1. |
“Nondestructive elemental analysis of coins using accelerator-based thermal neutrons"
F. Z. Khiari, A. Aksoy, and M. N. Al-Haddad
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 32, No. 1A (2007) 43-48 |
2. |
“Total and spectral natural gamma-ray logs of core samples”
A. Aksoy, M. M. Nagadi, F. Z. Khiari and A. A. Naqvi
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 31, No. 1A (2006) 15-22 |
3. |
“Correlation between radon exhalation and radium content in granite samples used as construction materials in Saudi Arabia”
M. Al-Jarallah, Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. S. Musazay and A. Aksoy
Radiation Measurements, Elsevier
Vol. 40 (2005) 625-629 |
4. |
“Analysis of phosphate rock samples for vanadium using accelerator-based thermal neutrons”
F. Z. Khiari, A. Aksoy, and A. Sahin
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem.
Vol. 261, no. 3, September (2004) 507-511
5. |
“Sensitivities of 14 MeV neutron activation analysis using a drift-tube neutron generator at KFUPM”
A. Aksoy, F. Z. Khiari and M. N. Al-Haddad
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 28, No. 1A (2003) 61-72
6. |
“14 MeV neutron activation analysis of Gold Jewelleries”
A. Aksoy and M. Ahmed
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem.
Vol. 256, No. 2, (2003) 369-371
7. |
“Gamma-ray spectroscopic and PIXE analysis of selected samples from the phosphorite deposits of Northwestern Saudi Arabia”
A. Aksoy, M. Ahmed, W. S. A. Matter and Z. R. El-Naggar
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem.
Vol. 253, No. 3, (2002) 517-521
8. |
“Natural Radioactivity in the Scale of water well pipes”
A. Aksoy, M. Al-Jarallah and M. N. Al-Haddad
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Elsevier
Vol. 61 (2002) 33-40 |
9. |
"Measurement of accelerator-based neutron distribution using nuclear track detectors”
M. I. Al-Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Z. Khiari, A. Aksoy and R. Nassar
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Physics Research B 171/4 (2000) 584-588
10. |
“Back-Angle anomaly in scattering of alpha-particles from 28Si at low energies”
A. Coban, F. Z. Khiari, M. S. Abdelmonem, A. Aksoy and A. A. Naqvi,
Nuclear Physics A 678/1-2 (2000) 3-10
11. |
"Fabrication and tests of 3He and 2H targets for beam polarization measurement"
A. A. Naqvi, A. Aksoy, O. Fageeha, S. Kidwai, M. A. Al-Ohali, and M. M. Nagadi,
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Elsevier
Vol. 53, No. 3 (2000) 439-442
12. |
“Calibration of natural gamma-ray spectrometer facility at the ERL”
A. Aksoy, and M. R. Khodja
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 24, No. 1A (1999) 73-79
13. |
“Large angle scattering of a-particles from 32S”
A. Coban, M. S. Abdelmonem, F. Z. Khiari, A. A. Naqvi, A. Aksoy,
Nucl. Physics A 645 (1999) 3-12
14. |
“Study of Pt-Re/alumina Reforming Catalysts by neutron activation analysis”
A. Aksoy, F. Z. Khiari and A. Rahman,
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem., Articles,
Vol. 230, Nos. 1-2 (1998) 75-78
15. |
“Studies of elemental analysis and natural radioactivity of some commonly-used fertilizers in Saudi Arabia”
A. Aksoy, F. Z. Khiari and M. N. Al-Haddad,
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 23, No. 2A (1998) 147-158
16. |
“Chemical analysis of thorium content in gas mantles”
M. Al-Jarallah, A.R. Al-Arfaj, A. Aksoy, and F. Abu-Jarad
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Vol. 23, No. 1A (1998) 17-21
17. |
"Determination of the neutron detector efficiency of an NE213 scintillator for En=2.5 to 16 MeV using 2H(d,n)3He reaction”
M. A. Al-Ohali, A. Aksoy, A. Coban, J.M. Hanly, P. D. Felsher,
C. R. Howell, W. Tornow, F. Salinas and R. L. Walter,
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Physics Research A 396 (1997) 388-393
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"Measurements of thorium content and radioactivity in gas mantles"
A. Aksoy, M. Jarallah and F. Abu-Jarad
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,
Vol. 22, No. 1A (1997) 25-35
19. |
"Elemental analysis using gamma rays spectroscopy"
A. Aksoy, A. A. Naqvi, F. Z. Khiari, F. Abu-Jarad, M. Al-Ohali, M. Sumani
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Physics Research A 353 (1994) 558-561
20. |
"Response-function measurement of an NE213 scintillator using the 2H(d,n)3He reaction"
A. Aksoy, A. Coban, A. A. Naqvi and F. Z. Khiari (KFUPM)
J. M. Hanly, C. R. Howell, W. Tornow, P. D. Felsher, M. A. Al-Ohali, and
R. L. Walter (TUNL)
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Physics Research A 337 (1994) 486-491
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"Response function measurements of an NE102A organic scintillator using an 241Am-Be source"
A. A. Naqvi, A. Aksoy, F. Z. Khiari and M. A. Al-Jalal
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Physics Research A 345 (1994) 514-519
22. |
"An 241Am-Be source based thermal neutron activation analysis facility at KFUPM"
A. Aksoy, M. N. Al-Haddad, A. A. Naqvi and K. Al-Nahdi
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem., Articles, Vol. 181, No. 1, (1994) 131-140
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"Efficiency calibration of HPGe detector in far and close geometries"
A. Aksoy (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)
J. Radioanal. & Nucl. Chem., Articles, Vol. 169, No. 2 (1993) 463-469
24. |
"KFUPM fast neutron activation analysis facility"
A. Aksoy, A. A. Naqvi, F. Z. Khiari, M. Raashid, A. Coban, R. E. Abdel-Aal,
and H. Al-Juwair
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research A 332 (1993) 506-510
25. |
"Light yield measurement of a NE213 detector for 2.8-14.8 MeV neutrons"
A. Naqvi, F. Z. Khiari, A. Aksoy, A. Coban and M. A. Al-Jalal
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research A 325 (1993) 574-577
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"Photoproton decay of the 31P giant-resonance"
E. Kerkhove, H. Ferdinande, P. Van Otten, D. Ryckbosch, R. Van de Vyer,
P. Berkvens, E. Van Camp (Ghent State University, Belgium)
A. Aksoy (Istanbul Technical University, Adapazari, Turkey)
Phys. Rev. C, Vol. 31, No. 4 (1985) 1071-1082
27. |
“Alpha auto-radiography of gas lantern mantles”
M. I. Al-Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad and A. Aksoy
Journal of King Abdulaziz University Engineering Sciences
Vol. 13, No.1 (2001) 185-192