King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Department of Finance & Economics





Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: “The Case of the Turkish Economy”

2003 Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association

Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: “A Comparison Turkish and Asian Experiences”

2003 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

The Effect of Financial Liberalization on Growth and Savings; “A Comparison of

Turkish Economy with Korean Economy”

2003 Annual Meeting of Southwestern Economic Association

Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows and Financial Crises: “A Comparison of the

Turkish Experiences with Asian Ones”

2003 Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Economic Association

Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Turkish Economy. (Selected Best 4PthP

Student Paper Presented at the Conference)

2004 (February) Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association

Does Interest Rate Liberalization Increase the Efficiency? with Dogan Karaman

2004 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

Measuring the Inflationary Inertia in the Turkish Economy with Dogan Karaman

2004 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

The Effects of Removing the Subsidized Bank Loans: “The Case of Turkey”

2004 Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Economic Association

The Effects of Interest Rate Liberalization: “The Case of Turkey”

2004 (October) Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association

The Effects of Reducing the Monetization of the Deficit Through Issuing More Treasury

Bonds on Economic Agents: “The Case of Turkey “

2005 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

Is Subsidy Good Policy?

2005 Annual Meeting of Southern Regional Science Association

Patterns of Deficit Financing and Fiscal Liberalization in the Turkish Economy: A Policy

Analysis with Financial CGE Model

2005 Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Economic Association

Simulations of Deficit Financing Policies and Income Distribution Effects in an

Emerging Market: A Policy Analysis with a Financial CGE Model

2005 Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association

Simulation Based Macroeconomic Application of the Subsidized Loan Removal: A

Policy Analysis with Financial CGE Model

2006 Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association

Simulation Based Macroeconomic Application of the Subsidized Loan Removal: A

Policy Analysis with Financial CGE Model

2006 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: “The case of


2006 Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Economic Association

Who Gains from the Interest Rate Liberalization? A Simulation Based Policy Analysis

with Financial CGE Model

2006 Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Economic Association

The Dynamics of the U.S. Current Account

2007 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association

Contagious Currency Crises: Is Trade a Channel?

2003 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Discussant

Does External Shock Matter? The Relationship Among Exchange Rate, Inflation and

Real Output

2004 Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association, Discussant

The Cash Centric Behavior of Hispanics in Orange County: Causes and Implications

2004 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Discussant

The Effect of Corruption on Investment: Evidence from Firm Level Data

2005 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Discussant

Banks’ Loan Portfolio and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism

2005 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Discussant

Economic Impacts of Selected Industries on the Puerto Rico Economy

2005 Annual Meeting of Southern Regional Science Association, Discussant

First, Do No Harm: Welfare Gains and Welfare Losses from Environmental Taxation

2005 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Discussant

Econometric Studies of Aggregate Economy

2004 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Chair

Product Market Dynamics

2005 Annual Meeting of Midwest Economic Association, Chair

Foreign Investment and Globalization

2005 Annual Meeting of Southern Regional Science Association, Chair