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M. A. Gondal and M. A. Dastageer (2013) Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy – Theory and Applications: ed. S. Musazzi and U. Perini (eds.), Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Springer Series in Optical Sciences 182 (2014), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-45085-3_4.
1. M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, F.F. Al-Adel, A.A. Naqvi, Y. B. Habibullah Detection of highly toxic elements (Lead and Chromium) in commercially available eyeliner (Kohl) Using Laser Induced Break down Spectroscopy (JOLT –D submitted)
2. Mohammed A. Gondal, Mohamed A. Dastageer, Amjad B. Khalil, Siddiqu G. Rashid, Umair Baig Photo-catalytic Deactivation of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria – A comparative study with different catalysts and the preeminence of Pd-loaded WO3 Nanoparticles RSC Advances (accepted)
3. Xiaofeng Chang, Shuangbao Wang, Qi Qi, M.A. Gondal, S.G. Rashid, Deyuan Yang, M.A. Dastageer, Kai Shen, Qingyu Xu, Peng Wang , Constrained Growth of Ultrasmall BiOCl Nanodiscs and Their Enhanced Photoreactivity Under Visible Light Applied Catalysis B Environmental 176-177, (2015) 201-211.
4. S.G. Rashid , M.A. Gondal , A. Hameed, M. Aslam , M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamani , and D. H. Anjum (2015), Synthesis of Visible Light Driven Cr/Ce/TiON Multi Component Nanophotocatalyst and its applications in degradation of Humic Acid RSC Advances. 5(41), (2015) 32323-32332.
5. Talal F. Qahtan, M.A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamani1and D. H. Anjum (2015) A Rapid and Cost-Effective Laser based Synthesis of High Purity CdSe Quantum Dots for Solar Energy Harvesting Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15, (2015), 1-6.
6. Yousong Liu, Guangbin Ji, Mohammed Abdulkader Dastageer, Lei Zhu, Junyi Wang , Bin Zhang, Xiaofeng Chang and Mohammed Ashraf Gondal, High-Active Direct Z-scheme Si/TiO2 Photocatalyst for Boosted CO2 Reduction into Value-added Methanol RSC Advances Volume 4, Issue 100, (2014) 56961-56969.
7. Gondal, M. A.; Sadullah, Muhammad; Dastageer, M.; McKinley, Gareth; Panchanathan, Kripa K. Varanasi, Study of factors governing oil water separation process using superhydrophilic surfaces prepared by spray deposition of nanoparticle dispersions" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (16), (2014), 13422–13429.
8. A. O. Mehder , M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer , M. A. Iqbal , L. E. Oloore, Y. B. Habibullah (2015) Detection of Carcinogenic Bromine in the White Loaf Bread using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (submitted)
9. M. A. Gondal, Y. W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al Adel, A. A. Naqvi , T. F. Detection of Carcinogenic Chromium in Synthetic Hair Dyes using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Optics 53 (8), 1636-1643.
10. A. AI. Khalil, M. A. Gondal , M. A. Dastageer, Detection of Trace Elements in Non-Degradable Organic Spent Clay Waste Using Optimized Dual-Pulsed Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometer, Applied Optics 53 (8), 1709-1717.
11. M. A. Gondal, Y. W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al Adel, A. A. Naqvi , T. F. Qahtan (2014), Optimization of Plasma Parameters and Detection of Fluoride in Toothpaste using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Optics & Laser Technology 57 (2014)32–38.
12. M.A. Gondal, Talal F. Qahtan1, M. A. Dastageer,Tawfik A. Saleh, Yasin. W. Maganda and D. H. Anjum (2013) Effects of Oxidizing Medium on the Composition, Morphology and Optical Properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles produced by Pulsed Laser Ablation J. Appl. Surface Science, 286 (2013) 149– 155.
13. M. A. Gondal, S. G. Rashid, M. A. Dastageer, S. M. Zubair, M. A. Ali, J. H. Lienhard, G. H. McKinley, K. K.Varanasi (2013) Sol-gel Synthesis of Au/Cu-TiO2 Nanocomposite and their Morphological and Optical Properties, IEEE Journal Photonics, vol 5, issue 3, 2201908 (2013).
