Dr. Elgaily A. Eltayeb
A number of books and draft books have been written both in English and in Arabic. They include the following: (In English):
- Principles of Partnership Law in Malaysia,2005,Ed.,Published in Kuala Lumpur by ILBS, 2005 (pdf)
- Legal Principles of Documentary Credits (Published in Malaysia,by,ILBS,1998) (pdf)
- Malaysian Law on Negotiable Instruments (Published in Malaysia by CLBC, 1994) (pdf)
- Malaysian Sale of Goods (Published in Malaysia by CLBC, 1994)(pdf)
A Draft Book on Bahraini Commercial Law (Awaiting Publication)
Articles in the area of WTO Law include:
- Subsidies & Countervailing Measures, Journal of Justice, Vol.8,No, 18,2006, pp.323-334 (Refereed Journal) (docx)
- Trade-Related Investment Measures , Journal of Justice, Vol.9, No, 21,2007, pp. 356- 375(Refereed Journal) (doc)
Specialized Column of Alanbaa Economic Supplement:2003-2005:Sixty Articles Including the following:
- Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
- Relevant Panels Settlement of Disputes (Actually Decided on Cases).
- Commercial Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS).
- Panels Interpretation and Application of Article 13 of the GATT.
- International Panels and GATT Principles of Anti-Dumping.
- Article 3 of the GATT as Interpreted and Applied by Relevant International Panels.
- Restrictive Measures under Article 11 of the GATT.
- Most-favored Nation Treatment under the GATT.
- Most-Favored-Nation Treatment under the GATT.
- Liberalization of International Trade in Services.
- Rules Governing the Application of New Preventive Measures.
- The WTO General Council Decision Pertaining to Doha Agenda: “The July Package”.
- Basics of Financial Services under the WTO Services Agreement.
- GATT Provisions Pertaining to State Trading Enterprises.
- Agreement on Trade Review Mechanism.
- Drugs Patents and the Requirements of Public Health: The Position under the TRIPS Agreement as Consolidated and Clarified by the Doha Declaration.
- International Provisions Dealing with Industrial Designs.
Freedom of Transit under the GATT 1994.