February 12 -- 1st class

GRADES: See exact percentages here.

click to see schedule of:

Major Exams   



Day   One   Advice  ppt. slides, course information


Perception Games

February 14 -- 2nd class

Prepare for this class by:   

Reading Chapter 1 in the textbook.                                                   

Read and study on the Course Website:    3 Characteristics and 4 Steps of Communication.         In class discussion of A Model of Comm.,       Monolith of Misunderstanding,   Filter of the Mind.



Reading  on the Web                               Listening ,  9 Keys to Effective Listening.     How to Reach Different Audiences

SUMMARY -- Audiences

Textbook Reading: Ch. 2. and BEGIN Chapter 8

                                                                             In-class we will have a game about Listening.








February 19

Prepare for this class by:

Reading textbook, skim & scan chapter 8, especially pages  about Purpose, Audience Analysis, Organizing the Message (based on audience), and Appeals.  Also see the Checklists and Model Letters.

Read handouts on the Web               Methods of Organization and Channel Richness Chart   

                                                                   RE-READ: A Model of Comm.,  Monolith of Misunderstanding,   Filter of the Mind How to Reach Different Audiences

QUIZ reminder: The in-class quiz is on  Tuesday, Feb. 21. There will be 5 (five) questions, multiple choice, T/F.  BRING A PENCIL !!!


February 21 -- QUIZ #1 Today

 Prepare for this class by:

Read CASE STUDY: What just went wrong at the office? Be ready to answer the questions in class as I call on you.  GROUP WORK Today.

Reading Textbook, Chapter 9, especially about the Elements/Parts of the Bad News Message.  Also read Checklists.  See examples.

                                                                                 We will discuss in class the structure and strategy of Bad News Messages.

                                                                       Read on the Web:                                            How to Give Bad News and the power point slides.                                                    


Guys: Keep Reading!

February 26


Prepare for this class by:

Read Appeals.

Reading on the Web:                              How to Highlight Information for business uses.                                            

See the comparison between English Composition and Technical Reports, versus World of work-style Short Report Writing.

Study the                                             EXAMPLE of highlighting

Print out the case study:   Bad News case                      Instructions for Group work on Bad News Case.                Bad News Case --   "Don't Be Shi" Coffee House


In class work with your group on Bad News Case study (to be announced)


QUIZ 1 grades HERE







February 28

Prepare for this class by:

Writing Homework:                                    Highlighting and Headings:  Prepare this at home, be ready to answer in class on October 4.

Study: How to Answer Difficult Questions   

Prepare for in-class meeting. How to Make Your Meeting a Success, Rather than a Mess.

  • (print out Meetings article and have ready for class Tuesday, October 4,)  and finish CHAPTER 2 -- pages 64 to 71.                  

Continuation of Bad News Messages and class work. Instructions for Group work on Bad News Case.   

 See  Evaluation Sheet              

Start Preparing your memo on Bad News.    

Memo formats in class.   






March 5-- In class -- Collect case study groups.


In class: We will review your writing in class today of Highlighting and Headings.

Video surprise on How to Answer Difficult Questions.

How to Make Your Meeting a Success, Rather than a Mess   DETAILS (use your print out to follow and make notes)

  • Continue with in class work on letter and meeting work in groups.  THIS IS YOUR WORK.  GET INTO YOUR GROUP and get going!!!  Do not wait for me to start the class. Remember, "time is money."


Attention  Quiz 2 on Tuesday, March 7.  click here for quiz information





March  7





5 P's of Presentations (article, must read it)

5 P's powerpoint summary

6 Common Errors 


IN CLASS: We will check the BAD NEWS message work you have done.

ATTENTION!!! Reminder . . .


See QUIZ 2 GRADES here



















March  12

Rumor Management   

New Reading on Web, Gestures.  

COWBOY STORY in class.

New Reading:                                                   Skim Chapter 13 in textbook-- focus on Presentations only. 

Writing Homework:                              Today, you must finish your final draft of the  memo for  Bad News message case.

If we have time, we will review your writing in class.




Review: Instructions for Group work on Bad News Case.

Remember, the Bad News Meeting is only 1 week from today. Oct. 18.  Be ready!


click here for details on Major 1.


See QUIZ 2 grades here


March 14


Prepare for this class by:

Reviewing:  5 P's of Presentations 5 P's powerpoint summary    6 Common Errors, and How to Give Bad News . 

Checking of written letter for Don't Be Shi Coffee House.

Evaluation Sheet      Staple your memo to this evaluation sheet.  Submit in class.


MAJOR EXAM #1-- Tuesday, March 21, 7 to 8 pm, OAB. Be aware!!!  Start reviewing NOW.



March  19 --

Can you find the answer? COINS


In Class:   


Do the Bad News Meeting in class.  Be ready, no excuses accepted.  This is required group work assignment.  REMEMBER: bring your Evaluation Sheet with the  memo stapled to it on this day.  NO EXCUSES!

Evaluation Sheet      Staple your memo to this evaluation sheet.  Submit in class.





April 25



Discussion of Oral Presentation Skills Sessions & Distribution of OPSS Evaluation Sheets.  Fill in the required information and return to me in class.

Very important for you: ORAL PRESENTATION SKILLS SESSIONS PREPARATION:                         10 Suggested Topics  

Choose a topic starting NOW! NOW! NOW!     Today.

Oral Presentation Skills Sessions (OPSS) Evaluation Sheet. Use the sheet to know the required elements of the oral presentation that will be evaluated.

In class work with Projector and PC computer, OHP and visuals, plus other presentation skills.