14. A. Naqvi, Faris A. Al-Matouq, Fateh Z. Khiari, Mohammed A. Gondal, Anvarhusein A. Isab, Khateeb ur-Rehman, Mohammad Raashid and Mohamed Dastageer, (2013) 350 keV Accelerator based PGNAA Setup to Detect Nitrogen in Bulk Samples Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 729, 8-13
15. M. A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer , S.G.Rashid, S. M.Zubair, M. A. Ali, D. H. Anjum J.H. Lienhard, G.H. McKinley (2013) Plasmonic Resonance Enhanced Photo-catalysis in the Visible Region with Au/Cu-TiO2 nanoparticles - Case study for the Removal Cr (VI) from Water, Science of Advanced Materials 5 (12), 2007-2014.
16. M. A. Gondal, Talal F. Qahtan, M. A. Dastageer, Yasin. W. Maganda, and D. H. Anjum (2013) Synthesis of Cu/Cu2O Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Deionized Water and Their Annealing Transformation Into CuO Nanoparticles J. Nanoscience and Technology 13 (8), 5759-5766
17. F. F. Adel, M. A. Dastageer, K Gasmi, M. A. Gondal (2013), Development and Optimization of a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Method for the Analysis of Liquid Samples J. Appl. Spectroscopy Vol. 80, 777-780
18. M.A. Gondal, M.A. Ali, M.A.Dastageer, X.Chang (2013), CO2 conversion into methanol using granular silicon carbide (α6H-SiC): A comparative evaluation of 355 nm Laser and Xenon mercury broad band radiation sources, Catalysis Letters 143 (1), 108-117.
19. A. Naqvi, Faris A. Al-Matouq, Fateh Z. Khiari, Mohammed A. Gondal, Anvarhusein A. Isab, Khateeb ur-Rehman, Mohammad Raashid and Mohamed Dastageer, (2013) Nitrogen Detection in Bulk Samples using a D-D Reaction Based Portable Neutron Generator," J. Spectroscopy 2013 Article ID 486192, 7 pages.
20. M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer (2012) Spectral red shift in the Ag2+ doped CdS quantum dots Appl Phys B (2012) 106:419–424.
21. M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, M. Maslehuddin, A.J. Al-Nehmi, O. S. B. Al-Amoudi (2012), Detection of sulfur in the reinforced concrete structures using a dual pulsed LIBS system Optics and Laser Technology 44 (2012) 566–571.
22. S. G. Rao, M. A. Gondal and M. A. Dastageer (2013) Thickness Dependent Morphology and Optical Study of Thin Films on Patterns of Self-assembled Monolayers, Surface and Coatings Technology , 231, 412 – 417 (2013) .
23. M. A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer, Naqvi A. A., A. A. Isab, and Y. W. Maganda (2012), Detection of Toxic metals (Lead and Chromium) in the Talcum Powder using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Optics 51,7395-7401(2012).
24. Naqvi A. A., M.S. Al-Anezi, Z. Kalakada, F. A. Al Matouq, M. Maslehuddin M. A. Gondal , A. A. Isab, K. Rehman and M. A. Dastageer (2012), Response Tests of a LaCl3:Ce Scintillation Detector With Low Energy Prompt Gamma Rays From Boron and Cadmium Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 , 882-87.
25. M.F. Al-Kuhaili, S.M.A. Durrani, I.A. Bakhtiari, M.A. Dastageer, M.B. Mekki, (2011) influence of Hydrogen Anealing on the properties of Hafnium Oxide Thin Films, Materials Chemistry and Physics 126 , 515-523.
26. M. A. Gondal,M. A. Dastageer, M. Maslehuddin, A.J. Al-Nehmi, O. S. B. Al-Amoudi, (2011) Detection of chloride in the reinforced concrete using dual pulsed LIBS system – A comparative study of atomic transition lines of Cl I at 594.85nm and 837.59 nm, Applied Optics, 50, 3488-3496.
27. Amir Abdalla, Nouar Tabet, Mohamed Dastageer and Syed Said (2011) Growth of zinc oxide nanostructures via thermal oxidation of DC-sputtered zinc films Physica Status Solidi-C C 8, No. 4, 1097–1104 .
