




EE 204 Students:

Please refer to WebCT for all materials related to the course

EE 201Students


PSpice Download

EE200 Students


Final Exam

     - Experiment: Each student will implement a circuit during the lab and each student will have 1/2 hour.

     -Written:  multiple choice questions. This is an hour exam where you will have multiple choice questions. You might have filling empty space and solving problems


Instruction to students

Download the Syllabus

Digital Design

This is the page of the book thought for ee200. Try to go to this page and investigate what is it about.

Software Programs

These two programs besides the word program are the ones that are going to be used for the Reports of the experiments.

Download these two programs

   1.LOGICWOR         2.LW406Update


The first file  is LOGICWOR. click on it. a popup window will appear. choose save the program to desk. after downloading the program, run the setup program.

The second program is LW406Update. this is an update of the logic works 4.0 to 4.06. first, you have to install LOGICWOR.  then install the update.  


Teaching Materials

Students of EE 200 Lab have to download and print the materials bellow for the corresponding labs

Experiment 4

Experiment 5

Experiment 6

Experiment 7

Experiment 8

Experiment 10

Experiment 11

Quizzes Samples

Seven Segment


Flip-Flop Design

Final Exam Samples

Final Exam (Experiment)Part 1

Final Exam (Experiment)Part 2