Dr. Elgaily A. Eltayeb
1980 Legal Adviser, Banking Sector, Sudan
1980-1986 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, University of
Khartoum, Sudan
1987-1992 Lecturer & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law,
University of Khartoum:
Instructed in Arabic and in English and supervised postgraduate research in the domain
of Business Law
In particular, I taught undergraduates Commercial, Contract and Company Law, and
postgraduates the Law of Contracts.
In addition, I participated in the training of students of the Institute of Banking Studies in
I also participated in the preparation and marking of Legal Profession Examinations in
1987-1992 Advocate (Beside Teaching at University), Khartoum, Sudan.
1992-1998 Assistant Professor, College of Laws, IIUM, Malaysia
There I taught students with diverse backgrounds a number of subjects including the
following (in English): Commercial Law, Company Law (Law & Business Students),
Banking Law, Islamic Law of Banking & Takaful, and Transactions in Islamic Law.
Supervised Postgraduate Research: In the field of Banking Law.
1998-2000 Assistant Professor, College of Administrative Sciences & Planning, King
Fisal University, KSA
My assignment included teaching the following: Introduction to Law, Commercial Law,
Company Law and Labour Law.
2000-2002 Assistant Professor, University of Bahrain
There I taught my students the following subjects in English:
Commercial Law (Law & Business Students), Company Law, Bankruptcy Law &
Banking Law.
2003-2005 Academic Researcher & Legal Expert, Sudan
2005- Assistant Professor, Department of Management & Marketing, College of
Industrial Management, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Acted as Head Dept. of Commercial Law, U. of K., Sudan
Senate Member, U. of K., Sudan
Secretary, Council of the Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum, Sudan
Member, Faculty of Law Research Council, U. of K. Sudan
Member, Bar Association, Sudan
Member, English Language Unit, University of Khartoum (Representing Faculty of Law)
Ad hoc Member of a number of Committees e.g. Students Interview & Disciplinary
In Bahrain: Member, University (Plan) Committee
Coordinator, College of Law Evening Program
Member, Various Committees
At KFUPM : Member, Faculty Screening Committee, Dept. of MGT & MKT
I participated in a number of these activities in Sudan and Malaysia. In addition the
following were attended in Bahrain:
A Seminar on IT & Internet Contracts, 6-8 Nov. 2000, Manama, Bahrain.
A Short Course on Computer Contracts, 5-7 Feb. 2001, Manama, Bahrain
A Seminar on Licensing & Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, 24 March 2001,
Manama, Bahrain
A Workshop on Drafting Services Contracts and Domain Names Conflicts, 7-8 May
2001, Manama, Bahrain
A Seminar on Dispute Settlement in the Era of Communications and Information
Technology & e-Commerce, 9-10 May 2001, Manama, Bahrain.
At KFUPM a number of Seminars & Presentations were attended. They include the
Knowledge Monitoring: A Matter of High Strategic Importance,KFUPM,3 April 2006
Marketing Mix Management from an Islamic Perspective
A Presentation on Library Services
A Presentation on Gender and Job Satisfaction among Employees in Saudi Arabia,
KFUPM, 28 April 2007
-ISI Seminar: How Thomson Scientific Can Enhance Research Performance in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, KFUPM, 13 May 2007.
A Seminar on A Conceptual IT-Based Model for Collaborative Research, KFUPM, 28
May 2007
Optimize your Brain.
Developing International Managers for Effective and Performance on Overseas
Assignments: A conceptual Framework (Seminar),
March10, 2008 KFUPM- 24/125.