XML DOM Tutorial
DOM Introduction
DOM Parsing
DOM ParseError
DOM Validator
DOM Access
DOM HttpRequest
DOM NodeType

XML DOM Objects
DOM Node
DOM NodeList
DOM Document
DOM Element
DOM Attr
DOM Text
DOM Comment

DOM Examples
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DOM - The Node object

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Take a look at the XML file used in the examples: note.xml


How to return the name of a node.

How to return the value of a node.

How to return the name of the nextSibling node.

In IE5 you can return the text from a node and all its child nodes.

In IE5 you can return the xml from a node and all its child nodes.

How to create an element node with a text node and then append it as a child node.

How to create a text node and then insert it before a specified node.

The Node Object

The node object represents a node in the node tree. A node can be an element node, a text node, or any other of the node types explained in the DOM nodeType chapter. All of these node types have properties and methods. The general properties and methods for all node types are listed below:

W3C Properties

Property Description
attributes Returns a NamedNodeMap containing all attributes for this node
childNodes Returns a NodeList containing all the child nodes for this node
firstChild Returns the first child node for this node
lastChild Returns the last child node for this node
nextSibling Returns the next sibling node. Two nodes are siblings if they have the same parent node
nodeName Returns the nodeName, depending on the type
nodeType Returns the nodeType as a number
nodeValue Returns, or sets, the value of this node, depending on the type
ownerDocument Returns the root node of the document
parentNode Returns the parent node for this node
previousSibling Returns the previous sibling node. Two nodes are siblings if they have the same parent node

W3C Methods

Method Description
appendChild(newChild) Appends the node newChild at the end of the child nodes for this node
cloneNode(boolean) Returns an exact clone of this node. If the boolean value is set to true, the cloned node contains all the child nodes as well
hasChildNodes() Returns true if this node has any child nodes
insertBefore(newNode,refNode) Inserts a new node, newNode, before the existing node, refNode
removeChild(nodeName) Removes the specified node, nodeName
replaceChild(newNode,oldNode) Replaces the oldNode, with the newNode

IE5 Node Properties and Methods

The node object has some properties and methods that are defined in Internet Explorer 5 only:

IE5 Properties

Property Description
basename Returns the nodeName without the namespaces
dataType Returns, or sets, the dataType for this node
nodeTypeString Returns the nodeType as a string
specified Returns whether the nodeValue is specified in the DTD/Schema or not
text Returns, or sets, the text for this node and all its child nodes
xml Returns, or sets, the xml for this node and all its child nodes

IE5 Methods

Method Description
transformNode(stylesheet) Processes the node and its childNodes with the specified XSL stylesheet, and returns the result

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