CHEM 212
Course Title: Physical Chemistry I (CHEM 212).
Instructor: Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saadi (Office no. 4-134 , Phone no.: 3565).
Office Hours: Saturdays & Mondays from 9:00AM to 10:15AM.
Textbook: K. J. Laidler, J. H. Meiser, and B. C. Sanctuary, “Physical Chemistry” 4th edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 2003.
Course Description: Lectures will cover the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, phases and solutions, and phase equilibria.
The laboratory covers a number of experiments as shown in the syllabus.
Prerequisites: CHEM 102, MATH 102, and PHYS 102.
Grading System: Laboratory ………………………………………… 25%
Homework ……………………………..………… 5%
Quizzes (around three) …….……………………… 10%
First major exam ………………………………….. 15%
Second major exam ……………………………….. 15%
Final exam ………………………………………… 30%
Attendance: Attendance will be taken regularly at the beginning of the class. Regular attendance by student is required. Each an unexcused absence will result in a deduction of one-quarter a point (0.25%) out of the final score. Only official excuses are accepted. A DN grade will be immediately reported when student’s absences exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the total class hours of the course.
Laboratory: The experiments to be covered in this course can be found in the course lab manual. The format of the lab report should be followed. The lab report must be typed using Word and not be hand-written. The lab report must be turned in within two weeks from the day we do the experiment, unless otherwise decided. Delaying submitting your report on time will result in a deduction of two points for each day. No make-up is possible for missing labs.