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1. Tawabini, B., Khararjian, H. and Fayad, M. “Trihalomethanes (THMs) Formation in a distillation process”. Desalination, 66 (1987), pp. 403-414. 2. Attar, K.; B. Tawabini; Pambid, E. and A. Abdel-Aal “Trace Elements in the Leachate of Automobile-Scrap Shredder Waste”. J. Waste Management, Vol. 11, No. 4, (1991), pp. 283-286. 3. Fayad, N. and Tawabini, B. “Survey of Saudi Arabian Drinking Water for Trihalomethanes”. J. of Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (1991) 6:305-312. 4. Tawny H. M., N. Sridhar, B. Tawabini, N. M. Abbas and T. N. Rhys-Jones “Thermal Stability of Pt-Aluminide Coating on Nickel-Base Superalloys”. Journal of Materials Science 27, (1992), pp 6463-6474. 5. Attar, K.; El-Faer, M., Rawdah, T. and B. Tawabini “Levels of Arsenic in Fish from the Arabian Gulf”. J. Marine Pollution Bull., Vol. 24, No. 2, (1992), pp 94-97. 6. Iob, F. Al-Yousef, B. Tawabini, A. Mohammed, and N. Abbas “Simultaneous Determination of Benzotriazole Copper Inhibitor and Microbiocidal Isothiazolinenones by HPLC”. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 661, Nos 1+2, Feb. (1994), pp. 245-248. 7. Iob A., B. Tawabini et al. “Hydrocarbon Group (PONA) Analysis of Reformate by FTIR Spectroscopy”. FUEL journal, Vol. 75, No. 9, (1995), pp. 1060-1064. 8. Iob A., B. Tawabini et al. “Prediction of Research Octane Number of Reformed Gasoline by FTIR Spectroscopy”. FUEL journal, Vol. 74, No. 2, (1995), PP. 227-231. 9. Tawabini and H. Abdel-Aal “Extraction of Energy from Sabkha Deposits in Saudi Arabia”. Perspectives in Energy, Vol. 4, (1997-1998), pp. 255-260. 10. Abuzaid, N.; Al-Malack, M.; Nakhla, G.; Essa, M. and Tawabini, B. “Effects of Dissolved Oxygen and Surfactant Treatment on the Sorptive Capacity of a Local Soil for Phenol’. J. of Environmental Science & Health, A35 (3), (2000), pp. 263-280. 11. Tawabini B, M. Al-Suwyian “Removal of Dimethyl Phthalate from Water by UV/H2O2 Process”. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. Vol. 3 (2004), pp. 289 – 294. 12. Tawabini, B. “Treatment of Water Contaminated with D-n-BP by Photo-Fenton Process” Global NEST: The International Journal. Special issue on Waste Water: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 23-28 (2004). 13. Tawabini, B., Khararjian, H. and Fayad, M. “Trihalomethanes (THMs) Formation in a distillation process”. Proceeding of the 3rd World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Cannes, France, September 14-17, 1987. Vol. III. pp. 403-314. 14. Iob A., B. Tawabini et al. “Analysis of Ethoxylated Sulfonates in the presence of crude oil”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting of Chemists, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (1989). pp 407-415. 15. Tawabini and N. Fayad “Simulated Laboratory Study of THMs Formation in a Seawater Distillation Process”. Proceedings of The International Conference on Chemistry in Industry, Manama, Bahrain, 14-16 Nov. (1992). pp 107-122. 16. Iob, F. Al-Yousef, B. Tawabini, A. Mohammed. and N. Abbas “Simultaneous Analysis of Benzotriazole Copper Inhibitor and Microbiocidal Isothiazolinenones By HPLC”. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography, Hamburg, Germany, May 9-14, 1993. 17. Iob, M. A. Ali, B. Tawabini and N. Abbas “Prediction of PONA Contents of Reformate by FTIR Spectroscopy”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry in Industry, Bahrain in October 24-26, (1994), pp. 1333-1337. 18. B. Tawabini, M. Maslehuddin and O. Al-Amoudi “Evaluating the Performance of Portland and Blast Furnace Slag Cements”. Proceedings of the 4th Saudi Engineering Conference, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia, 5 - 8 Nov. (1995), pp. 225 - 232. 19. B. Tawabini and H. Abdel-Aal “Energy Generated from Sabkha Deposits in Saudi Arabia”. Proceedings of the 5th Saudi Engineering Conference, Umm Al-Qura University, Mekkah, Saudi Arabia, 1-4 March (1999), pp. 324-328. 20. Tawabini B. and M. Al-Zahrani “Forecasting Water Demand in The City of Al-Khobar Using Time Series Modeling”, Presented at the 1st Workshop on Water Resources Development and Water Conservation”, Organized by the Saudi Ministry of Water and Agriculture, Riyadh, 16-19 April (2000). 21. Tawabini B., “Treatment of Water Contaminated with D-n-BP by Photo-Fenton Process”. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology”, Ermoupolis, Syros Island, Greece, 03 - 06 September (2001), pp. 861-867. 