Books and Chapters

- S.Mekid, Introduction to Precision Machine Design and Error Assessment, ISBN13: 9780849378867, CRC Press, Appeared Dec. 2008.
- Holmberg, K., Adgar, A., Arnaiz, A., Jantunen, E., Mascolo, J. and Mekid, S. (Eds), E-maintenance. ISBN 978-1-84996-204-9, Springer Verlag, New York, USA, 2010.
Refereed Conference Papers
- S.Mekid, Design and Testing of a Micro-Dynamometer For Desktop Micro-Milling Machine, 2nd METMG USA, Jan 2014.
- D.Wu, K.Youcef-Toumi, S.Mekid, R.Benmansour, Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks for Pipeline Inspection, American Control Conference, 2013, Washington DC.
- U. Baroudi, A. Qureshi, S. Mekid, and A. Bouhraoua; " Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Characterization: An Experimental Study, ," The 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC-2012); Liverpool, UK.
- U. Baroudi, A. Al-Roubaiey, S. Mekid, and A. Bouhraoua; " The Impact of Sensor Node Distribution on Routing Protocols Performance: A Comparative Study," The 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC-2012); Liverpool, UK.
- M.Farooqui, S.Mekid, A.Aliuddin, A.Alhamoud, Geometry effects on the noise reduction of Helmholtz resonators, ESDA2012-82697, ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference 2012, Nantes, France.
- M.Farooqui, S.Mekid, Simulation of noise attenuation using one and two degrees of freedom Helmholtz resonators, ESDA2012-82689, ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference 2012, Nantes, France.
- S.Mekid, U.Baroudi, A.Bouhraoua, Stand alone smart bolt for E-Maintenance, International Conference on Information and Industrial Electronics 2012, Shenzhen China.
- A. Atif, A. Al-Hamoud & S.Mekid, System level design and simulation of a PV/Diesel/Battery hybrid power systems for portable classrooms, , ICEME2011-62128, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Conference 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- S.Mekid, Challenges and methods in better teaching of engineering, ICEME2011-62081, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Conference 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- S.Mekid, T.Laoui, F.Patel, Exploring a manufacturing route to produce WC-based micro-tool with nanostructured material. ICEME2011-62334, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Conference 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- S.Mekid, A.Khalifa, R.Mansour S.Ho, S.Sarma, Water leaks detection: assessment of wireless communication through water and sand media in buried supply pipes, ICEST Conference (IEEE), 2011, Singapore.ISBN: 978-1-4244-9261-9.
- S.Mekid, Effects of miniaturisation on electromagnetic motors for micro mechatronic systems, IMECE2010-38651, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Conference 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
- S.Mekid, Enhanced deterministic design: application to a micro CNC machine design, IMECE2010-38171, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Conference 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
- A.Khalid, S.Mekid, Characteristic Analysis of Parallel Platform Simulators with Different Hardware Configurations, Proceedings of International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, 11 – 14 January, 2010
- A.Khalid, S.Mekid, Design Synthesis of a 3-SPS Parallel Manipulator, 36th International MATADOR Conference 2010, Manchester, UK.
- Zhu, Z., Oyadiji, SO, and Mekid, S., Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Power Management System for Wireless Sensor Nodes, World Congress of Engineering Asset Management 2009, 28-30 September, Greece.
- Z.Zhu, T.Oyadiji, S.Mekid, Middleware Design for Energy Harvester of Wireless Sensor Nodes, IDETC/CIE 2009, ASME International Design Engineering Congress Conference, San Diego, USA.
- S.Mekid, Spatial thermal error compensation using thermal stereo via OAC controller in NC machines. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2009, Cardiff 2009.
- M.Kamil Sued, S.Mekid, Dimensional Inspection of Small and Mesoscale Components using Laser Scanner, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME 2009, Malaysia.
- Z.Zhu, S.Mekid, R., Pietruzkiewics, Architecture Investigation of Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensor Nodes, Proceedings of the 5th Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2008.
- T.Ogedengbe, S.Mekid, S.Hinduja, An investigation of influence of machining conditions on machining error Proceedings of the 5th Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2008.
- R.Pietruzkiewics, S.Mekid, Wireless sensing strategies for plant monitoring in DYNAMITE project, 5th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies. CM 2008 / MFPT 2008
- T.Ogedengbe, S.Mekid, Machine scaling optimization for on demand precision machining, 10th EUSPEN Conference, 2008, Switzerland.
- S.Mekid, A. Khalid, T.Ogedengbe, Common Physical Problems Encountered in Micro Machining, 6PthP CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '08, ISBN 978-88-900948-7-3, pp 637-642, July 2008, Italy.
