King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Department of Finance & Economics





Computable Financial General Equilibrium, Economic and Financial Modeling, Financial

Reforms, Financial Crises, Financial Institutions, Foreign Direct Investment, Portfolio

Management, International Finance, Computational Finance


Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows and Financial Crises: “A Comparison of the

Turkish Experiences with Asian Ones”

Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference Proceedings, 2003

Bad Times and Good Times in Rural Java, Jan B. and Gunawan W., 2002, KITLV Press.

Book Review, The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 37, No. 1, Fall 2003

The Effects of Removing the Subsidized Bank Loans: “The Case of Turkey”

Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference Proceedings, 2004

Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: “The Case of the Turkish Economy”

The Journal of Economics, Volume XXX, Issue No.2, 2004

Building on the Kyoto Protocol: Options for Protecting the Climate, Kevin A. Baumert,

Odile Blanchard, Silvia Llosa, and James F. Perkaus, World Research Institute, 2002

Book Review, The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 38, No. 1, Fall 2004

The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets; “The Case of Turkey”

Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference Proceedings, 2006

Who Gains from the Interest Rate Liberalization in the Turkish Economy? A Simulation

Based Policy Analysis with Financial CGE Model

Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference Proceedings, 2006

The Macroeconomics of Fiscal Policy Edited by Richard Kopcke, Geoffrey M. B. Tootell and

Robert K. Triest, 2006, MIT Press.

Book Review, The Journal of Economics, Volume XXXIII, Issue No: 1, 2007

The Macroeconomic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Turkish Economy

The Journal of Social and Economic Development, Volume 10, Issue No.1, Jan. -June 2008


Does the Day-of-the-Week Matters in Stock Markets?: A Comparative Analysis

Risk-Return Relationship and Volume Effect on Return: The Case of ISE.

Average Return and Systematic Risk

Current Deficit and its Sustainability