28. A. Khalil, M. A. Gondal and M.A. Dastageer (2011), Augmented Photo Catalytic Activity Of Palladium Doped Nano ZnO in the Disinfection of Escherichia Coli Microorganism from Water. Appl. Catalysis A , Volume 402, Issue 1-2, 31 July 2011, Pages 162-167.
29. M. A Gondal, A. Bagabas, M. A. Dastageer (2011) Synthesis of w-CdS quantum dots and discovery of intense sub band emission owing to longitudinal optical phonons, Journal Nanoparticle Resaerch Volume 13, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 3835-3842.
30. M. A. Gondal, A. Khalil, M. A. Dastageer, K. Hayat and Z.H. Yamani (2011), Parametric Optimization of nano- ZnO Photo Catalyst for effective disinfection of Escherichia coli micro organism in Water, J. Nanoparticle Research Volume 13, Number 8, 3423-3430
31. M. A. Dastageer, Fida. F. AL-ADEL, , Khalid Gasmi and I. A. Bakhtiari (2010) An Unambiguous Determination of Specific Spectroscopic Signatures of Different Crude Oils, Asian Journal of Spectroscopy Vol. 14, pages 23-30.
32. M.A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, M. Maslehuddin, A.J. Alnehmi, O. S. B. AL-Amoudi (2011), Sensitivity enhancement at 594.8 nm atomic transition of Cl I for chloride detection in the reinforced concrete using LIBS, J. Env. Science and Health 46, 198-203(6).
33. Bagabas, A., Gondal, M., Khalil, M. A. Dastageer, A., Yamani, Z., Ashameri, M. (2010) Laser-induced photocatalytic inactivation of coliform bacteria from water using pd-loaded nano-WO3 Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis , 175 pp. 279 - 282 .
34. A. Fazal, S. Al-Fayez, L.H. Abdel-Rahman, Z. S. Seddigi, A. R. Al-Arfaj, B. El Ali, Mohammad M. A. Dastageer, M. A. Gondal, M. Fettouhi (2010) Mixed-ligand complexes of copper(I) with diimines and phosphines: Effective catalysts for the coupling of phenylacetylene with halobenzene Polyhedron, 28, 4072-4076.
35. M. A. Gondal, A. A. Bagabas, M. A. Dastageer, A. Khalil (2010) Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Application of Nano-Palladium doped Nano-WO3 J. Molecualr Catalysis A ,323, 78-83 (2010).
36. M.A. Gondal and M. A. Dastageer (2010) Design, Fabrication, and Optimization of Photo Acoustic Gas Sensor for the Trace Level Detection of NO2 in the Atmosphere J. Env. Science and Health Part A Vol 45, (2010). 1406-1412
37. A. Bagabas, M. A. Gondal, A. Al-Muhanna, T. Alanazi, M. A. Dastageer and M. Ababtain (2009) Study of Laser Induced Blue Emission with Nanosecond Decay of Silicon Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Etching Method, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 355703.
38. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H.Yamani (2009) Laser Induced Photoacoustic Detection of Ozone at 266 nm Using Resonant Cells of Different Configuration, J. Environment Science and Health Part A Vol.44, 1457 (2009).
39. Fida. F. Al- Adel, Mohamed A. Dastageer, Imran A. Baktiari (2009) Enhancement of Detectability Limits of NO3 in Deionized Water by Laser Raman Spectroscopy, Asian Journal of Spectroscopy, 13, 101.
40. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer (2009) Relative Intensity Distribution of the Stimulated Raman Scattered (SRS) Lines of Methane and Hydrogen Excited with 266 nm UV Radiation, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol 3 (2009), 355–365.
41. Gondal, M. A , M. A. Dastageer, A Khalil (2009) Synthesis of Nano-WO3 and its catalytic activity for enhanced antimicrobial process for water purification using laser induced photo-catalysis, Catalysis Communication 11, 214-219.
42. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer (2008) Raman Scattering in H2 by Laser induced H-ε Balmer Line Seeding: Amplification Coupled Laser Wavelength Shifter, Laser Physics,18, Issue 11, 2008 1332-1336.
