee.

    o   Member, Computer utilization committee.

    o   Member, Freshman teaching committee

    o   Other ad hoc committees including:

    ·Member, Teaching excellence applicant evaluation committee. (2008)

    ·Member, Revision of grade distribution for general chemistry courses. (2008)

    ·Chairman, Increasing the enrollment of graduate students in the Chemistry Department. (2009)

    ·Chairman, Development of the program of the Chemistry Department, Formed by the Dean of the College of Science. (2012-2013)

    ·College Committees

    o Chairman, Ad-hoc committee to admit female graduate students. (2011)

    o Member, Improve the Status of the Chemistry Department, Formed by the Dean of the College of Science. (2012-2013)

    ·University Committees

    o   Member, The academic textbooks standing committee.

    o   Member, Students fund committee.

    o   Member, The academic development standing committee.

    o   Member, The Cal-Tech collaboration committee.

    o   Member, The Board of Research Institute.

    o   Member, The functional strategic team for the deanship of student affairs.

    o   Member, The research committee.

    o   Member, The academic committee.

    o   Many other ad hoc committees such as:

    ·Member, A committee studying the feasibility and mechanism of central lab and workshop facilities. (2007)

    ·Member, Taskforce to evaluate professorial chair positions at KFUPM (formed by the Vise Rector of Academic Affairs). (2008)

    ·Member, A committee reviewing procedures and pricing structure of client-funded research (formed by the Vise Rector of Applied Research). (2008-2009)

    ·Member, A committee to enhance the cooperation with the Administration of Education in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. (2009-2010)

    ·Member, A committee reviewing the applications for the innovative idea award, (formed by the Director, Office of Planning and Quality). (2010)

    ·Member, A KFUPM committee on the development of Hafr Al-Batin Community College (HBCC) (formed by the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs). (2011)

    ·Member, A committee to develop the program of the Chemistry Department, (formed by the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs). (2012-2013).

    ·Member, A committee to organize a workshop on enhancing the procedures for chemicals procurement, (formed by the Rector). (2013-2014).