Coupled Oscillations

[SPS Shortcourse]


Please study the Reading Material in lecture 8. I also added my scribbles and some notes.

I made a mistake while solving interaction 4 during the help session; I corrected the scribbles in red in the attachment.


If there are any links that do not work, or if there any mistakes in what I have posted or explained in class, please send me an e-mail note.



Thank you for helping me close the whole course on time.



Course description:

This lecture series during the month of Rabi-I, 1433, is intended for student with a background in physics or mathematics. After a short introduction to Mathematica and a bit of linear algebra (mathematics), Lagrangian Mechanics will be introduced. Then, harmonic oscillators will be discussed, followed by 'coupled' oscillators. The General Theory of Coupled Oscillators will be given, and specific applications to the the CO2 molecule will be demonstrated. Finally, the ideas of coupled oscillations will be applied to the semi-classical treatment of Raman spectroscopy.


Syllabus: click here



For lecture-1 click here: Lect.-1

For lecture-2 click here: Lect.-2

For lecture-3 click here: Lect.-3

For lecture-4 click here: Lect.-4

For lecture-5 click here: Lect.-5

For lecture-6 click here: Lect.-6

For lecture-7 click here: Lect.-7

For lecture-8 click here: Lect.-8


The scribbles for the Help Session can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7



Homework: the homework is in this attachment.


Interaction: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


e-mail me


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last up-dated: Rabi-I, 1433