Dr. M. Sadiq Sohail
Papers published/accepted for publication in refereed journals:
1. Sohail, S.M (2008). “Creating competitive advantage through outsourcing logistics: evidence from a Middle Eastern nation” International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, Vol.5 No.3 pp 252-263
2. Sohail, S.M ( 2008), "Shopping Behavior and Evaluation of Store Features: Perspectives from a Food Market in the Arabian Peninsula, The Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. Volume 20, Number 3 (accepted and forthcoming).
3. Ramady, M. A and Sohail S. M (2008). Assessing the role of family business in promoting economic growth: perspectives from Saudi Arabia", International Journal of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (accepted and forthcoming)
4. Sohail, S.M, Sayeed, M.A and Kaleemuddin, M (2008). “e-Purchasing Behaviour of Consumers in Saudi Arabia : Implications for B2C Marketers”, International Journal of Excellence in e-Solutions for Management, Vol.1, No.2
5. Sohail, S.M and Shaikh N ( 2008)"Internet Banking and quality of service: perspectives from a developing nation in the Middle East” Online Information Review, Vol 32, No 1 pp
6. Austin, N.K and Sohail, S.M (2007). “Consumer Trust in Online Travel and Tourism Transactions: A Saudi Arabian Perspective”, “World Journal of Tourism and Small Business Management” Vol. 2007 No. 1 pp 46-54
7. Sohail, S.M and Shaikh N ( 2007)"The impact of electronic service quality in creating customer value and loyalty', Journal of Global Business advancement (accepted and forthcoming)
8. Sohail, S.M and Selvamalar A, (2007). “Subsidiary Entrepreneurship: The case of multinational subsidiaries in an emerging Southeast Asian nation” World Journal of Business Management. Vol 2007, No. 1 pp 47-53
9. Josiam, B. M, Sohail, S. M and Monteiro, P.A (2007),”Curry Cuisine: Perceptions of Indian Restaurants in Malaysia, “Tourismos: An International Journal of Tourism” Volume 2, No. 2, pp 25-38.
10. Sohail, S.M and Ayadurai, M. (2007). “The Effects of Environmental Turbulence on Multinational Subsidiaries Performance and Entrepreneurial Behavior: Evidence from a Developing Nation” Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research’. Vol.32 No 1 pp 41-55
11. Ghamdi, Salem, Sohail, S. M and Khaldi, A (2007). “Measuring Consumer Satisfaction With Consumer Protection Agencies: Some Insights From Saudi Arabia”, The Journal of Consumer Marketing. Vol.24/ No 2 pp 71-79
12. Ghamdi, Salem and Sohail, S. M (2007). “Saudi Cement Company: “Survival is the name of the game in a very competitive industry" International Journal of Management Cases Vol. 9. No.2 pp 31-40
13. Sohail, S.M (2006). “Benchmarking usage of Third Party Logistics: a comparison of practices between firms in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia” World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Vol. 2006, No. 1, pp 69- 81
14. Sohail, S. M and Burney, M. A (2006). “Socioeconomic Impact Assessment in Saudi Arabia: problems and perspectives”, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development Vol 2 No 3 pp 248-257
15. Sohail, S. M, Salina Daud and Jegatheesan (2006). “Restructuring a higher education institution : A case study from a developing country”, International Journal of Educational Management Vol. 20 No. 4, 2006 pp. 279-290
16. Sohail, S. M and Ahmed, Z.U (2006). “An Evaluation of Malaysian Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Products Made in Korea: An Asia Pacific Marketing Perspective, Journal of Korean academy of Management Science Vol. 16 No.1 pp 143-159
17. Ahmed, Zafar U., Myers, C, Sohail, S. M., Chan, P.S., (2006) “Marketing of Australia as a Tourist Destination to Malaysian Tourists”, Services Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 28 Issue: 2 , pp 57 - 78
18. Ayadurai, Malar and Sohail, S. M (2006). "A Study of Women Entrepreneurs in a War-Torn Area: Case Study of Northeast Sri Lanka" Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Volume 11, Number 1,pp 3-17
19. Sohail, S. M, Rohit Bhatnagar. R and Sohal, A (2006). “A Comparative Study on the Use of Third Party Logistics Services by Singaporean and Malaysian Firms” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol 36 No. 9 pp 690-701
20. Ghamdi, Salem and Sohail, S. M and (2006), “Sustaining Competitive Advantage in the Global Petrochemical Industry: A Saudi Arabian Perspective”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development. Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp.4-17.