- K.Vacharanukul, S.Mekid, In-process inspection of dimensional measurement and roundness. International Conference on Manufacturing Automation. National University of Singapore May 2007.
- K.Vacharanukul, S.Mekid, Differential Laser based probe for roundness measurement. EUSPEN Conference 2007, Germany.
- Khalid, S. Mekid, Analysis of Jacobian inversion in parallel kinematic systems, 35th International MATADOR Conference 2007, Taiwan.
- S.Mekid, D.Vaja, New expression for uncertainty propagation at higher order for ultra high precision in calibration. 9th EUSPEN Conference 2007, Germany.
- A.Khalid S.Mekid, Computation and Analysis of Dexterous Workspace of PKMs. Proceedings of the 3rd Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2007.
- O. O. Owodunni, S. Hinduja, S. Mekid and A. Zia, Investigation of optimum cutting conditions for STEP-NC turned features Proceedings of the 3rd Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2006.
- A.Khalid S.Mekid, Design of precision desktop machine tools for meso-machining, Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) 2006.
- A.Khalid, S.Mekid, Design & Optimization of a 3-axis Micro Milling Machine, 6PthPInt. Conf. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Baden, Austria May 2006.
- S.Mekid, A.Khalid, Robust Design with Error Optimization Analysis of a 3-axis CNC Micro Milling Machine, 5PthP CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '06, 25-28 July 2006, Ischia (Naples), Italy
- S.Mekid, Towards Better Teaching , International Conference on Engineering Education, 2006.
- S.Mekid, Challenges and Methods in Teaching New Technologies: Case of Precision Engineering. International Conference on Engineering Education, 2006.
- S.Mekid, Complementary agents for intelligent cluster sensors technology, Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) (2005), ISBN 0-080-44730-9.
- Owodunni, S.Hinduja and S.Mekid, Towards Rapid sheet Metal Forming, Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) (2005), ISBN 0-080-44730-9.
- H.S.Ryu, S.Mekid, Low Cost and Rapid Precision Measurement at Mesoscale Using Sub-Pixel Edge Detection Technique, 5PthPInt. Conf. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Montpellier, France, May 2005.
- S.Mekid , A.Gordon, P.Nicholson, Challenges and Rationale in the Design of a Miniaturised Machine Tool, International MATADOR, Conference 2004 UMIST.
- S.Mekid and B.Lim, Investigations on Effects of External Parameters and Inherent Properties on the Natural Response of Piezoelectric Actuators dedicated to Ultra Positioning. 4PthPInt. Conf. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Glasgow, UK, May, 2004.
- S. Mekid, A New Generation of state of the art Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Micro-Motors, 3rd Int. Conf. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, The Netherlands, May 2002.
- S.Mekid, Ultra High Precision Machine Development: between new Technologies and Very Tight Dynamic Specifications” Workshop on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 2000.
- S.Mekid, M.Bonis, A.Glentzlin, M.Sghedoni, High Precision Optical Delay Line for Stellar Interferometers. International Precision Engineering Seminar 8th, Compiegne, May 95, Elsevier 495-499.
- S.Mekid, Nonlinear Spring behavior for Rolling Elements: An attempt at Modeling and Comparison with Experimental Measurements. 14th International Colloquium Tribology, Jan 2004, Germany.
- S.Mekid, Influence of ViscoElastic Materials on Flexures Vibration, 2nd Annual ASME / IEEE-CPMT Workshop ‘Mechanics, Physics & Reliability of Polymeric Materials For Microelectronics & Photonics Applications", Paris, France/December 12-15, 1999.
- J.M.Leblanc, M.Sghedoni, P.Bourlon, A.Glentzlin, S.Mekid, M.Bonis, B.Lhenry, 3-Meter Delay Line for Optical Interferometry in Astronomy, ASPE Spring Topical Meeting, Tucson, Arizona. 1994
- S.Mekid and M.Bonis, Numerical Resolution of the Contact Vibration under Harmonic Loads, Contact Mechanics - Computational Techniques, Southampton, UK, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1993, pp. 61-67.
Refereed Journal Papers
- A.Khalid, S.Mekid, A.Hussain, Characteristic Analysis of Bio-inspired Pod Structure Robotic Configurations, Cognitive Computation, 6(1), (2014), pp.89-100..
- U.Baroudi, A. Al-Roubaiey, S.Mekid, A.Bouhraoua, Garba. Y., Smart bolts monitoring using wireless sensor network: Implementation and performance evaluation, International Journal of Distributed Sensors, 2014, 2014, in-press.
- S.Mekid, M.Farooqui, Z.Liu, Geometry effects on the noise reduction of Helmholtz resonators, accepted in the Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association, 42(2), (2014), pp.3-10.
