Retrieving Account Data

Balance Display and Line Item Display

Why would you want to look at account data? If you only need to see how much is owed then balance display is enough and it is simple. If you know that you need to search for things in the items within an account then you can display the line items. Now there can be a lot of data in the account so to control what you want to see and the presentation format you can define Variants and save them like personal formats. Once the items are displayed you can drill down to see the underlying data all the way down to the originating document by simply double clicking on the questioned data element. This is one of the most powerful tools for maintaining financial records. You can print the document or export the data to EXCEL for further analysis. You can use work lists to work with groups of accounts.

Account Analysis

Salesperson and other company employees need current information about customers. Predefined account analysis can be selected from the menu to show balances, detail on open items, credit limits and payment history.

Navigation Guide

Accounts Receivable Structure and Master Data
Information about Posting
Retrieving Account Data
SD and Financial Accounting Integration
Lockbox Processing
Manual Postings
Reporting and Information Systems
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