Research Papers

 Current Publications



The following provides a list of my publications, seminar presentations, and conference presentations

  1. Publication
  2. Technical Reports
  3. Conference Proceedings
  4. Seminar
  5. Presentation Papers

A. Publication

Yushau, B., Omar, M.H., & Alaimia, M. R. (Submitted). Assessing the Response of Bilingual Arab Students to Precalculus Word Problems in English Language. International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. [pre-publication version - view only (don't cite)] [citable version]

Joarder, A.H. & Omar,  M.H.  (Accepted, to appear soon). Evaluation of Mean and Variance Integrals without Integration. International Journal of Mathematics Education and Science Teaching. [pre-publication version - view only (don't cite)] [citable version]

Yushau, B. & Omar, M.H.  (Accepted, to appear soon). Preparatory Year Program Courses as Predictors of First Calculus Course Grade. Mathematics and Computer Education[downloadable abstract] [citable version]

Pompln, M. Omar, M. H. & Custr, M. (2004). A Comparison of Winsteps and Bilog-MG for Vertical Scaling with the Rasch Model. Educational and Psychological Measurement  64 pp. 600-616. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

Pompln, M. & Omar, M. H. (2003). Do Minority Reresentative Reading Passages Provide Factorially Invariant Scores for All Students? Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 10(2) pp. 276-288. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

 Pompln, M. & Omar, M. H. (2001). Factorial Invariance of a Test of Reading Comprehension Across Groups of Limited English Proficiency Students. Applied Measurement in  Education 14(3), 261-284. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

 Pompln, M. & Omar, M. H. (2001). Do Reading Passages About War Provide Factorially Invariant Scores for Men and Women? Applied Measurement in  Education 14(2), 171-190. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

 Pompln, M.R. & Omar, M.H. (2001). Score Comparability of a State Reading Assessment Across Selected Groups of Students With Disabilities.  Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 8(2) pp. 257-274. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

Pompln, M.R. & Omar, M.H. (2000). Score Comparability of a State Mathematics Assessment Across Reading Accommodated and Nonaccommodated Groups, Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(1) pp. 21-29. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

Pompln, M.R. & Omar, M.H. (1997). Multiple-Mark Items: An Alternative Objective Item Format? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 57(6) pp. 949-962. [downloadable abstract] [citable version]

 Omar, M.H. (1996). An Investigation into the Reasons Item Response Theory Scales Show Smaller Variability for Higher Achieving Groups, Iowa Testing Program Occasional Paper, 39.


B. Technical Reports

Omar, M. H. and Joarder, A.H. (Dec 2006). On the Central Moments of the Bivariate Beta Distribution.  Mathematical Sciences Dept Technical report no. 370, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA.  [download]


Omar, M. H. and Yushau, B. (Dec 2006). On the Two-sample t-Test and Simple Linear Regression. Mathematical Sciences Dept Technical report no. 364, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA. [download]


Yushau, B. and Omar, M. H.  (May 2006). Investigating the Role of the Preparatory Year Program Courses as Predictors of First Calculus Course Grade: A Longitudinal Study. Mathematical Sciences Dept Technical report no. 348, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA..  [download]

C. Conference Proceedings

Omar, M.H. and Yushau, B. (July 2006).  "The Effects of Promotion Tests in Preparatory Year Program on Students Performance in First Calculus Course at University," In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on The Teaching of Mathematics. [download]


Yushau, B., Omar, M. H., and Alaimia, M. R. (Apr. 2006). "The problems of “Word Problems in Mathematics Classroom for Students acquiring English as a Second Language," In proceedings of the Fourth UAE Math Day, Shariqah. [download]


Yushau, B., Omar, M. H. and Al-Attas, H. (2006). The effects of preparatory year courses on students' performance in first calculus courses at university: The case of KFUPM, in Stewart, S. M., Olearski, J. E. and Thompson, D. (Eds), Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference for Middle East Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Computing (pp. 43-51). METSMaC: Abu Dhabi. [download]

D. Seminar

Omar, M.H. (Dec, 2006). Statistical significance. Is it not enough? So why some journals enforce requirements like practical significance? Seminar presented at the Statistics Research (StaR) Colloquium, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. [abstract][presentation file]


Omar, M.H. (May, 2006). Some Statistics in Item Response Theory. Seminar presented at the Statistics Research (StaR) Colloquium, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. [abstract]


Omar, M.H. (May, 2006). Some Statistics in Equating Multiple Forms of a Test. Seminar presented at the Statistics Research (StaR) Colloquium, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. [abstract]


Omar, M.H. (April, 2005). The Role of Statistics in Developing Standardized Examinations in the US. Seminar presented at the Statistics Research (StaR) Colloquium, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. [abstract]


Khaeruzzaman , Y. and  Omar, M.H. (May, 2005). An Overview of the menu-based SAS 9 software and Its use in analyzing classroom Exams. Seminar presented at the Statistics Research (StaR) Colloquium, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. [abstract]


E. Presentation Papers

Omar, M.H. and Yushau, B. (July 2006).  "The Effects of Promotion Tests in Preparatory Year Program on Students Performance in First Calculus Course at University," In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on The Teaching of Mathematics. [view]


Yushau, B., Omar, M. H., and Alaimia, M. R. (Apr. 2006). "The problems of “Word Problems in Mathematics Classroom for Students acquiring English as a Second Language," In proceedings of the Fourth UAE Math Day, Shariqah. [view]


Yushau, B., Omar, M. H., and Al-Attas, H. S. (Mar 14-16, 2006).   "The Effects of the Preparatory Year Courses to Students Performance in First Calculus Course at University," In proceedings of the Middle East Teachers of Mathematics, Science and Computing (MetsMac).


Pompln, M.R., Omar, M.H., & Custr, M. (2002, April). A comparison of WINSTEPS and BILOG-MG for vertical scaling with the Rasch model. Paper presented at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, New Orleans, LA. 


Bishp, N.S. & Omar, M.H (2002, April). Comparing vertical scales derived from dichotomous and polychotomous IRT models for a test composed of testlets. Paper presented at the Annual National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) conference, New Orleans, LA.


Pompln, M.R. & Omar, M.H (2001, October). Selecting items for a screening test: Logistic Regression Analysis or IRT Item Information? Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Educational Research Association (MWERA) conference, Chicago, IL

Omar, M.H., Kelley, J, and Pompln, M.R. (1999, October). Test Score Growth Patterns for Student Groups as Defined by Ethnicity, Lunch Support, and Mobility. Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Educational Research Association (MWERA) conference, Chicago, IL.

Omar, M.H (1998, April). Item Parameter Invariance Assumption and its Implications on Vertical Scaling of Multilevel Achievement Test Data. Paper presented at the Annual National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) conference, San Diego, CA.


Pompln, M.R, Omar, M.H., and Kossler, D. (1998, April). Exploring Teachers as Raters. Poster presented at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, San Diego, CA.


Omar, M.H., and Pompln, M.R. (1997, October). Test Score Change Patterns for Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Educational Research Association (MWERA) conference, Chicago, IL.


Omar, M.H. and Hoover, H.D.(1997, April). An Investigation into the Reasons why IRT Theta Scale Shrinks for Higher Achieving Groups. Paper presented at the Annual National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) conference, Chicago, IL.


Omar, M.H. (1997, April). Objective Achievement Growth Rate as Measured by IRT Scales: An Analysis When the Scaling Model is Appropriate. Paper presented at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Chicago, IL.


Pompln, M.R. & Omar, M.H. (1996, October). Multiple Mark Formats. Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Educational Research Association (MWERA) conference, Chicago, IL.

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