- S.Mekid, Product life cycle: VAVE impact in manufacturing cost reduction, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 575, 2014, pp 910-916.
- U.Baroudi, A. Al-Roubaiey, S.Mekid, A.Bouhraoua, Delay characterization and performance evaluation of cluster-based WSN with different deployment distributions, Future Generation Computer Systems, 30, 2014, pp.100-110.
- S.Mekid, Design and Testing of a Micro-Dynamometer For Desktop Micro-Milling Machine, Advanced Materials Research, 902, 2014, pp 267-273.
- I.Gilavdary, S. Mekid, N. Riznookaya, Micro-Slippage Effects in Pre-Rolling Induced by a Disturbed and Undisturbed Pendulum with Spherical Supports, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 228(1), pp46-52, 2014.
- S.Mekid, High Speed Desktop Ultra Precision CNC Micro/Meso-Machine, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 739 (2013) pp 640-646
- S.Mekid, Micro Machining Issues: Design and Machining Process, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 739 (2013) pp 238-244
- A.Deshpande, S.Sarma, K.Youcef-Toumi, S.Mekid, Optimal coverage of an infrastructure network using sensors with distance-decaying sensing quality, Automatica 49(11), 2013, pp3351-3358.
- S.Mekid and M. Cheng, Concept of Dependent Joints in Functional Reconfigurable Robots, accepted in Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (Emerald Publisher), 2012
- I.Gilavdary, S.Mekid, N.Riznookaya, A New Theory on Pure Pre-Rolling Resistance through Pendulum Oscillations, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227(6), pp618-628, 2013.
- S. Mekid and M.Farooqui, Design of Helmholtz resonators in one and two degrees of freedom for noise attenuation in pipelines, Acoustics Australia, 40(3), pp194-202, 2012.
- S. Mekid, U.Baroudi, A.Bouhraoua, Standalone smart bolt for E-Maintenance, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(5), 2012, pp577-580.
- S.Mekid, Tension monitoring devices development for bolted joints, Journal of Recent Patents in Mechanical Engineering, 5(1), pp45-54, 2012.
- T.Ogedengbe, S.Mekid, Application of finite element analysis and Taguchi method to the design of a micro milling machine structure’ Int. J. of Design Engineering, 4(3), 2011, pp197-219.
- K.Vacharanukul and S.Mekid, In-process out-of-roundness measurement probe for turned workpieces, Measurements, 44, 2011, pp 762-766.
- T.Ogedengbe, S.Mekid, An investigation of influence of machining conditions on machining error, Int J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, Nos 3,4, 2011, pp 230-239.
- S.Mekid, A.W. Labib, M.F. Rajemi, H. Frost, Integration of Vision to Robot Motion: A Novel Approach for Kinematics Transformation Learning Using an Industrial Robot Arm, Int. J Mech. Eng. Edu, 39(3), 2011, pp.212-223.
- B.S.Yilbas, S.Mekid and C.Karatas, Laser micro-cutting of Kevlar laminate: influence of cutting speed on cut geometry, Lasers in Engineering, 20(3-4), 2010, pp231-223.
- S.Mekid, Spatial thermal mapping using thermal stereo & wireless sensors for error compensation via OAC controllers, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 224(7), 2010, p789-798.
- S.Mekid and T.Ogedengbe, A review of machine tool accuracy enhancement through error compensation in serial and parallel kinematic machines’, Int. J. Precision Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 3/4, 2010, pp.251–286.
- W.Z.Guo, F. Gao, & S.Mekid, A New Analysis of Workspace Performances and Orientation Capability for 3-DOF Planar Manipulators, Int. J of Robotics and Automation, 25 (2), 2010.
- S.Mekid, Precision Design Aspects for Friction Actuation with Error Compensation, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.23, no11, 2009, pp 2873-2884.
- S.Mekid and O.Kwon, Nervous materials: a new approach of using advanced materials for better control, reliability and safety of structures, Science of Advanced Materials, Vol.1 No.3, p276-285 (10), 2009.
- S.Mekid and Z.Zhu, Energy harvesting for wireless sensor nodes: investigation of architectures and sources of energy, Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009.
- S.Mekid, P.Pruschek and J.Hernandez, Beyond Intelligent Manufacturing: A New Generation of flexible intelligent NC Machines. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 44, Issue 2, February 2009, pp. 466-476.
- A.Khalid and S. Mekid, Computation and Analysis of Dexterous Workspace in PKMs, International Journal of Digital Manufacturing, 2008 1(1) pp10-13.
- L.Li and S.Mekid, Resin Velocity and Temperature in Screw Processing, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Volume 47, Issue 11 November 2008 , pp 1162 – 1169
- H.Albarbar, S.Mekid, R.Pietroskiewics, A.Starr, Suitability of MEMS Accelerometers for Condition Monitoring: An experimental study, Sensors 2008, 8, pp784-799.
