Dr. Ahmed Z. Al-Garni WEBPAGE



Research Interest:


Applied and fundamental areas of Aerospace Engineering, using analytical, numerical, and experimental methods.  The research activities can be categorized in three areas:


·    Flight dynamics and control in atmosphere and space; including aerodynamics and aerodynamic heating.


·    Modeling and simulation of AE systems, including control and optimization and reliability of aircraft maintenance.


Interdisciplinary problems in Aerospace Engineering and other areas (AE Education, Laser application in materials, system and energy modeling and other).





(1)        A. Z. Al-Garni, “Analytical Solution for Controls, Heats and States of Flight Trajectories,” AIAA - Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 31, No. 5 (1994), pp.924-928 (Technical Note) (1414 H).


(2)        A. Z. Sahin, B. S. Yilbas, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Transient Heat Conduction in a Slab During Direct Resistance and Induction Heating,” International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1994), pp.199-206 (1414 H).


(3)        A. Z. Al-Garni, S.M. Zubair, and J. S. Nizami, “A Regression Model for Electric Energy Consumption Forecasting in Eastern Saudi Arabia,” Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 19, No. 10 (1994), pp.1043-1049 (1414 H).


(4)        A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Z. Sahin, B. S. Yilbas, and S. A. Ahmed, “Cooling of Aerospace Plane Using Liquid Hydrogen and Methane,” AIAA - Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 32, No. 3 (1995),pp.539-546 (1415 H).


(5)        B. S. Yilbas, A. Z. Sahin, N. Kahraman, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Friction Welding of St-Al and Al-Cu Materials,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 49 (1995), pp.431-443 (1415 H).


(6)        S. A. Ahmed, A. S. Nejad, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “A Comparative Study of the Effects of LDV Velocity Bias in the Near Field of a Turbulent Free Jet,” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4 (1995), pp.179-184 (1415 H).


(7)        A. Z. Al-Garni, K. A. F. Moustafa, and S. S. A. K. J. Nizami, “Optimal Control of Overhead Cranes,” Control Engineering Practice (A Journal of IFAC - The International Federation of Automatic Control Engineering), Vol. 3, No. 9 (1995), pp.1277-1284 (1415 H).


(8)        S. S. A. K. Javeed Nizami, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Forecasting Electric Energy Consumption Using Neural Networks,” Energy Policy, Vol. 23, No. 12 (1995), pp.1097-1104 (1415H).


(9)        A. Z. Al-Garni, and A. Z. Sahin, “Designing a Cooling System for an Aerospace Plane Using H2, CH4, NH3, Kr and Xe,” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4 (1995), 193-201 (1415 H).


(10)      A. Z. Al-Garni, and J. B. Barlow, “Aerospace Plane Ascending Trajectories with Heat Consideration,” IMechE - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 210 (1996), pp.231-245 (1416H).


(11)      A. Z. Sahin, B. S. Yilbas, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Friction Welding of Al-Al, Al-Steel, and Steel-Steel Samples,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1996), pp.89-99 (1416H).


(12)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Z. Sahin, and B. S. Yilbas, “Active Cooling of a Hypersonic Plane Using Hydrogen, Methane, Oxygen and Fluorine,” IMechE - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 210 (1996), pp.9-17 (1416H).


(13)      B. S. Yilbas, A. Z. Sahin, A. Z. Al-Garni, S. A. M. Said, Z. Ahmad, B. J. Abdul Aleem, and M. Sami, “Plasma Nitriding of Ti-6 Al-4 V Alloy to Improve Some Tribological Properties,”  Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 80, No. 3 (1996), pp.287-292 (1416H).


(14)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Comparison of H2, CH4 and H2O for Cooling Aerospace Planes,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1996), pp.229-237 (1416H).


(15)      A. K. Sheikh, A. Z. Al-Garni, and M. A. Bader, “Reliability Analysis of Airplane Tires,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 13, No. 8 (1996), pp.28-38 (1416H).


(16)      S. A. Ahmed, A. S. Nejad, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Near-Field Study of a Turbulent Free jet and Velocity Bias Effects,” AIAA - Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 12, No. 1 (1996), pp.155-157 (1416H).


(17)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Closed-Form Control and State Solutions for Flight with Equality Constraints,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (Journal), Vol. 39, No. 124 (1996), pp.231-247 (1416H).


(18)      B. S. Yilbas, A. Z. Al-Garni, and A. Z. Sahin, “Study into a Small Scale Water Driven Domestic heat Pump: Design and Performance Analysis,” Energy Sources (Journal), Vol. 18, No. 8 (1996), pp.951-963 (1416H).