21. Burney, M.A and Sohail, S. M (2006) “In pursuit of globalization: Learning from the hard lessons”, Studies in Business and Economics , Vol.12 No 1 March pp 57-68
22. Sohail, S. M and Abdali (2006), “Comparing third party logistics usage in the service and manufacturing industries: a Saudi Arabian perspective” International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol 2, No. 1, pp 38-51
23. Lit Hei, L and Sohail, S. M (2006). 'An Insight into Perceptions of Career Influences on Private Academic Staff in Malaysia', International Journal of Management. Vol 23. no.2, pp 222-233
24. Sohail, S. M and Burney, M. A (2005),’ Sustaining trade with Saudi Arabia: an analysis of exporting as an alternative,’ World Review of Entrepreneurship. Management. and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2005, No.1, pp 77-90
25. Sohail, S. M and Abdali, O(2005), “The usage of third party logistics in Saudi Arabia: current position and future prospects”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 35 No. 9, 2005 pp. 637-653
26. Sohail, S. M and Kahtani (2005) "Measuring Service Quality at King Fahd International Airport International Journal of Services and Standards”, Vol. 2005 No.4 pp 482-493.
27. Sohail, S. M and Buraey (2005), ‘TQM Practices And Organizational Performances in the Manufacturing Sector: Evidence From A Developing Nation’ International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 144-157
28. Sohail, S. M (2005). “Malaysian Consumers' Evaluation of Products Made in Germany”. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol 17 Number 1 pp 89-105
29. Sohail, S. M (2005). ‘Measuring Service Quality in Restaurants: An Asia Pacific Experience’. Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research, Vol. 30 No 1, 2005 pp.3-13.
30. Sohail, S. M, Anwar, S.A ,Chowdhury, J and Ferhat, Nadia(2005)" Logistics Outsourcing in United Arab Emirates: Evidence and Managerial Implications" Journal of Marketing Channels, Volume 13, Number 1, pp 21-36
31. Sohail, S. M (2005). “Saudi consumers' perception of foreign products”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol.11 No.1, pp 93-106
32. Sohail, S. M and Ayadurai, M (2004). “Entrepreneurship in Multinational Subsidiaries: Perspectives from a Developing Nation” Journal of Management and World Business Research. Vol 2004, Issue 1 pp. 47-59.
33. Sohail, S. M and Bradmore, Don (2004)."Student Attitudes to Careers in Sales: A Malaysian Perspective" Malaysian Management Review, Vol. 39 No.2 pp 51-58
34. Sohail, S. M (2004). “Country of Origin Effect: An evaluation of Malaysian consumers’ perceptions towards products made in Japan”, Journal of International Marketing and Exporting, Vol. 8 No 2, 2004 pp.96-108.
35. Sohail, S. M , Nathan, A, and Rushdie, M (2004), "The Use of Third Party Logistics Services: Evidence from a Sub-Sahara African Nation" International Journal of Logistics : Research & Applications, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 45-57
36. Sohail, S. M and Saeed. M (2004). Public Attitudes Towards Advertising in an Emerging Southeast Asian Nation: An Empirical Study" Journal of International Marketing & Marketing Research Vol.29, No.1, pp.21-36
37. Sohail, S. M and Shaikh, N. (2004). “Quest for Excellence in Business Education: A Study of Student Impressions of Service Quality”, International Journal of Educational Management (Emerald-MCB) Volume 18 Issue 1/2, pp 58-65.
