Geop480: Special Topics

                      Earth Sciences Department-KFUPMDepartment

Instructor: Ali Osman Oncel

Lecture notes

Seismic refraction analysis of landslides

Since I'm so interested in this topic, could you mention to me its author name?
Charles F. Narwold and William P. Owen
Could you mention to me the two assumptions for applying the GRM?
ü- A layered model.
ü- Continuity of refractor surfaces across a profile.

What types of the GRM analysis can be used?
The approximate velocity (AP) and the average velocity (AV) methods.
What was the final result fr the N1 profile?
The velocity distribution of a landslide along the Navarro River can be explained by a rotational slide superimposed on a larger landslide with fracturing and displacement extending into bedrock.

 What is the meaning of physical restriction? : It refers to restriction causedby the volume of the body. 

What does SCPT do for   SeisOpt® ReMi™? : It is an other method and it does not effect the SeisOpt® ReMi™.

What is the microtremor?: Standard refraction equipment deployed similar to a shallow P-wave refraction survey to record ambient noise


Determination of 1-D shear wave velocities using the refraction microtremor method - Satish Pullammanappallil, Bill Honjas, and John Louie
Proceedings of the third international conference on the application of geophysical methodologies and NDT to transportation and infrastructure, December 8-12, 2003, Orlando, Florido, USA

Presenter: Hasan Ramadhan

Seismic refraction interpretation with velocity gradient and depth of investigation - Michael L. Rucker
Proceedings of the Geophysics 2002 conference, April 15-19, 2002, Los Angeles, California

Presenter: Ahmed Al Zawwad

Use of Advanced Data Processing Techniques in the Imaging of the Coso Geothermal Field - Satish Pullammanappalil, Bill Honjas, Jeff Unruh, and Frank Monastero
During December of 1999, approximately 32 miles of seismic data were acquired within the Coso Geothermal Field, Inyo County, California, as part of a detailed seismic investigation undertaken by the US Navy Geothermal Program Office. Data acquisition was designed to make effective use of advaddnced data processing methods ...
click here to download the pdf.

Presenter: Asaad Al-Zawwad


New Seismic Imaging of the Coso Geothermal Field, Eastern California - Jeff Unruh, Satish Pullammanappallil, Bill Honjas, and Frank Monastero
New multifold seismic reflection data from the central Coso Range, eastern California, image brittle faults and other structures in Mesozoic crystalline rocks that host a producing geothermal field. The reflection data were processed in two steps that...
click here to download the pdf.

Presenter: Hasan Ramadhan-Presenter

Faster, Better: Shear-Wave velocity to 100 meters depth from refraction microtremor arrays - John Louie
Paper describing the technique behind SeisOpt ReMi software analysis...
click here for PDF version

Presenter: Ahmed Al Zawwad

New Seismic Imaging of the Coso Geothermal Field, Eastern California - Jeff Unruh, Satish Pullammanappallil, Bill Honjas, and Frank Monastero
New multifold seismic reflection data from the central Coso Range, eastern California, image brittle faults and other structures in Mesozoic crystalline rocks that host a producing geothermal field. The reflection data were processed in two steps that...
click here to download the pdf.

Presenter: Asaad Al-Zawwad


Geop480: Fall 2006