March 21   MAJOR 1,  MAJOR 1 7 to 8 pm in OAB  

Review for Major Exam.


ORAL PRESENTATION TOPICS must be chosen TODAY and tell me the title in class.

Click here for HELP with organizing your thoughts for the presentation topic and skills work.                                                 


Distribution of OPSS Evaluation Sheets.










NOV to DEC  2005



March 26  




Can you answer these questions?

Start writing                                                         A) the basic written outline [Note: You will be able to compose an oral "grabber" opening DUE Tuesday, November 15 from this written work.]  

Click here: 5 P's of Presentations to refresh your memory about the "grabber" and what it is.  

Click here for HELP with organizing your thoughts for the presentation topic and skills.

OPSS EVALUATION SHEET HERE [what you need to know and do are listed]

Directions for Grabber Skill

1.  You will be called  on Tuesday, November 15

2. You will come to the front of the room.     

3. You will speak your grabber, stop; then, you will say your topic and your purpose.                                                 

4. You will wait for feedback from classmates and coaching for me.                                

5. You will return to your seat.




March 28


Remember, the grabber opening is not the Introduction (which is usually longer and contains the list of topics that you will speak about). 

Click here: 5 P's of Presentations to refresh your memory about the "grabber" and what it is.  







 Vacation April 1 and 2.


April 4 

Remember: You will say your Grabber & Transition only on Sunday, November 27, in class.  Review of Grabber to Transition today.


IN CLASS: Review of Process from Grabber to Introduction.

Here is a slide about the PROCESS of GRABBER to INTRODUCTION.  Please study it and know it well.                                     

Prepare BEFORE CLASS: Read these before class, because they are a lot of fun!   Credibility,   How to make a Good First Impression ,  Impression Presentation   Presentation Survival Tips.

April 9


Reading: textbook, Ch. 11, pages 383 to 396 on visuals.  Also, read Ch. 14, pages 498 to 511.  


Review details about transparencies, PowerPoint slides and visuals from Ch. 11 and Ch. 14.             BLANK DEMO

Click here for HELP with organizing your thoughts for the presentation topic and skills.

REMEMBER: Oral presentation next class!!!

April 11

Click here for HELP with organizing your thoughts. (PREPARING FOR YOUR TABLE OF CONTENTS SLIDE).


EVALUATION SHEET HERE [what you need to know and do is listed]

Start preparing your Powerpoint Introduction slide.

Make your Introduction Slide

(only the major points your presentation will cover).   

Click here for example   




April 18

Bring to class your  power point slide on a disk.  

PLEASE!!! only text, NO big graphics on your introduction slide.  We need to save time.

TODAY, SUNDAY, you will . . .

a) say your grabber opening,


(b) say your transition to your Introduction slide or visual,


(c) briefly describe your Introduction Slide Contents.

Click here for example of Introduction Slide.

EVALUATION SHEET HERE [what you need to know and do is listed]









April 30

2) Lesson on Professional Closings.  Read about professional ways to end your oral presentation at these 2 links:                      

  5 P's of Presentations          6 Common Errors                                           

NOTE: you will say your Professional Closing on TUESDAY, December 13.      

REMINDER : Click here: 5 P's of Presentations to refresh your memory about the professional closing and what it is. 

Distribution of Special Handouts (1 to 6) -- They are for 3 reasons:

Brief Introduction to topics in handouts.

1) Short Report Writing

2) Quiz # 4

3) Final Exam questions will come from them

See December 18 for more information.



April 16

IN CLASS: Review of Process from Grabber to Introduction.

Here is a slide about the PROCESS of GRABBER to INTRODUCTION.  Please study it and know it well.  Click here for general example              

In Class:  Review the skills using  PC with projector for grabber and transition to first Ppt. slide.  Specific  INTRODUCTION EXAMPLE  

FOR SUNDAY, DEC 4 --Make your Introduction Slide.   No big graphics or pictures.  Only text, so the download time will not be longThanks, guys.  













April  23

Continuing of Introduction Slide Presentation Skills Sessions.

EVALUATION SHEET HERE [what you need to know and do is listed]


 QUIZ 3 TODAY in class.









May 2


Check the OPSS sheet because you will say:

1. Grabber

2. Transition

3. Explain Table of Contents slide

4. Say Professional Closing


a) ask for questions

b) say follow up

c) end with "thank you"

(see your OPSS Evaluation Sheet for details)




Thursday, MAY 11 -- MAJOR 2

May 7

 Continue with Professional Closings in class.

Full Discussion  in class of Special Handouts (1 to 6) -- They are for 3 reasons:

1) Final Exam questions will come from them

2) Quiz # 4

3) Short Report Writing



GROUP PROJECT on written short report.  Details to be given in class.

Group writing work on short report.

Write and submit 1 report from each group. . . on Tuesday, May 23, 2006.

NOTE: topics will come from handouts of articles.




May 9


Read and Study  Short Report.  See the comparison between English Composition and Technical Reports, versus Business-style Short Report Writing.

FORMATS, layouts

Review in class of short report format. 

Slide Show





Thursday, MAY 11 -- MAJOR 2







May 14- 

FORMATS, layouts review Slide Show

Short Report Writing.  Group Work in class. 


Must Finish  and submit in typing on January 1, Sunday.

SHORT REPORT DUE DATE: Sunday, January 1, 2005







May 28 -- QUIZ 4   


 In class, take quiz 4.  Material is on the 6 handout articles.


Last day of class.













May 23

Short Report on Handout Articles DUE TODAY. 


 REVIEW for final exam today in class.