22. Tawabini, B., M. Al-Suwaiyan, R. Allayla, M. Al-Malack, A. Abulikbash, and A. Al- Arfaj “Degradation of Dimethyl Phthalate By Fenton’s Reagent”, Proceedings of the 5th Chemistry in Industry Conference , Manama, Bahrain, 14 – 16 October (2002). 23. Tawabini, B., M. Al-Suwaiyan, R. Allayla, M. Al-Malack, A. Abulikbash, and A. Al- Arfaj, ”Removal of Phthalates From Contaminated Water Using Ultraviolet Oxidation Process”. Proceedings of the 6th Saudi Engineering Conference,, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 14 - 17 December (2002), pp. 497 – 506. 24. Tawabini, B. ”Overview on the In-Situ Oxidation Technology For the Treatment of Contaminated Sites”. Proceedings of the 1st Engineering Conference, Aden, Yemen, 16 - 18 December (2002). 25. Tawabini, B., M. Al-Suwaiyan and R. Allayla “Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Phthalates by Advanced Oxidation Technology”. Proceedings of the 6th Gulf Water Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 8 - 12 March (2003), pp. 197-205. 26. Tawabini, B., “The Removal of Dimethyl Phthalate (DMP) From Contaminated Water By Advanced Oxidation Processes In The Presence of Methanol”. Proceedings of the International Water Association (IWA) 3rd Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Goslar, Germany, 18 - 22 May (2003), pp. 958 - 963. 27. Tawabini, B, “An Overview on Recent Development in Greywater Recycling Technology”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Water Conference in the Arab Countries. Beirut, Lebanon, 7 – 10 July (2003), pp. 139 – 148. 28. Tawabini, B., M. Al-Suwaiyan, A. Abulikbash, M. Al-Malack, A. Al- Arfaj and R. Allayla “Optimization of UV/H2O2 Process Used to Treat Water Contaminated with Phthalate ”, presented at the 4th Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress , Manama, Bahrain, 22 - 24 February (2004). 29. Tawabini, B. and Alnaizy R., “MTBE Removal from Contaminated Groundwater By Advanced Oxidation Processes”, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Chemistry in Industry, September 27-29, 2004, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. 30. R. Alnaizy and Tawabini, B.,“ Effects of Light Intensity in Hydrogen Peroxide Based AOP for MTBE Removal from Contaminated Groundwater”, AIChE 2004 Annual Meeting, November 2004, 31. Tawabini B., “Overview on Recent Developments in Grey Water Recycling Technology”. Arab Water World. September-October 2003, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 06-10. 32. Tawabini, B and Ali Qahtani “The Environmental Pollution Resulted From Fuel Stations in Dammam City”. Proceedings of the National Conference For Environment: Between Protection and Pollution. Al-Qassim University, Al-Qassim, 18 – 20 March (2007). 33. Chandana Senaratne, Emmanuel Y. Osei-Twum, B. S. Tawabini and Abdulrahman A. Al-Arfaj. ”Organotin Compounds in the Marine Environment”. The 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Chemistry in Industry (CHEMINDIX). Manama, Bahrain. March 26-28, 2007. 34. Tawabini, B. N. M. Fayad, H. Al-Utaibi, L. Litorja and I. Kazi. “Investigating the Efficiency of MTBE Removal from Contaminated Groundwater by Advanced Oxidation Processes”. The 5th Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress in Oil & Petrochemical Industries” (EnviroArabia 2007). Manama, Bahrain, April 23-25, 2007. 35. Mehanna N., Jaber, A., Sultan, S., and B. Tawabini. Determination of Total Organic Carbon (as non-purgable organic carbon) By ICP-AES. Proceedings EnviroArabia 2007, Manama, Bahrain, 22-25 April 2007. 36. M. A. Morsy, Q. Al-Sharari, B. Tawabini and N. Baghli.”Hydroxyl Radical Generation in Advanced Oxidation Processes: An ESR Investigation of MTBE Remediation”. The 41st Annual International Meeting, University College London, UK, 6-10 April 2008. 37. Tawabini, B. “Services and capabilities of a standard environmental chemistry laboratory”. Presented at the Labtech 2008 Conference from October 20-22, 2008, Bahrain. 38. Tawabini B., "The Impact of Groundwater Quality on the Removal of MTBE Using Advanced Oxidation Technology". Presented at the IWA international Conference. Germany from 30 March-03 April, 2009. 39. Tawabini B., and A. Shaibani "Environmental Impact Assessment of Disposing Onshore Drilling Wastes in Sabkha Deposits". Presented at the 8th Saudi Meeting of Geosciences that will be held in Jeddah from 9 – 12 March 2009. 