43. Fida F. Al-Adel, M. A. Dastageer, I. A. Bakhtiari and R. Al-Gaashani, (2008), Application of a new method for Evaluating the Temperature Reduction Associated with Infrared Reduction by Films, Asian Journal of Spectroscopy, 12, 69.
44. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer, (2008) High Sensitive Detection of Hazardous SO2 using 266 nm UV Laser, J. Environment Science and Health Part A Vol. A43, No.10, 1126 - 1131 (2008).
45. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer (2008) Investigation of Amplification Process on the Third Stoke Line of H2 under UV Laser Irradiation, Applied Optics, Vol. 47 Issue 33, pp. 6243-6250 (2008).
46. Al-Adel and M. A. Dastageer, (2007) “Investigations of the process of Selective Molecular Photonic replication in Coumarin 500 and its relation to Other emission Processes”, Intl. Rev. of Physics. 1, 89
47. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer, I.A. Bakhtiari (2007) Laser Based Sensor For Detection Of Hazardous Gases In The Air Using Waveguide CO2 Laser, J. Environment Science and Health Part A Vol. 42, No. 7,871-878 (2007).
48. Al-Adel and M. A. Dastageer, “Spectrophotometric investigation of ultraviolet radiation and heat controlling commercial filters”, Asian Journal of Spectroscopy 10( Dec. 2006) 129:
49. Gondal, M. A, M. H. Shwehdi and M. A. Dastageer (2004), Photoacoustic Spectrometry For Trace Gas Analysis and Leak Detection Using Different Cell Geometries, TALANTA Vol 62, 131.
50. Gondal, M. A., M. A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2003), Laser induced fluoroscence monitoring of higher alkanes production from pure methane using laser-induced non-oxidative process, TALANTA Vol 59, 295.
51. Gondal, M. A., Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Dastageer, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2003), Photo-conversion of methane into higher hydrocarbons using 355 nm laser radiation, Spectroscopy Letters, Vol 36, 313.
52. Gondal, M. A, M. A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, and A. Arfaj (2003) Investigation of Stimulated Raman Scattering of n1 and n2 Fundamental and Overtone Modes Of CH4, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol 377, 249.
53. Gondal, M. A., M. A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2001), 355-nm Photodissociation of CH4 and Production of Hydrogen, OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol 56, pp. 462-464.
54. Dastageer, Yamani, Al-Adel (2001) Collisional Cooling Effect of a Selected Hot Bands of Sulphur Dioxide, Asian Journal of Spectroscopy. April 2001.
55. Dastageer, A., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and F. Al-Adel (1999). Relative Mixing Coefficients of Zero-Order 1B1 (n, 0, 0) Levels in the 1B1 – 1A2 Hybrid wave functions of the Vibronic Bands of SO2 in the 32184-34040 cm-1 Region. J. Chem. Phys v. 111 pp1784,
56. E .Hegazi, a .Al-Adel, A. Dastageer, and A .Hamdan, (1998). The Zero order1B1(n,0,0) Vibrational levels of Sulpher dioxide J.of Chem. Phys v. 109, pp 3928- 3933
57. Dastageer, A., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and F. Al-Adel (1997). Spectroscopic investigation of the G band of SO2. Chem. Phys. Lett., v.275, pp 283-290
58. Dastageer, A., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and F. Al-Adel (1997). An extension of the cold SO2 excitation spectrum up to 34230 cm-1. Asian J. of Spectroscopy, v. pp 210-214.
59. Al-Adel, F., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and A. Dastageer (1997). Identification of the 34S16O2 Vibronic Bands in the 31120-32160 cm-1 Region. Mol. Phys., v. 90, pp 225-234
60. Al-Adel, F., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and A. Dastageer (1997) Dispersed Fluorescence Spectra of Weak Vibronic Bands between 32900 and 33400 cm-1 of SO2, Asian J. of Spectroscopy, v.1 pp 57-63.
