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Last Updated on 25th March 2008
Research Publications

2003 Till date Publications
Rabee M. Reffat and Mir Sabeer, H. Guidelines for Incorporating Smart Building Technologies in the Design Brief, ISSF 2007: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Facility - Frontier in intelligent, green and energy efficient buildings, Hong Kong, hosted by the Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings, January 22-24, 2007. [pdf]
Mir Sabeer, H. and Adel Abdou, Investigating the Effect of Educational Equipment Noise on Smart Classroom Acoustics, Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Volume 34, No. 1, PP 37 – 43, 2006. [pdf]
Mir Sabeer, H. and Adel Abdou, Impact of Educational Equipment Noise on Smart Classroom Acoustics. Inter-Noise 2005 Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 7 - 10th August 2005, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. [pdf]
Mir Sabeer, H. and Adel Abdou, Investigation of Sound-absorbing Material Configuration of a Smart Classroom Utilizing Computer Modeling. Journal of Building Acoustics, Volume 12, No. 3, PP 175 - 188, 2005. [pdf]
Mir Sabeer, H. and Adel Abdou, A, Investigating the Impact of Surface Treatment and Internally Generated Noise on Classroom Acoustics, 1st International Conference on Architectural Education for the New Millennium, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, March 8-10, 2003. [pdf]
Mir Sabeer, H. and Adel Abdou, Utilizing New Generation Classrooms ‘Smart Classrooms’ for Enhanced Architectural Education, 1st International Conference on Architectural Education for the New Millennium, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, March 8-10, 2003. [pdf]
Research Assistance
Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Building Insulation Materials Under Different Operating Temperatures.
2000 - 2002
KFUPM Architectural Engineering Department Project for SABIC, 2000
Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies for Energy Conservation in Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of Saudi Arabia.
KFUPM Architectural Engineering Department Project for KACST, 2001
MS Thesis
Investigating Smart Classroom Acoustics Utilizing Computer Modeling. [pdf]
Department of Architectural Engineering, KFUPM.
During Bachelor of Architecture
Methods of Heating Residential Buildings in the Himalayas.
Report of Residential Planning & Design, 1995.
“Markez – E - Dastakar”, Visitors cum Arts & CraftsCenter, Srinagar.
Bachelor of Architecture Design Thesis, 1997.