38. Sohail, S. M, Sohal, A.S. and Millen, R. (2004), "Quality Practices in the Logistics Function in an Emerging Southeast Asian Nation", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, (Emerald-MCB), Vol. 21, Issue 4 pp 397-411.
39. Anwar. S. A and Sohail, S. M. (2004) "Festival Tourism in United Arab Emirates: First-time versus Repeat Visitor Perceptions” Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol.10. No 2 pp161-170
40. Sohail, S. M (2004), ‘Consumer evaluation of products made in China: A Malaysian Perspective’, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development. Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 13-19
41. Sohail, S. M, (2004). "Influence of Ethnicity in Students’ Sales Career Preference: Some Observations from a Developing Multi-Racial Country” Problems and Perspectives in Management. Vol. 1 pp 248-256
42. Anwar. S. A and Sohail, S. M (2003). “Testing Market Orientation in an Emerging South-East Asian Economy: Empirical Evidence from Bank Marketing Professionals”. International Journal of Bank Marketing (Emerald-MCB). Vol 21 No 6/7 pp 289-295
43. Sohail, S. M (2003). “Indonesian Products Overseas: Consumer Perceptions in a Foreign Market”. Prasetiya Mulya Management Journal Volume 8 Number 2 pp 128-141.
44. Sohail, S. M (2003). "Consumers' Perceptions towards Thai Products and Marketing Practices: An Asia Pacific Perspective", Sasin Journal of Management, Volume 9, Number 1, Page 55 - 64
45. Sohail, S. M and Anwar, S.A (2003). “Insights into Malaysian Consumers’ Perceptions of Products Made in the USA” The Journal of American Academy of Business. Vol. 3, Num. 1&2, September, pp 428-434
46. Sohail, S. M and Saeed. M. (2003). “Private higher education in Malaysia: Students’ satisfaction levels and strategic implications', Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. Issue No.2 Nov, pp173-181
47. Sohail, S. M. (2003). "Service Quality In Hospitals: More Favourable Than You Might Think" Managing Service Quality(Emerald-MCB).Vol. 13, No 3 pp 197-206
48. Sohail, S. M. (2003). “Student Attitudes to Careers in Sales In Malaysia and Australia: A Cross-Cultural Analysis”, Journal of International Marketing & Marketing Research. Vol.28 No.2 , 97-111
49. Sohail, S. M, Jegatheesan and Rahman. (2003). “Managing Quality in Higher Education: A Malaysian Case Study”, International Journal of Educational Management (Emerald-MCB) Volume 17 Issue 4, 2003 pp 141-146.
50. Sohail, S. M and Sohal. (2003). “Third Party Logistics Services: A Malaysian Perspective” Technovation (Elsevier).Vol. 23 No. 5 pp. 401-408
51. Sohail, S. M and Shanmugam, B (2003). “Electronic Banking and Customer Preferences in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation”, Information Science Journal. (Elsevier) Vol.150 /3-4 pp 207-217
52. Sohail, S. M and Teo B.H. (2003). “TQM Practices and Organizational Performances of SMEs in Malaysia: Some Empirical Observations”, Benchmarking: An International Journal. (Emerald-MCB).Vol 10 No.1 2003 pp 37-53
53. Harsh.O and Sohail, S. M (2003) “Distance Technical Education: An Experiment on Course Design, Delivery and Effective Interaction” Malaysian Journal of Distance Education Vol.5, No.1 pp 53-61
54. Anwar, S.A and Sohail, S. M (2003). “Foreign Direct Investments in Some Emerging Asian Economies: Reflections on Competitiveness and Determinants”, Journal of International Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 9 No.1, Spring, pp 41-51.