(19)      B. S. Yilbas and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Some Aspects of Laser Heating of Engineering Materials,” Journal of Laser Applications, 8(4) (1996), pp.197-204 (1416H).


(20)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Aerospace Plane Cooling with H2, CH4, He, Ne, N2 and Ar,” AIAA - Journal of Thermo physics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 39, No. 16 (1996), pp.3431-3439 (1416H).


(21)      S. M. Zubair, A. Z. Al-Garni, and J. S. Nizami, “The Optimal Dimensions of Circular Fins with Variable Profile and Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity,” International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, No. 16 (1996), pp.3431-3439 (1416H).


(22)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Comparison of Aircraft Tire Replacement Policy at Saudi Aviation Facility to the International standards,” Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1996), pp.71-80 (1416H).


(23)      A. Z. Al-Garni, Y. N. Al-Nassar, S. M. Zubair, and A. Al-Shehri, “Model for Electric Energy Consumption in Eastern Saudi Arabia,” Energy Sources, Vol. 19, No. 4 (1997), pp.325-334 (1417H).


(24)      A. Z. Al-Garni,  A. Z. Sahin, and A. A. Al-Farayedhi, “A Reliability Study of Fokker F-27 Airplane Brakes,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety (Journal affiliated with ASME), Vol. 56, No. 2 (1997), pp.143-150 (1417H).


(25)      R. E. Abdel-Aal, A. Z. Al-Garni, and Y. N. Al-Nassar, “Modeling and Forecasting Monthly Electric Energy in Eastern Saudi Arabia Using Abductive Networks,” Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 22, No. 9 (1997), pp.911-921 (1417 H).


(26)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Neural Network-Based Failure Rate for Boeing-737 Tires,” AIAA - Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 34, No. 6 (1997), pp.771-777 (1417H).


(27)      R. E. Abdel-Aal, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Forecasting Monthly Electric Energy Consumption in Eastern Saudi Arabia Using Univariate Time-Series Analysis,” Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 22, No. 9 (1997), pp.1059-1069 (1417H).


(28)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Closed-Form Solutions for Flight Vehicles with High Thrust Angle,” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3 (1997), pp.160-168 (1417H).


(29)     A. Z. Sahin, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Transient Temperature Analysis of Airplane Carbon Composite Disk Brakes,” AIAA - Journal of Thermo physics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1997), pp.283-285.  (Technical Note) (1417H)


(30)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Hawle Elm Al-Harakah va Al-Taqueem ... (Arabic, which means: In Science of Motion, Timing and Calendar),” Journal of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saudi Islamic University, No. 20 (1998), pp.533-564. (In Arabic) (1418H).


(31)      A. Z. Al-Garni, S. A. Ahmed, and M. Siddique, “Modeling Failure Rate for Fokker F-27 Tires Using Neural Network,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 131 (1998), pp.29-37 (1418H).


(32)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Z. Sahin, A. Al-Ghamdi, and S. A. Al-Kaabi, “Reliability Analysis of Airplane Brakes,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 15 (1999), pp.143-150 (1419H).


(33)      S. A. Ahmed, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Budgets of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in an Abruptly Expanding Circular Duct,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 135 (1999), pp.1-8 (1419H).


(34)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Z. Sahin, and A. A. Al-Farayedhi, “Modeling of Weather Characteristics and Wind Power in the Eastern Saudi Arabia,” International Journal of Energy Research, 23 (1999), pp.805-812 (1419H).


(35)      A. Kharab, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Use of a Spreadsheet Program in Aerospace Plane Trajectory,” IASTED - International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 19, No. 3, (1999) (1419H).


(36)      S. A. Ahmed, A. Z. Al-Garni, and K. B. Abidogun, “The Flow Field Characteristics of a Confined Highly Swirling Turbulent Flow,” Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4 (1999), pp.323-334 (1420H).


(37)      A. M. Al-Qutub, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Comparison Between Neural Network and Weibull Models for Failure of Boeing 737 Engines,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 137 (1999), pp.128-134 (1420H).


(38)      A. Z. Sahin, A. Z. Al-Garni, M. Sunar, and R. Kahraman, “Thermal Analysis of Antiskid Aircraft Brake System,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 138 (2000), pp.153-158 (1421H).


(39)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. M. Al-Garni, S. A. Ahmed, and A. Z. Sahin, “Flow Control for an Airfoil having Leading-Edge Rotation: An Experimental Study,” AIAA - Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37, No. 4 (2000), pp.617-622 (1421H).


(40)      Y. N. Al-Nassar, M. Siddique, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Artificial Neural Networks in Vibration Control of Rotor Bearing Systems,” Simulation Practice and Theory, 7 (2000), pp.729-740 (1421H).


