Dr. Emad El-Sebakhy
Information and Computer Science Dept.
I and my research group have established a successful research group in intelligent Systems, machine learning, and data mining technologies with its applications in Bioinformatics, Software Engineering, and oil and gas industry. The main area of my research interest more or less can be summarized as follows:
Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Softcomputing, Functional Networks as a new computational intelligence paradigm for both prediction and classification with its applications in oil and gas industry, bioinformatics, and software engineeri
Software Engineering Cost Estimation, Reliability, failure time, maintainability, risk analysis.
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Reservoir PVT Properties of Reservoir Characteristics, Permeability and Porosity prediction, lithofacies classification, Simulator and History matching.
Risk analysis, Reliability, E-Commerce, and E-Business applications.
Web-Mining, Natural Language Processing, and Reasoning about Uncertainty.
Statistics, Simulation, and Non-Linear Optimization with Computational Algorithms.
Data Mining in Scoring Stock market prediction with Web-Based Database Intelligence Business.
Conference Publications
Funded Projects
The core of my research and development projects are shown below:
During the period of 2004 through 2008, I have been the principal investigator and the main key to win numerous of research and development projects with the Information and Computer Science department within KFUPM, King Abdul-Aziz City Research and Technology (KACST) Center of Bioinformatics, and Petroleum Research Institutes within KFUP, and High Educational Research Grant Foundations. Most of these projects have delivered to industry companies, such as, Saudi ARAMCO and Gulf oil and gas Company; Biomedical centers within the Middle East Areas. The details of these projects are shown below:
“Development Machine Learning and Data Mining Frameworks in Mining Bioinformatics Databases: Artificial Intelligence Applications in Biomedical Data” within the Center of Bioinformatics. This project is mainly focus on both research and development of the next-generation bioinformatics with machine learning and data mining schemes for manipulating and analyzing biomedical data, comparison and analysis of sequence/structure/genome data, Protein 3-D modeling and molecular graphics. As such, it will stimulate a long-term interest in the education, research and development of the center of excellence in Bioinformatics in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular and the Arab world in general. This project is a joint research and development with both Information and Computer Science and Bioinformatics Research Center at KACST.
“The Capability of Fuzzy Logic Models to Generate Permeability Traces in Non-Cored Wells” for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. This project is mainly for producing research and developing efficient reliable software for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. It was a joint work with both Research Institute and Petroleum Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. (August 2005-August 2007).
“Artificial Neural Network Systems for Rock Mechanics Characteristics,” for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. This project is mainly for producing research and developing efficient reliable software for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. It was a joint work with both Research Institute and Petroleum Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. (October 2005-May 2006).
“Artificial Neural Network Systems for Reservoir Characteristics PVT properties” for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. This project is mainly for producing research and developing efficient reliable software for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. It was a joint work with both Research Institute and Petroleum Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. (October 2005-May 2007).
“Critical Assessment of Key Analytical Methods for Sanding Prediction” for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. This project is mainly for producing research and developing efficient reliable software for Saudi ARAMCO Oil and Gas Company. It was a joint work with both Research Institute and Petroleum Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. (May 2005-December 2006).
Refereed Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Publications
Theoretical Research (4 articles)
1. E. A. El-Sebakhy, Ali S. Hadi, and Faisal A. Kanaan, (2007), “Iterative Least Squares Functional Networks Classifier”. IEEE Transactions Neural Networks, vol.3, May 2007, 844-850.
E. A. El-Sebakhy and Ali S. Hadi (2008), “Functional Networks as a Novel Approach for Building Knowledge-Based Classification System”. Journal of Neurocomputing. To appear.
3. E. A. El-Sebakhy and Ali S. Hadi (2008), “Constrained Estimation Functional Networks for Statistical Pattern Recognition Problems”. IEEE Transactions Neural Networks. Submitted.
4. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Functional Approximation and System Identification Based on Functional Networks Modeling Scheme”. IEEE Transactions Neural Networks. Submitted.
Computational Biology and Data Mining Applications in Bioinformatics (8 articles)
5. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Mining the Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Functional Networks-Maximum Likelihood Classifier”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. To appear.
6. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “On Utilizing Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems in Bacterial Growth Classification. International journals of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. To appear.
7. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Support Vector Machines Framework for Bacterial Growth Identification. Journal of Neural Networks. Journal f Neural Networks. To appear.
8. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Genetic Disorders Identifications Using Functional Networks Paradigm”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Submitted.
9. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Functional Networks As a Novel Approach for Estimating the Relative Solvent Accessibility of Residues in Proteins”. Journal of Bioinformatics. Submitted.
10. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Ensemble Learning in Identifying Gene Selection for Cancer Classification”. International Journal of Bioinformatics. In progress.
11. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Identifying Multidimensional Protein Structure from its Amino Acid Sequence Based on Functional Networks and Extreme Learning Machines”, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. In progress.
12. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Data Mining in Classifying Soybean Protein Sequence Residue: Methodology and Comparative Studies”. In progress.
Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry (7 articles)
13. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2007),“Forecasting PVT Properties of Crude Oil Systems based on Support Vector Machines Modeling Scheme”. J. of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. To appear.
14. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2007), “Data Mining in Forecasting PVT Correlations of Crude Oil Systems Based On Type1 Fuzzy Logic Inference Systems”. J. of Computers & Geosciences. To appear.
15. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008),“Flow Regimes Identification and Liquid-Holdup Prediction in Horizontal Multiphase Flow Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems”. Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Submitted.
16. E. A. El-Sebakhy, A. Abdulraheem, M. Ahmed, M.T. Parvez, (2008), “Feedforward Neural Networks Versus Fuzzy Logic Inference Systems in Prediction of Permeability in Carbonate Formations”. Journal of Computers & Geosciences. Submitted.
17. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Predicting the Permeability in a Carbonate Reservoir Based on Functional Network as a Novel Computational Intelligence Paradigm”. Journal of Computers & Geosciences. Submitted
18. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Identifying Flow-Regimes and Liquid-Holdup in Horizontal Multiphase Flow Based on Extreme Learning Machines”. Journal of Petroleum Geoscience. In progress.
19. E. A. El-Sebakhy and S. Y. Al-Bokhitan, (2008), “Estimating PVT Properties of Crude Oil System Based on Functional Networks”. J. of Petroleum Sciences and Technology. Submitted.
Applications in Software Engineering, E-Commerce, Security, IT industry (5 articles)
20. E. A. El-Sebakhy, M. Misbhauddin, and O. S. Olusanya, (2008), “Software Risk Treatment Model Based on Bayesian Belief Networks”. J. of Expert Systems with Application. To appear.
21. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Software Reliability Identification Using Functional Networks: A Comparative Study”. International Journal of Expert Systems with Application. To appear.
22. M. Al-Shayeb, E. A. El-Sebakhy, and W. Li, (2008) “Software Engineering Development Process Using Artificial Neural Networks”. IEEE on Systems Engineering. Submitted.
23. E. A. El-Sebakhy, M. R. Al-Shayeb, and T. H. El-Bassiouny, (2008), “ A Neural Networks Model with Bounded Weights as a Novel Forecasting Scheme in Identifying the Incomplete Data Imputation in Software Cost Assessment”. (In Progress).
24. E.A. El-Sebakhy and M. Al-Shayeb, (2008), “Object-Oriented Software Maintainability Forecasting Models Based on Computational Intelligence: Methodology and Applications”. IEEE on Systems Engineering. Submitted.
25. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Spam Filtering Using Keyword Extraction Based on neuro-fuzzy inference Systems and Support Vector Machines: Methodology and Comparative Studies”. International Journal of Expert Systems with Application. In progress.
26. E. A. El-Sebakhy and Tarek Shaltami (2008), “An Efficient Hardware Implementation of Functional Networks”. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Applications. (In Progress).
27. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Functional Networks in enhancing the biotechnology Future Trend”. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering. (In Progress).
28. E. A. El-Sebakhy, S. Junaid, and S. Adam, (2008), “Data Mining Schemes for Development and Commercialization of New Technology”. J. of Fermentation and Bioengineering. (In Progress).
29. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “A Novel Approach for Digital Image Watermarking Idea Using Functional Networks”, Journal of Pattern Recognition. (In Progress).
Applications in Business, Finance, Engineering, and Material Science (3 articles)
31. E. A. El-Sebakhy, Sunday O. Olatunji, and Fatai A. Anifowose, (2008), “Material Properties Identification Using Support Vector Machines: Methodology and Comparative Studies”. Journal of Computational Materials Science. Submitted.
32. Rabee M. Reffat, Emad A. El-Sebakhy, Yaman Khaeruzzaman, and I Putu Raharja, Interactive Architectural Compositions in 3D Real-Time Virtual Environments. In Progress.
33. Rabee M. Reffat, Emad A. El-Sebakhy, Yaman Khaeruzzaman, and I Putu Raharja, Augmentation of Real-Time 3D Virtual Environments for Architectural Design Formation. In Progress.
34. E. A. El-Sebakhy, (2008), “Bayesian Belief Networks Capability in Predicting Taxation Evasion”. Expert Systems with Applications. Submitted.
35. E. A. El-Sebakhy, Sunday O. Olatunji, and Fatai A. Anifowose, (2008), “Prediction of Sulfate Expansion of Pc Mortar Using Support Vector Machine: Methodology and Comparative Studies”. Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Submitted.