55. Harsh. O and Sohail, S. M (2002). “The role of delivery, course design and teacher-student interaction: An experiment on adult distance education”, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Vol. 3., No. 2 Fall
56. Sohail, S. M, and Saeed. M (2002). ‘Decision-Making and Control in Multi-National Corporations Operating in ASEAN’: A cross-cultural perspective’, Utara Management Review, Vol.3 No. June. pp19-34
57. Saeed, M, Roy, M, Sohail, S. M and Annavarjula, M (2002) ‘Improving Perceptions of Service Quality in an International Arena: The Case of Seri Malaysia Hotels’, 'Southwest Review of International Business Research’ Vol.XIII, pp 323-331.
58. Sohail, S. M and Shafi. A (2001). ‘Mass Customisation: A study of Malaysian Consumers’, Journal of International Marketing and Exporting, Vol.6 No 2 August, pp 112-134.
59. Saeed. M and Sohail, S. M (2001). ‘Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality in Malaysia’, Journal of Administrative Science, Vol. 2, pp 110-119.
60. Saeed. M and Sohail, S. M (2001). ‘Strategies for expanding and promoting business to and beyond Muslim Markets’, Accounting, Commerce, and Finance: The Islamic Perspective Journal, Australia Vol. 5 No.1, June pp 1-23.
61. Sohail, S. M and Mahmood. M. F. (2001). ”Pioneering Disadvantage: Consumer Reactions to Marketing Mix Strategies”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol 8 No.1, July pp 63-79.
Refereed papers presented and published in full in Conference Proceedings:
1. Anwar, S. A., Sohail, M. S and Fam, K.S (2007) “The Perceived Regiocentric Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in United Arab Emirates” 5thInternational Business Research , Dubai (UAE), April 26 & 27, 2007.
2. Ishak Ismail, Sohail, M. Sadiq and Hasbalaila Alias,(2007). “Consumers’ Spending and Credit Card Usage: Does it Affect Credit Debt?” 2007 Academy for Global Business Advancement World Congress, Penang, Malaysia on May 21-25, 2007.
3. Sohail, .M. S and Shaikh N.M. “The Effect of Internet Service Quality in Developing Value and Loyalty Relationships: A Conceptual Model” 2007 Academy for Global Business Advancement World Congress, Penang, Malaysia on May 21-25, 2007.
4. Syed A. R, Mohiudin, M & Sohail. M.S, “A neural networks based model for predicting customer behavior”2007 Academy for Global Business Advancement World Congress, Penang, Malaysia on May 21-25, 2007.
5. Arshad R. S, Sarfraz Muhammad & Sadiq M.S, “An Evolutionary Algorithm based Tool for Data Visualization with Application in Business” Third, Academy for Global Business Advancement Conference Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia January 4-6, 2006.
6. Sadiq M.S and Mohammed A. B., “ Refining Socioeconomic Impact Assessment with Some Practical Evidence From Saudi Arabia” Third WASD International Conference on Globalization, Technology and Sustainable Development, 14 - 16 November 2005, College of Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates
7. Selvamalar A. and Sohail, S. M. “ Corporate Entrepreneurship in Multinational Subsidiaries in Malaysia: The Effects on Past Performance” ‘Management in Developing Countries, ’The Twelfth Annual International Conference on Advances In Management, July 20-23, 2005, at Wyndham Washington, DC.(ISSN:1059-365X)
8. Sohail, M.S., Ahmed,Z.U. Ingram.J , Proyer,M.G., and Awang R. (2005), “A Domestic and International Analysis of HICOM-PROTON and Malaysia’s Automobile Industry,” The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, May 23-26, 2005, at the Doubletree Hotel in Dallas, Texas (Also published in the IABPAD conference proceedings).
