Dr. Emad El-Sebakhy
Information and Computer Science Dept.
· Ph.D. in the field of Statistics and Computer Science, (August 2004), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA The title: “Functional Networks as a New Framework for the Statistical Pattern Recognition Problems”. It was under the supervision of professors Ali S. Hadi, Stephen Wicker, Terrence Fine, and Paul Vellman. ·
· M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (May 1995), Mansoura University, Egypt. Thesis: “Expert System for Torsion of Non-homogeneous Anisotropic Bars”. (GPA: 4.0).
· B.S. in Mathematics and Computational Sciences (June 1991), Mansoura University Egypt Rank: Distinction with Degree of Honor (94.1% Top of Class) (GPA: 4.0). B.S. Project: “Data Structure Algorithm for Complex Numbers”.
· B.S. in Mathematics and Education (June 1989), Mansoura University Egypt. Rank: Very good with Degree of Honor (83.7% Top of Class) (GPA: 3.8).
Academic Experience
(February 2005 – Present)
Information and Computer Science Department, College of Computer
Science and Engineering, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi
(August 2002 – August 2004)
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, College of Arts and
Sciences, State University of New York, Albany, NY, USA.
Scientists and Software Engineering
(May 2001 – May
Autodesk Inc. and IBM Software (Research &Development Division). Technical
Valley at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Silicon Valley, CA, USA.
Systems Analyst
Programmers and Research Scientists
(August 2000-May 2001)
Corning Inc. Optical Fiber (Research &Development Division) , Corning, NY,
(August 2004 – Present)
Mathematics and Computational Science Department, College of Science
and College of Information and Computer Science, Mansoura University,
Mansoura, Egypt.
Student and Teaching
(1997 – 2004)
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Teaching and
Research Assistant
(August 1994 – May 1997)
Department of Mathematics and Computational Science, Faculty of
Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
and Teaching Assistant
1990– July 1994)
Department of Mathematics and Computational Science, Faculty of Science,
Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Industrial Experience
Software Engineering and Research Scientist (May 2001 – May 2002)
Autodesk Inc., (R&D) Technological Valley at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Silicon Valley, CA, USA. The main job is to design and implement the Architectural Studio Software for 3D Computer Vision using machine learning and data mining with Java Development, and XML document. Design the Graphical User Interface (GUI), Collaboration Work, and Cryptography Algorithms for Network Dynamical Security. The solution methodologies include: linear and non-linear programming, geometric programming, and interior point primal-dual algorithms.
System Analyst Programmer (August 2000-May 2001)
Microarray Technology with Bioinformatics Applications, Corning Inc. Optical Fiber Glass, Corning, NY, USA. The main goal is to classify and predict protein and genomics, analyzing DNA alignments’, and Bioinformatics applications using Data mining and machine learning algorithm. I worked with a twenty research group to invent and develop most of this software, which is called in-house Express Array Technology, and analyze its output for Quality Control in the Data Base Systems. Generally, we used the computational biology techniques for design an automatic quality control system, using C++, java, Visual Basic, Oracle and MATLAB.