61. Dastageer, A., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and F. Al-Adel (1996). Identification of cold vibronic bands of SO2 between 32200 and 33300 cm-1 region. Il Nuovo Cimento D, v. 18, pp 1407-1413
62. Hegazi, E., A. Hamdan, A. Dastageer, and F. Al-Adel (1996). Single vibronic level fluorescence spectra of the F band of SO2. Mol. Phys., v. 88, pp 1479- 1490
63. Al-Adel, F., E. Hegazi, A. Hamdan, and A. Dastageer (1995). Phosphorescence of indirectly excited 3B1 levels of SO2. Chem. Phys. Lett., v. 236, pp. 369- 375
64. Hegazi, E., F. Al-Adel, A. Hamdan, and A. Dastageer (1994). Fluorescence of indirectly excited low vibrational levels of the 1A2 state of sulfur dioxide. J. Phys. Chem., v. 98, pp. 12169-12175.
65. M.A. Gondal, A. M. Ilyas, T.A. Fasasi, M.A. Dastageer ,T. F. Qahtan (2015) Synthesis of Ag-ZnO Core-Shell Composite Structures Using Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids (PLAL) for Visible Light Applications, Interantional Conference on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (AMOP), Al-Jouf (31st march - 2ndApril, 2015).
66. M.A. Gondal, T.A. Fasasi, A. M. Ilyas, M.A. Dastageer, T. F. Qahtan (2015) Synthesis and Characterization of Phase Transition of Al2O3 Nanoparticles Via Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids, Interantional Conference on Atmoic, Molecular and Optical Physics (AMOP), Al-Jouf (31st march - 2ndApril, 2015).
67. S. G. Rao, M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamman "Morphology and optical properties of organic/inorganic hybrid thin films" 214th, ACS National Meeting & Exhibition, Dallas Texas-USA (2014).
68. M.A. Gondal, T. F. Qahtan, M. A. Dastageer (2014) Synthesis of High Purity CdSe Quantum Dots using Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids,Gordon Resaerch Conference on Noble Metal Nanoparticles Syntheissi Characterization and Applications, South Hadley ( 15-20 june 2014) Massachusett, USA.
69. Talal F. Qahtan, M.A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamani and D. H. Anjum Preparation of CdSe Quantum Dots using nanosecond Laser, 3rd Saudi International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics Jazan, February 18th-20th, 2014.
70. G.D. Khattak, M. S. Kariapper, A. Mekki, M.A. Gondal and M.A. Dastageer Effect of laser irradiation on the structure and valence states of Mn in Mn-P Glass by XPS” presented in the International Conference on Chemistry in Industry (Chimindex 2013), Bahrain.
71. M.A.Gondal, Talal F. Qahtan, M.A. Dastageer, Tawfik A. Saleh (2013)Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Oxides Nanoparticles Via Pulsed Laser Ablation in liquids, , 10th International Conference on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies, HONET-CNS 2013 Famagusta; Cyprus; 11 - 13 December 2013, IEEE proceedings, Article number 6729774, Pages 146-150.
72. M. A. Gondal, Y.W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al-Adel, and A. A. Naqvi , Development of a Laser Induced Breakdown Sensor for Detection of Carcinogenic Chemicals in Cosmetic products10th International Conference on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies, HONET-CNS 2013 Famagusta; Cyprus; 11 - 13 December 2013, IEEE proceedings, Article number 6729762, Pages 84-87.
73. Talal F. Qahta, M.A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamani and D. H. Anjum Preparation of CdSe Quantum Dots using nanosecond Laser, 3rd Saudi International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics Jazan, February 18th-20th, 2014.
74. Naqvi A. A., Faris A. Al-Matouq , F. Z. Khiari, M. A. Gondal. A. A. Isab, Khateeb -ur-Rehman1 , M. Raashid and M. A. Dastageer.. Prompt Gamma Analysis of Toxic Elements in Environmental Water Samples using A D-D Portable Neutron Generator ". Paper # CEST13_0306. Presented in 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST) , 5-7 September, 2013, Athens, Greece.
75. Naqvi, A. A. Faris A. Al-Matouq, M. A. Gondal; A. A. Isab , M. Raashid; M. Dastageer , F. Z. Khiari, Performance of Lanthanum Halide Detectors for Chlorine and Boron Detection in Environmental Bulk Samples. Paper presented in Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurements Methods and their Applications 2013(ANIMMA 2013), held on June 23-27, 2013, Palais de Congres, Marseille, France.