9. Selvamalar A and Sohail, S. M. “Performance of Multinational Subsidiaries in Malaysia" Second World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement, The Grand Hotel, New Delhi, India, January 3-5, 2005 (also published in Advances in Global Business, Vol.2, 2005)
10. Selvamalar A and Sohail, S. M "Profile of Women Entrepreneurs in a War-Torn Area: Case Study of Northeast Sri Lanka" 2005 International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Conference, "Golden Opportunities for Entrepreneurship," Crystal Gateway Marriott in Washington, DC, June 15-18, 2005
11. Sohail, S. M and Burney, A, “Exporting to Saudi Arabia: Opportunities and Challenges”, World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development Conference, Edinburgh, U.K, November 8-10, 2004
12. Sohail, S. M and Selvamalar A , “ "Entrepreneurship and Multinational Subsidiaries in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study" presented during the Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference at the Gold Coast International Hotel in Queensland, Australia. July 13-16, 2004
13. Myers, Sohail, S. M, and Zafar A, and Wan M. F, “Price Sensitivity of Malay Consumers: An International Consumer Perspective, presented at the 2003 International Academy of Business Disciplines 15th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fla.
14. Sohail, S. M, "Saudi Consumer's Perceptions of Foreign Products in the new Millenium: An Analysis of Country Images", Second Conference on Administrative Sciences, April 19-21, 2004, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Conference Proceedings pp 123-132
15. Sohail, S. M, “Service Quality in Sea food Restaurants : An Asia-Pacific Perspective”, Presented at 2004 Academy for Global Business Advancement Conference 6-8 January, 2004, Ashok Country Resort, New Delhi, India and published in full in the proceedings, Advances in Global Business Research Vol. 1 No.1 pages 68-72
16. Sohail, S. M Chris Myers, Ph.D., and Chan P. S, “The Marketing of Australia to Malaysian Consumers”, Presented at 2004 Academy for Global Business Advancement Conference 6-8 January, 2004, Ashok Country Resort, New Delhi, India and published in full in the proceedings, Advances in Global Business Research Vol. 1 No.1 pages 372-378
17. Sohail, S. M and Ahmed, Z. U. “An Evaluation of Malaysian Consumers’ Perceptions towards Products Made in Korea: An Asia Pacific Marketing Perspective”, the 5th Asian Academy of Management Conference (AAMC) 2003, 10-13 September 2003. Hyatt Regency Kuantan, Malaysia Proceedings Vol.2, 813-822
18. Khan, G. and Sohail, S. M, “Husband-Wife Influence on Consumer Decision Making in a Multicultural Society”, The Global Business & Economics Research Conference, Istanbul, August 7 - 13, 2003, Hyatt Regency, Istanbul, Turkey
19. Sohail, S. M , “Malaysia Airlines (MAS)- Facing Challenges in the New Millennium, 2003 Hawaii International Conference on Business, The Third Annual Conference, June 18 - 21, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii
20. Sohail, S. M and Bradmore, D. “An Analysis of Student Attitudes And Preferences To Career In Sales: Implications For Marketing Educators” 2003 Hawaii International Conference on Business, The Third Annual Conference, June 18 - 21, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii
21. *Sohail, S. M and Shaikh, N. ‘Service Quality in Higher Education: A Saudi Arabian Case Study’, 8th International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM, ‘Going for Gold’ 23-25 April 2003, Montreal, Canada.
22. Josiam, B., Sohail, S.M., and Monteiro, P., “Curry Cuisine: Perceptions of Indian Restaurants in Malaysia, First Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference, Hospitality, Foodservice & Tourism Research and Education: The Asian Waves"21-23 May 2003, Seoul, Korea
23. Lit Hei, L and Sohail, S. M., 'An Insight into Perceptions of Career Influences on Private Academic Staff in Malaysia' Strategies for Sustainable Globalization Business Responses to Regional Demands & Global Opportunities, The Seventh International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development, January 8-11, 2003, Hotel Plaza Athenee, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
24. Nasser, A and Sohail, S. M. ‘Financial Reporting and Information Disclosure: Benchmarking for Corporate Governance. International Conference on Corporate Governance-Trends and Challenges in the Millennium, 29-30 October, 2002, Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
25. Khan. G and Sohail, S. M, "Spousal influence on consumer decision making: A study in the context of different sub-cultures in Malaysia", The Academy of Marketing Science, 2002 Multicultural Marketing Conference, June 26-29, Valencia, Spain.
