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1.      S.M. Alamoudi, D. Boyanovky, and F. Takakura, Phys. Rev. B57, 919 (1998).


2.      S.M. Alamoudi, D. Boyanovsky, and F. Takakura, "Domain Walls Out of Equilibrium", Phys. Rev. D58, 105003 (1998). (arXiv:hep-ph/9710359)


3.      S.M. Alamoudi, D. Boyanovsky, H.J. de Vega and R. Holman, Phys. Rev. D59, 25003 (1998).


4.      S.M. Alamoudi, D. Boyanovsky, and H.J. de Vega, "Quantum kinetics and thermalization in a particle bath model", Phys. Rev. E60, 94 (1999). (arXiv:cond-mat/9812029)


5.      S.M. Alamoudi, D.G. Barci, D. Boyanovsky, C.A.A. de Carvalho, E.S. Fraga, S.E. Joras and F.I. Takakura, "Dynamical Viscosity of Nucleating Bubbles", Phys. Rev. D 60, 125003 (1999). (arXiv:hep-ph/9904390)


6.      D. Boyanovsky, S.-Y. Wang, D.-S. Lee, H.-L. Yu, and S. M. Alamoudi, “Nonequilibrium relaxation of Bose-Einstein condensates: Real-time equations of motion and Ward identities”, Annals of Physics, Vol. 300, No. 1, Aug 2002, pp. 1-31. (arXiv:cond-mat/0111375)


7.      S.M. Alamoudi, D. Boyanovsky, and S.-Y. Wang, “Nonequilibrium relaxation of superconducting condensates in the BCS theory”, Phys. Rev. B66, 184502 (2002). (arXiv:cond-mat/0204239)


8.      Usama Al Khawaja, Hocine Bahlouli, Saeed M. Alamoudi, and Abdullah Alsunaidi, “Collisional Damping and Resonance Behavior of Coupled Scissors Modes of a Bose-Einstein Condensate”. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 131, Nos. 1/2, April (2003)


9.      E. Abu-Azzah, S. Al-Amoudi, and H. Bahlouli “Charging effect on transport through a nonlinear impurity”, Physics Letters A 330 (2004), 181-191.


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