76. Naqvi, A. A , M. A. Gondal; M. Raashid; Khateeb-ur-Rehman, M. Dastegeer. Prompt Gamma Test of a Large Volume Lanthanum Bromide Detector. Paper # 341_10 presented in fifth international symposium Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC13) held on September 22 -27, 2013, Kanazawa, Japan.
77. Naqvi A. A., Faris A. Al-Matouq , M. A. Gondal, F. Z. Khiari, Khateeb-ur-Rehman , M. Raashid, and M. Dastageer. LaCl3:Ce Detector Performance for 170-500 keV gamma rays. Paper ID: #1212, NPO2-62: Session: NPO2. NSS Poster ; presented in 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, held on 27 Oct - 02 Nov 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea (South)
78. Naqvi A. A., Faris Al-Matouq ,M. Maslehuddin, O.S.B. Al-Amoudi , M. A. Gondal, F. Z. Khiari, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, M. Raashid and M. Dastageer. Neutron Beam Measurements From MP320 Portable Neutron Generator. Paper ID: #1214, NPO2-62: Session: NPO2. NSS Poster ; presented in 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, held on 27 Oct - 02 Nov 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea (South)
79. Mohammed Ashraf Gondal, Yasin W. Maganda, Mohamed Dastageer, Fida F. Al-Adel and Akhtar A Naqvi Development of a Laser Induced Breakdown Sensor for Detection of Carcinogenic Chemicals in Cosmetic products. (HONET 2013 at EMU in Magosa, Cyprus, December 11-13, 2013-accepted)
80. M. A. Gondal, Y.W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, Measurement of Plasma Parameters for fluid Medium using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Gordon Research Conference Laser Diagnostics in Combustion, , Waterville Valley Resort, NH(11-16th August, 2013) USA.
81. M. A. Gondal, Y.W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al-Adel, and A. A. Naqvi Study of Temporal Evolution of Electron Density and Temperature for Atmospheric Plasma Generated from fluid Samples Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Proceedings of Second Saudi International Electronics Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC -IEEE) 27-30 April 2013 , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
82. M. A. Gondal, Y.W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, Measurement of Plasma Parameters for fluid Medium using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Gordon Research Conference Laser Diagnostics in Combustion, , Waterville Valley Resort, NH(11-16th August, 2013) USA.
83. M.A. Gondal, T.F. Qahtan M.A. Dastageer, T.A. Saleh ,Generation of Copper Oxides Nanoparticles Using Pulsed LaserAblation in Water, IEEE Proceeding, The 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Chemistry in Industry, Manama (Nov2 - 6, 2013) Bahrain.
84. M. A. Gondal, Y.W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al-Adel, and A. A. Naqvi Study of Temporal Evolution of Electron Density and Temperature for Atmospheric Plasma Generated from fluid Samples Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Proceedings of Second Saudi International Electronics Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC -IEEE) 27-30 April 2013 , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
85. M. A. Ali, M.A. Gondal, M. Rashid and M.A. Dastageer, Synthesis of Titania-Silica Nanoparticles For Enhanced CO2 Conversion Photocatalytic Activity, The Saudi International Nanotechnologies Conference, 1—13 November, 2012, Riyadh.
86. M.A. Gondal, T.F. Qahtan M.A. Dastageer, Synthesis and Characterization Of Metal Oxides (Al2o3, Cuo) Nanoparticles Using Pulsed Laser Ablation Technique, The Saudi International Nanotechnologies Conference, 1—13 November, 2012, Riyadh.
87. M.A.Gondal, S.G.Rashid, M.A. Dastageer, S. M.Zubair, M. A. Ali, J.H. Lienhard, G.H. McKinley, K.K.Varanasi (2012) A study of morphology and Optical properties of nano engineered (Au/Cu/ TiO2) composites IEEE proceedings, 9th International Conference on High-Capacity Optical Networks and Emerging Technologies, HONET 157-161.
88. M.A. Gondal, Xiaofeng Chang, M.A. Ali, M.A. Dastageer, B. Chandbasha Production of high value hydrocarbons using laser enhanced photo-catalytic conversion over nano-structured SiC catalyst SSC 5 2-12, College of Sciences, Um –Al Qura University, Makkah (April 16-18, 2012).