- Starr, A, Albarbar A, Pietruszkiewicz R, Mekid S, 2007, Developments in wireless sensing for condition monitoring, Condition Monitor, Coxmoor, ISSN 0268-8050
- Lingfeng Li and S. Mekid, Simulation and Analysis of Resin in Injection Machine Screw, 2008, Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, Springer-Verlag GmbH, Volume 9, Number 3, pp. 338-345.
- S.Mekid and H.S.Ryu, Rapid Vision Based Precision Dimensional Inspection of Mesoscale Artefacts, Proc. IMechE, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.221 No.4, 2007, pp659-672.
- S.Mekid, T. Schlegel, N. Aspragathos, R.Teti, Foresight Formulation in Innovative Production, Automation and Control Systems, 2007, Foresight Journal, Vol.9, No5.
- S.Mekid and B.Lim, Design of a Mobile Indenter for use in the Nano range, Nanotechnology, Vol.18, No43, 2007.
- K.Vacharanukul, S.Mekid, New real-time non-contact probe using Gaussian convolution smooth technique for in-process inspection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 141(1), pp.20-28, 2008.
- S.Mekid and K. Vacharanukul, Differential Laser Doppler based Non-Contact Sensor for Dimensional Inspection with Error Propagation Evaluation, Sensors 2006, 6, pp. 546-556
- S.Mekid and D.Vaja, Propagation of Uncertainty: Expressions of Second and Third order Uncertainty with third and fourth moments. Measurement, 2008, Vol.41/6 pp600-609.
- S.Mekid, Further Structural Intelligence for Sensors Cluster Technology in Manufacturing, Special Issue “Intelligent Sensors”, Sensors 2006, 6, pp.557-577
- K.Vacharanukul and S.Mekid, In-process dimensional inspection sensors. Measurement, Vol 38/3 pp 204-218 (2005).
- S.Mekid, Design Strategy for Precision Engineering: Second Order Phenomena, J. Engineering Design, vol.16. no: 1, 2005. pp 63-74.
- S.Mekid and B.Lim, Characteristics Comparison of Piezoelectric Actuators at Low Electric Field: Analysis of Strain and Blocking Force. J. Smart Material & Structure 13 (2004), pp 93-98.
- S.Mekid, A Non-linear Model for Pre-Rolling Friction Contact in Ultra Precision Positioning, Journal of Engineering Tribology, Proc of ImechE , Vol.218 Part J, 2004. pp 305-311.
- S.Mekid, High Precision Linear Slide. Part_1: Design and Construction, Int. Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40(7) (2000) pp.1039-1050.
- S.Mekid ,O.Olejniczak, High Precision Linear Slide. Part_2: Control and Measurements. Int. Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40(7) (2000) pp.1051-1064.
- S.Mekid and M.Bonis, Conceptual Design and study of high precision translational stages: Application to an optical delay line, J. American Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.21 No 1, July 1997. pp. 29-35.
- S.Mekid & H. De Luna, Error Propagation in Laser Scanning for Dimensional Inspection. Int. J. of Metrology, 14(2), 2007. pp. 44-50.
- M.Boukabache and S.Mekid, Velocity regulating wheels, Journal of Technology, Vol.2, 1988.
- US Patent, No-Contact Measurements Probe, S.Mekid US 7911614 B1.
- US Patent, Telescopic Ball bar Gauge, S.Mekid US 7997001.
- US Patent, Method of conserving energy and water using an apparatus to locate leaks in subsurface pipelines, S.Mekid & A.Bouhraoua, US 8217783.
- US Patent, Portable Airbag Scale, S. Mekid, US 8330058.
- US Patent, Method of Measuring a Moment of Rolling Resistance in Pre-Rolling, S.Mekid, I.Gilavdary, Riznookaya US 8442777.
- US Patent App, Spherical Joint with Internal Brake, S.Mekid, US 8608398
- US Patent, Bolt Tension Monitoring System, U.Baroudi, S.Mekid, A. Bouhraoua, US 8596134.
- US Patent, Smart Lid for Smart Bolt and Probes, S.Mekid, A.Bouhraoua and U.Baroudi, US 8540468.
- US Patent, Bolt Tension Monitoring System, S.Mekid & A.Bouhraoua, US 8596134.
- US Patent, Multi-Axis Dynamometer, S.Mekid, Pat.Application US 8726740..
- US Patent, Fastner Tension Monitoring System, S. Mekid, U. Baroudi, US 8893557.
- US Patent, Through Metal Communication, S.Mekid US 8866648.
- US Patent, Structural Material with Embedded Sensors, S.Mekid, US 8705019.