(41)      A. Z. Sahin, S. M. Zubair, A. Z. Al-Garni, and R. Kahraman, “Effect of Fouling on the Operational Cost in Pipe Flow Due to Entropy generation,” Energy Conversion and Management, 41 (2000), pp.1485-1496 (1421H).


(42)      A. Z. Sahin, A. Z. Al-Garni, and A. A. Al-Farayedhi, “Analysis of a Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Performance,” accepted by International Journal of Energy Research (2000) (1421H).


(43)      A. Z. Al-Garni, S.A. Ahmed, A. Z. Sahin and A. M. Al-Garni, “Experimental study of a 65 degree-delta wing with different pitching rates”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 47, No. 2, June 2001G (1422H), pp. 85-93.


(44)     M. Sunar, A. Z. Al-Garni, M. H. Ali, and R. Kahraman, “Finite Element Modeling of Thermo-piezomagnetic Smart Structures,” AIAA - Journal, Vol. 40, No. 9, Sept. 2002G (1423H). (DOWNLOAD)


(45)     A. Z. Sahin and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Environmental Impact of Hydrogen Energy Use”, Renewable Energy-UNESCO, 2003G (1424H), pp. 93-95.


(46)      F., Saeed, and A. Z. Al-Garni, “Impact of Floating-Point Arithmetic on Engineering Numerical Analysis”, ARA Journal, Vol. 2004, No. 28, June 2005G (1426H).


(47)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Jamal, A.M. Ahmad, A.M., Al-Garni, and M. Tozan, “Neural Network-Based Failure Rate Prediction for De Havilland Dash-8 Tires”, Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.19, March 2006G (1427H), pp.681-691.


(48)      A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Jamal, A. Maqsood, A. M. Al-Garni and M. Tozan, “Failure Rate Prediction for De Havilland Dash-8 Tires Employing Neural Network Technique,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2006G (1427H), pp. 537-543. (DOWNLOAD)


(49)      M. Tozan, A. Z. Al-Garni, A. M. Al-Garni and A. Jamal,, “Failure Distribution Modeling for Planned Replacement of Aircraft Auxiliary power Unit Oil Pumps,” Maintenance Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2006G (1427H), pp. 60-69.


(50)      Saeed, F., and A. Z. Al-Garni, “An Analysis Method for Inertial Particle Separator”, The AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol.44, No.4, July-Aug. 2007G (1428H), pp.1150-1158. (DOWNLOAD)


(51)      A. Z. Al-Garni, M. Tozan, A.M., Al-Garni, and A. Jamal, “Failure Forecasting of Aircraft Air-Condition/Cooling Pack with Field Data”, The AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2007G (1428H), pp. 966-1002. (DOWNLOAD)


(52)      A. Z. Al-Garni, and A. Kassem, “On the Optimization of Aerospace Plane Ascent Trajectory,” Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, Vol. 50, No. 168, Aug. 2007G (1428H).


(53)      A. Z. Al-Garni, F., Saeed, and A.M., Al-Garni, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of 65-deg Delta and 65/40-deg Double-Delta Wings”, The AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No.1, Jan-Feb. 2008G (1429H), pp. 71-76. (DOWNLOAD)


(54)     A. Z. Al-Garni, A. Jamal, F. Saeed, and A. Kassem, “Failure Rate Analysis of Boeing 737 Brakes Employing Neural Network,” International Journal of Reliability, Quality & Safety Engineering, submitted for publication.


 (55)      A. Saad, A. Z. Sahin, and A. Al-Garni, “Measurements in the radial vaneless diffuser of a centrifugal blower”, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, submitted for publication.


 (56)      A. Z. Al-Garni, “Comparison between Neural Network and Polynomial Fit in Forecasting Passenger Air-Traffic,” Operational Research Society, submitted for publication.


 (57)     A. Z. Al-Garni, “A Comparable Aerospace Engineering Program,” The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, submitted for publication.


(58)       A. Z. Al-Garni, Tuzan, M, and Abdelrahman, W. G, “Graphical Techniques for Managing Field Failures of Aircraft Systems and Components,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 46, No. 2, (2009), pp. 608-616, (1430H).


(59)       A. Z. Al-Garni and Ahmad Jamal Artificial Neural Network Application of Modeling Failure Rate for Boeing 737 Tires”, Quality & Reliability Engineering International USA, DOI: 10.1002/qre.1114, 2010 (1431H).


(60)      A. Z. Al-Garni, Tozan M and Abdulrehman, W.G., “Managing Field Failures of Aircraft Systems by Co-application of Parametric and Non-parametric Methods”, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp.468-475, 2011(1432H)