89. M.A. Gondal and M.A. Dastageer, Photoluminescence studies of pure and silver Doped cadmium sulfide Quantum Dots: potential candidate for fabrication of laser diodes, proceedings13th International symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting, Troy, New York, USA, June 24-29,2012
90. M.A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer and A. Khalil(2011), Preparation and Band Gap Shift of Nano-structured Metal Oxides and their activity in Disinfection of Water using Laser Induced Photo-catalysis, proceedings, 8th International Conference on High-Capacity Optical Netwrok and Enabling Technologies (HONET), sponsored by IEEE, Riyadh (Oct 19-21,2011) Saudi Arabia.
91. S. G. Rao, M. A. Gondal and M. A. Dastageer (2011), Nano Scale Titania Thin Film Morphology and Optical Study on Patterns of Self-assembled Monolayers, 8th International Conference on High-Capacity Optical Netwrok and Enabling Technologies (HONET), sponsored by IEEE, Riyadh (Oct 19-21,2011) Saudi Arabia.
92. M. A. Gondal and M. A. Dastageer, F.F. Al-Adel (2011) ,Determination of Trace Metals in Zamzam water using Dual Pulsed Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 2nd International Conference on Laboratory Technology (LABTECH), Doha, Qatar ( 10-12, Oct, 2011).
93. M.A. Gondal, M.A. Ali, M. Salman, M.A. Dastageer, B. Chandbasha (2011) Laser induced photo-catalytic conversion of CO2 into high-value hydrocarbons using nano-structured metal oxide catalysts, 2nd International Conference on Laboratory Technology (LABTECH), Doha, Qatar ( 10-12, Oct, 2011).
94. M.A Gondal,., M.A Dastageer, A Khalil (2011), Nano-NiO as a photocatalyst in antimicrobial activity of infected water using laser induced photo-catalysis, Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference 2011, SIECPC 2011 2011, Article number 5876969 .
95. M.A. Gondal, M.A. Ali, M. Salman, M.A. Dastageer, B. Chandbasha (2011) Laser induced photo-catalytic conversion of CO2 into high-value hydrocarbons using nano-structured metal oxide catalysts, proceedings 2nd International Conference on Laboratory Technology (LABTECH), Doha, Qatar ( 10-12, Oct, 2011).
96. M. Mbraki, M. A Gondal , Z.Seddigi, M. A. Dastageer, Leouifoudi and A. Zyad Analysis Of Olive Residue Samples Processed At Moroccon Industries Using Advanced Laser Based Technique, Sixth International confrence on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2010 (LIBS 2010) Memphis (September 13-17, 2010) Tennessee, USA.
97. M.A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer, M. Maslehuddin, A.J. Alnehmi, 3, O. S. B. AL-Amoudi (2010), Determination of Chloride Content at 594.85 nm in Concrete for Corrosion Control Using LIBS, Sixth International confrence on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2010 (LIBS 2010) Memphis (September 13-17, 2010) Tennessee, USA.
98. M.A. Gondal, Mbraki, Z.Seddigi, M.A. Dastageer (2010), Determination Of Vital Nutrients In Olives Processed In Mediterrenean Region Using LIBS Sixth International confrence on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2010 (LIBS 2010) Memphis (September 13-17, 2010) Tennessee, USA.
99. M. A. Gondal, A. Khalil, M.A. Dastageer and Z.H.Yamani (2010) Comparative study of nano and micro ZnO in Antimicrobial activity using Laser induced photo-catalytic Process, International Conference on Environmental Quality and Health, Galway (27th June- 2nd July, 2010) Ireland.
100.M. A. Gondal, M. A. Dastageer, A. Khalil and Z. H. Yamani, Preparation of Nano-structured metal oxides and their activity in disinfection of water using laser induced photo-catalysis, Fifth Saudi Physical Society Annual Meeting, October 25-27, 2010, Abha, Saudi-Arabia..
101.M. A. Gondal, A.Bagabas and M.A. Dastageer, Observation of Spectral Red Shift in the Ag 2+ Doped Cd2+S Quantum Dots, Fifth Saudi Physical Society Annual Meeting, October 25-27, 2010, Abha, Saudi-Arabia.
