
ARE 100 Introduction to Architectural Engineering [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
The course focuses on providing an overview of the Architectural Engineering discipline and the role of an Architectural Engineer in facilitating the development and operation of an efficient built environment. Various building functions, their components and the integration of building systems in the design, construction and operation stages are introduced. Simple understanding of the building environmental requirements and the impact of socio-economic factors on the building development is initiated in this course. The latest trends in the building industry and the incorporation of modern technology and building materials in design and construction are discussed. The need for Architectural Engineer as an essential member of a building development and operation team is also highlighted.
Course Objective
Introduce students with the Architectural Engineering field as an important constituent of building design and development
Familiarize students with the role of Architectural Engineer in the building industry, their need and potential opportunities towards a promising carrier
Provide an overview of the occupant requirements, occupant expectations from the building, building functions, types, building components and systems
Illustrate the environmental and social needs of buildings and their associated systems
Sample Presentation: Introductory Lecture
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ARE 201 Architectural Graphics [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
The course introduces students to the applications of solar energy in buildings as an alternative source of energy for modern buildings. The course aims at enhancing the students understanding on solar energy availability, collection and potential utilization of solar energy in improving the indoor environmental quality of built-up spaces. Concepts of solar energy utilization in an environment friendly manner and their integration in the design of modern buildings are highlighted. Computer application for modeling buildings for design and estimation are also introduced.
Course Objective
The course introduces students to the applications of solar energy in buildings as an alternative source of energy for modern buildings. The course aims at enhancing the students understanding on solar energy availability, collection and potential utilization of solar energy in improving the indoor environmental quality of built-up spaces. Concepts of solar energy utilization in an environment friendly manner and their integration in the design of modern buildings are highlighted. Computer application for modeling buildings for design and estimation are also introduced.
Sample Presentation: Rendering Types
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ARE 202 Architectural Design I [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
Three credit course with nine hours of studio interaction with the instructor per week. The course focuses on the understanding of the design process and the methodology for achieving functionally and aesthetically optimal design for buildings.
The course exposes students to general design elements and guidelines that allow identification of a design problem and seek alternative solutions for the same problem in a systematic and scientific manner keeping in mind the aesthetic and creative requirements. Creative and graphical skills are the soul of this course which is stepwise enhances within the practical limitations involved with every design project.
Design problems of complete but simple buildings are introduced to the students with emphasis provided on considerations of building function, construction, material and system, cultural, environmental constraints and climatic influences. Two projects are dealt by the students in this course, one of which is a minor project (6 weeks) and the other is a complex design problem (9 weeks).
- Understand the design process and design methodology.
- Enhance creative and aesthetic ideology towards building design.
- Improve graphical communication of the design solutions.
- Exposure to the diverse functional requirements of various buildings.
Sample Presentation: Site Analysis Example
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ARE 221 Computer Application in Building Design [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
The course focuses on the development of an understanding of how information technology is used in the process of presenting design information.
The course allows students to develop skills and operate computer aided design (CAD) tools. CAD applications are taught for the purpose of creating project information documents that include reports and design drawings. The course will focus on developing student skills to create 2D and 3D models of simple buildings and use rendering and animation applications to present them. In addition students will work in a computer network environment which enables them to create, manage and exchange project information in a network environment.
Instructions and demonstrations will introduce students to additional uses of the computer as a design tool and supplement lectures will relate the lab work to other type of computer graphics, computer aided design, the role of CAD in Architectural Engineering.
Course Objective
Presentation and discussion of general terms, definition, and method of personal computing.
Understanding of Windows environment and computing.
Develop student skills in using personal computing in office application and CAD systems to generate building drawings.
Knowledge of CAD as a tool and the method for the production of architectural drawings in 2D & 3D projections.
Enhance skills in using rendering and animation techniques for better presentation
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ARE 301 Architectural Design II [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
This course is a continuation of a two-semester sequence of design studios. Introduction and appreciation of the design process through dealing with more complex buildings and lager project sites. The concept of building design as a multi-disciplinary approach is introduced. Integration of structural, mechanical, and environmental control systems with the building function, form, and spaces' organization is emphasized. Basic elements of architectural form and space and how they can be manipulated, organized in the development of a design concept and their visual implications are explored.
Course Objective
To further develop the design skills related to the design process acquired in the earlier course ARE 202 and enhance space organization skills.
To provide an in-depth understanding of the design process and problem-solving approaches while enriching students' design vocabulary.
To introduce the concept of building as a multi-disciplinary product with integrated parts (many systems) working to make the building a whole.
To practice the design process on design problems and project programs of moderate-size and complexity than those introduced in earlier course to achieve multi-objective architectural design within multiple design constraints.
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ARE 320 Architectural Acoustics Lab.
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
The course is an introduction of the basics of Architectural Acoustics, room acoustics and noise sources. Students are exposed to the environmental aspects of better acoustics and noise control giving them basic knowledge of acoustical measurements and control. Acoustical properties of various materials and the impact of room shapes on acoustical performance are discussed. Characteristics of various building material configurations and their implications on sound absorption and transmission are also highlighted in the course. Computer applications in room acoustics simulation is demonstrated which is used by the students to design acoustical enclosures in their final projects of the course.
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ARE 440 Solar Energy in Buildings [Course Outline: doc - pdf]
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link
The course introduces students to the applications of solar energy in buildings as an alternative source of energy for modern buildings. The course aims at enhancing the students understanding on solar energy availability, collection and potential utilization of solar energy in improving the indoor environmental quality of built-up spaces. Concepts of solar energy utilization in an environment friendly manner and their integration in the design of modern buildings are highlighted. Computer application for modeling buildings for design and estimation are also introduced.
Course Objective
The course introduces students to the applications of solar energy in buildings as an alternative source of energy for modern buildings. The course aims at enhancing the students understanding on solar energy availability, collection and potential utilization of solar energy in improving the indoor environmental quality of built-up spaces. Concepts of solar energy utilization in an environment friendly manner and their integration in the design of modern buildings are highlighted. Computer application for modeling buildings for design and estimation are also introduced
Sample Presentation: Energy Status - Introduction
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ARE 328 Architectural Acoustics & Illumination (Acoustics part)
Course Description (Refer Program Bulletin for official course description at this link)
The course introduces students to the basic phenomenon and concepts of Architectural Acoustics. Students are exposed to the evaluation and design process of Architectural spaces for better acoustical performance. The syllabus focuses on the sound measurement methods, measurement equipment and acoustical properties of various building materials along with the integration of construction elements for effective noise control. Latest trends in the field of acoustics in-terms of building design and computer applications for analysis and design of specialized architectural enclosures concludes the syllabus. By the end of the course, students have an overview of the subject with an appreciation of acoustics and noise control applications in building design.
Course Objective
To introduce the students to the basics of sound behavior and quantification.
To present the principles of design for good hearing and restriction of noise in buildings.
To introduce the basics of Architectural Acoustics and its creative application in design.
To illustrate both conventional equipment and latest technology of computer-based systems in the field of acoustical measurements, analysis and evaluation.
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Courses Taught at Regional Engineering College, Srinagar, India
Architecture and Town Planning
Building Construction-I
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