26. Saeed, M, Roy, M, Sohail, S. M and Annavarjula, M , ‘Improving Perceptions of Service Quality in an International Arena: The Case of Seri Malaysia Hotels’ 2002 Academy of International Business, U.S, Southwest Chapter Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, March 6-9, 2002.
27. Nathan. A and Sohail, S. M, “Destination marketing on the internet: Improving the role of African NTO’s”, International Academy of African Business’, International Academy of African Business Development, 3rd Annual Conference, Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Metropole, South Africa, April 3-6, 2002.
28. Sohail, S. M, Jegatheesan and Azlin, ‘Quality practices in the higher education sector: A Malaysian case study’, 7th International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM, RMIT Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 April 2002.
29. Sohail, S. M and Sohal. A, ‘Quality Practices in the Logistics Function: A Malaysian Perspective’, Sixth International Conference on Quality, Innovation and Management, 17-20 February, 2002, Malaysia.
30. Sohail, S. M and Shanmugam, B, “Electronic Banking and Customer Preferences in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation”, Fourth Conference on Information & Computer Science, March 17-18, 2002, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Proceedings, pp, 355-364
31. Parasuraman, Ganapathy and Sohail, S. M, “E-Education and Distance Learning: Virtual Learning Environment in the Age of Global Information Networks and Web Learning Environment Evolution”, Fourth Conference on Information & Computer Science, March 17-18, 2002, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Proceedings, pp, 47-58
32. Sohail, S. M and Bradmore. D “An Analysis of Students Attitudes to, and Preferences for, Career in Sales: A Malaysian Perspective,” Fourth Asian Academy of Management Conference, Asian Management in the New Economy: Prospects and Challenges”, Hyatt Regency, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 10-13 November, 2001. Conference Proceedings Vol. 1, pp 245-252 (9-789832-514015)
33. Mohammad, S, Ahmed and Sohail, S. M, “Kuala Lumpur International Airport-Competing in the International arena”, Academy of International Business for South East Asia Region (AIBSEAR) 2001 Conference, Business Alliance for Knowledge Development: inter-firm, inter-sectoral and cross-cultural challenges in the Asia -Pacific Kempinski Hotel Jakarta, 4-6 July
34. Sohail, S. M and Saeed, M, “ Private higher education in Malaysia: A study of students’ satisfaction levels and its strategic implications”, Academy of Marketing Conference 2001, A Marketing Odyssey, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, 2-4 July, 2001.
35. Saeed, M and Sohail, S. M, ‘Cross Cultural Perspectives of Decision-Making and Control in Multi-National Corporations Operating in ASEAN at the Conference, ‘The Role of Multinational enterprises in the New Millennium, organized by Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy, 2000, Auckland. Conference Proceedings pp 491-498 (ISBN 0-908689-65-9)
36. Sukumar, Parasuraman and Sohail, S. M, ‘Impact of Multimedia on Training, Distance and Continuing Education’ (International conference on Millennium Dawn in Training and Continuing Education, 2001. University of Bahrain, Bahrain. Conference Proceedings Vol.1 pp 207-214.
37. Saeed. M and Sohail, S. M, “Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality in Malaysia (An Explorative Study of Selected Deluxe Hotels), Malaysian Business Opportunities in the New Era, Monash University, Malaysia. February, 2000
Book Published:
1. Saeed, M., Ahmed Z.U., and Sohail, Sadiq. M , ‘Cases in Marketing: A Malaysian Perspective’, Prentice Hall (Malaysia), 2001.
4.5 Contribution to a Book Chapter
1. Myers, Chris, Sohail, S.M., Ahmed, Z.U and Fauzi, Wan (2003), “Price sensitivity of Malay Consumers: An international consumer behavior perspective”, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives Vol.X, pp 560- 565 (International Academy of Business Development).