Dr. Ezzat Hegazi, Associate Professor
Welcome to my new website!
What’s in it? You will find here some information about my research interests and also some solved problems and quizzes for PHYS 101. Who am I? I was born in Egypt, but I lived there for only 9 intermittent years. I received my B.S. degree in Physics from “Ain Shams University” in 1979. In 1982 I moved to the United States and in 1985 I obtained my M.S. Degree in Physics from “The Catholic University of America”, Washington D.C. I immigrated to Canada in 1986, and In Sep. 1989 I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics from the “University of Windsor”, Ontario. My Ph.D. topic was in Laser Spectroscopy. In 1991 I joined the (Research Institute/Physics Department) at KFUPM. Now I work full-time at the Physics Department.