40. Tawabini B., N. M. Fayad and M. Morsy "The Impact of Groundwater Quality on the Removal of MTBE Using Advanced Oxidation Technology". Journal of Water Science and Technology Journal. Volume 60 No. 8. (2009). pp 2161-2165. 41. Tawabini B. Industrial Wastes Generated at a Fuel Gas Station: A Case Study for Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (CESD 2010). Singapore 26-28 February 2010. 42. Tawabini, B., S. Al-Khaldi, M. Atieh and M. Khaled. Removal of Mercury From Water By Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs). Journal of Water Science and Technology. Vol. 61. No. 3, 2010. pp. 591-598. 43. Muataz Ali Atieh, Omer Yahya Bakather, Bassam S. Tawabini, Alaadin A. Bukhari, Mazen Khaled, Mamdouh Alharthi, Mohammed Fettouhi, and Faraj Ahmad Abuilaiwi. “Removal of Chromium (III) from Water Using Modified and Nonmodified Carbon Nanotubes”. Journal of Nanomaterials. Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 232378, 9 pages. 44. M. Atieh, O. Bakatheer, B. Tawabini, A. Bukhari, Faraj Abuilaiwi, and M. Fattouhi. Effect of carboxylic Functional Group Functionalized on Carbon Nanotubes Surface on the removal of Lead from Water. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications. Dec. 2010. Volume 2010, Article ID 603978, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2010/603978. 45. B. Tawabini, S. Al-Khaldi, M. Atieh, and M. Khaled. Assessing the Efficiency of Locally Produced Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) in Treating Water Contaminated with Mercury. Proceedings of EnviroArabia 2010 Conference. Manama, Bahrain, 18-21 April 2010. 46. B. Tawabini, S. Al-Khaldi, M. Khaled and M. Atieh,. Removal of Arsenic from water by iron oxide nanoparticles impregnated on carbon nanotubes”. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Vol. 46. No. 03.February 2011, pp. 215-223. 47. Tawabini, B., and Abdulrazaq Zubair. Bromate control in phenol-contaminated water treated by UV and ozone processes. Desalination 267 (2011). Pages 16-19. 48. Tawabini B. "Environmental Management of Drilling Fluid Wastes: An Overvie". The 3rd Joint SQU-JCCP Environmental Symposium. Sultan Qabou University, Oman. 19-21 Dec. 2010. 49. R. Al-Sadeq, B. Tawabini, M. Makkawi, and A. Al-Shaibani. Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Tarout Island, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. The 9th Arabian Conference for Geosciences. April 26-28, 2011. Saudi Society for Geosciences, Riyadh, KSA. 50. B. Tawabini. Potential Formation of Bromoform and Bromate in Blended Water Samples Disinfected with Chlorine and Ozone. Accepted for Presentation at the ICWEE2011, 14-17 Nov. 2011, American University of Sharjah, UAE. 51. B. Tawabini. Potential Formation of Bromoform and Bromate in Blended Water Samples Disinfected with Chlorine and Ozone. International Journal of Environmental Engineering (Under review), 52. Omar Hussein and B. Tawabini. Forecasting Of Ground Level-Ozone Exceedences in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Using Zaitun Time Series Model. Jubail International Environment Conference.Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY), 5-6 June, 2011, Jubail, KSA. 53. B. Tawabini and Mohammed Mutair. Chlroination By-products formed during disinfecting Blended Waters with chlorine. Proceedings of the 11th Hajj Meeting. Hajj Research Institute. Um Al-Qura University. Mekkah, 12-16 June 2011. Saudi Arabia 54. Chanbasha Basheer; Abdulmumin A. Nuhu; Abdul Rahman Al-Arfaj; B. Tawabini; Mohamed Qurban; Zahid Muhammed. Baseline organotin concentrations in sediment and water samples from Saudi Arabian Southern Coast of the Arabian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin. (Submitted). 55. B. Tawabini. M. Al-Mutair, and A. Bukhari. Formation Potential of Trihalomethanes (THMs) in Blended Water Treated with Chlorine. J. of Water Reuse and Desalination. Vol. 01, No. 3, 2011, pp. 172-178.
1. Environmental Management & Technologies. M. Sievers, B. Tawabini and M. Al-Sharif. Al-Atheen. Amman, Jordan. ISBN: 978-9957-546-00-7, Nov. 2010. 2. PhD Dissertation. Treatment of Water Contaminated with Dimethyl Phthalate By Fenton, Photo-Fenton and UV/H2O2 Processes. Civil Eng. Dept., KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA. Feb. 2002. 3. MSc. Thesis. Trihalomethanes (THMs) Formation in a Distillation Process. Civil Eng. Dept., KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA. Jan. 1987.
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