102.Khalil, M. A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer and A. Bagabas (2010) Disinfection of Escherichia Coli Bacteria from Water by Laser Induced Photo-Catalytic Process using Pure and Doped nano-WO3 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (CESD 2010) February 26-28, 2010, Singapore (ISI Proceedings).
103.Bagabas, M. A. Gondal, A. Khalil, M. A. Dastageer, Z. H. Yamani, M. M. Ashameri (2010), Laser-Induced Photocatalytic Inactivation of Coliform Bacteria in Water Using Pd-Supported on Nano-WO3 Catalyst, 10th International Symposium on Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium July 11-15, 2010.(ISI Proceedings)
104.Growth and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanowires Thin Films, A.A. Abdallah , M.A. Dastageer, N. Tabet and S.A. Said, BIAMS July 2010 Germany
105.A New Approach for the Growth of ZnO Nanostructures for Light Trapping in Solar Cells, A.A. Abdallah , M.A. Dastageer, N. Tabet and S.A. Said, WREC&WREN September 2010 Abu Dhabi
106.A.Bagabas, M. A. Gondal, A. Al-Muhanna, T. Alanazi, M. A. Dastageer and M. Ababtain Laser based Photoluminescence Studies of Silicon Nano Particle synthesized using Chemical Method Based on Pt (IV), International Conference on Nano technology and Advanced material (ICNOM 2009) Bahrain,4-7 May, 2009.
107.M. A. Gondal , M.A. Dastageer and A. Khalil (2009) Laser Induced Photo - Catalytic Process for Removal Of Bacteria from Waste Water using nano structured Semiconductor Catalysts, The International Conference on Water Conservation in Arid Region (ICWCAR,2009) ,Jeddah,12-14 October,2009..
108.M. A. Gondal , M.A. Dastageer (2008), Resonant Enhanced Stimulated Raman Scattering of Hydrogen due to Balmer He Line, Fourth Saudi Physical Society Annual Meeting, November 11-12,2008 , Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia.
109.M. A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer and Z. H. Yamani (2008) Detection Of Ozone at 266 nm Using Fourth Harmonic Of Nd:YAG Laser, 1st International Conference on Laboratory Technology (LABTECH), Manama, Bahrain ( 20-22 Oct. , 2008).
110.M. A. Gondal , Z. H. Yamani, M.A. Dastageer and I. A. Bakhtiari (2007) Electronically modulated photoacoustic spectrometer for detection of trace gases , International Conference on Chemistry in Industry (CHEMINDIX 2007), Manama, Bahrain ( March 26-28, 2007).
111.M.A. Gondal, M.A. Dastageer and I.A. Bakhtiari (2004), Development of laser based novel systems for industrial pollution monitoring, Fourth specialty international conference on Environmental progress in the petroleum & Petrochemical industries, Manama, Bahrain (23-25th February, 2004).
112.Z.H Yamani, M. A. Gondal, A. Hameed, M.A. Dastageer and A. Arfaj, Hydrogen Production by photo-dissociation of methane with UV laser, The 4th Middle East Refinery & Petrochemical Conference (Petrotech), Manama, Bahrain (30th September – 1st October, 2003).
113.Gondal, M. A. M.A. Dastageer and I. A. Bakhtiari (2003) Performance Enhancement of CO2 - laser based Photoacoustic System for Trace Gas Monitoring, International conference, XXIII ICPEAC, Stockholm, Sweden.
114.M. A Gondal, M.A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2002) Characterization of stimulated Raman scattering of methane, International Conference on Laser Probing, Leuven ( July 7th – 13th) Belgium.
115.M. A. Gondal, M. H. Shwehdi and M.A. Dastageer (2002), Probing of leaks and hazardous gases with photoacoustic spectroscopy, International Conference on Laser Probing, Leuven( July 7th – 13th) Belgium.
116.Gondal, M. A., M.A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2002), Photoinduced coupling of methane using pulsed UV laser, 5th International conference on Chemistry in Industry, Manama (Oct 14-16) Bahrain
117.Gondal, M. A., M.A. Dastageer, Zain. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali and A. Arfaj (2002), Photoconversion of Methane into higher hydrocarbons and hydrogen using laser, Third Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Yarmouk (22–26 April) Jordan.
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